Netanyahu notes there are disagreements with US over ‘the day after Hamas’


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
In comments seemingly aimed at US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that he will not allow Israel to “repeat the mistakes of Oslo,” referring to the Oslo Accords in the 1990s widely seen in Israel as a failure.

After Biden said last night that he largely disagrees with Netanyahu although he supports Israel and its war against Hamas, the prime minister admits that there are disagreements over the vision for a post-war Gaza.

“I deeply appreciate the American support for destroying Hamas and bringing back our hostages,” Netanyahu says in a Hebrew video statement. “After intensive dialogue with President Biden and his people, we received full support for the ground operation and for curbing international pressure to end the war.”

“Yes, there is a disagreement when it comes to ‘the day after Hamas,’ and I hope we will come to an agreement here too,” Netanyahu adds. “I want to clarify my position: I will not allow Israel to repeat the mistake of Oslo.”

“It can’t be that after the enormous sacrifice of our citizens and fighters, we will let into Gaza those who teach terror, support terror, finance terror,” the prime minister adds, an apparent reference to the idea of the Palestinian Authority ruling Gaza. “Gaza will not be Hamas-stan nor Fatah-stan.”

This is why Israel needs Netanyahu and a right wing government at this time. While the US and Israel are very close allies, their interests are not always the same, and too often left-wing Israeli government have allowed US presidents to push Israel into dangerous positions that align with US interests but not with Israel's interests. The Oslo fiasco is the most glaring, of course, but two Israeli leaders have had the courage to stand up to American dictates and have been the subjects of intense left wing attacks from both the US and Israeli left, ever since.

In 2002, when Israel launched Defensive Shield to quell the second intifada, President Bush in a press conference in the Rose Garden demanded Sharon withdraw Israeli troops form Palestinian areas, Sharon replied, not until the job is done, and an astonished Bush administration had no idea how to respond, and when and when Obama demanded Israel turn over all of Judea and Samaria and Gaza to an enfeebled PA while ignoring the security threat from Hamas, Netanyahu responded with a firm, no, and when Obama sought to weaken the US position in the ME by radically changing US Iran policy to conform to Iran's demands, only Netanyahu had the courage to stand up to him, and now Netanyahu will not allow America's political interests to override Israel's security concerns by allowing a corrupt, inept and enfeebled PA to be given control over Gaza.

The Israeli people will have the opportunity to judge Netanyahu's leadership in the next election, but for now, there is no better man or woman to lead Israel than Netanyahu.
In comments seemingly aimed at US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that he will not allow Israel to “repeat the mistakes of Oslo,” referring to the Oslo Accords in the 1990s widely seen in Israel as a failure.

After Biden said last night that he largely disagrees with Netanyahu although he supports Israel and its war against Hamas, the prime minister admits that there are disagreements over the vision for a post-war Gaza.

“I deeply appreciate the American support for destroying Hamas and bringing back our hostages,” Netanyahu says in a Hebrew video statement. “After intensive dialogue with President Biden and his people, we received full support for the ground operation and for curbing international pressure to end the war.”

“Yes, there is a disagreement when it comes to ‘the day after Hamas,’ and I hope we will come to an agreement here too,” Netanyahu adds. “I want to clarify my position: I will not allow Israel to repeat the mistake of Oslo.”

“It can’t be that after the enormous sacrifice of our citizens and fighters, we will let into Gaza those who teach terror, support terror, finance terror,” the prime minister adds, an apparent reference to the idea of the Palestinian Authority ruling Gaza. “Gaza will not be Hamas-stan nor Fatah-stan.”

This is why Israel needs Netanyahu and a right wing government at this time. While the US and Israel are very close allies, their interests are not always the same, and too often left-wing Israeli government have allowed US presidents to push Israel into dangerous positions that align with US interests but not with Israel's interests. The Oslo fiasco is the most glaring, of course, but two Israeli leaders have had the courage to stand up to American dictates and have been the subjects of intense left wing attacks from both the US and Israeli left, ever since.

In 2002, when Israel launched Defensive Shield to quell the second intifada, President Bush in a press conference in the Rose Garden demanded Sharon withdraw Israeli troops form Palestinian areas, Sharon replied, not until the job is done, and an astonished Bush administration had no idea how to respond, and when and when Obama demanded Israel turn over all of Judea and Samaria and Gaza to an enfeebled PA while ignoring the security threat from Hamas, Netanyahu responded with a firm, no, and when Obama sought to weaken the US position in the ME by radically changing US Iran policy to conform to Iran's demands, only Netanyahu had the courage to stand up to him, and now Netanyahu will not allow America's political interests to override Israel's security concerns by allowing a corrupt, inept and enfeebled PA to be given control over Gaza.

The Israeli people will have the opportunity to judge Netanyahu's leadership in the next election, but for now, there is no better man or woman to lead Israel than Netanyahu.
That dumbass terrorist Netanyahu is taking the George W. Bush approach against Gaza. Turning the entire world against Israel and creating decades worth of new terrorists. And the U.S. gets to join in on the consequences.
That dumbass terrorist Netanyahu is taking the George W. Bush approach against Gaza. Turning the entire world against Israel and creating decades worth of new terrorists. And the U.S. gets to join in on the consequences.
That threat doesn't become any less stupid with repetition. For over a hundred years the so called Palestinians have been united in their ambition to destroy Jews/Israel, so the threat that this war will make them want to destroy Israel is nonsensical.
That threat doesn't become any less stupid with repetition. For over a hundred years the so called Palestinians have been united in their ambition to destroy Jews/Israel, so the threat that this war will make them want to destroy Israel is nonsensical.
The threat is that Israel's position will be severely weakened as a result of surrendering to primal bloodlust. George W. Bush's decisions and actions were gifts to America's enemies that we continue to suffer from to this day, and Israel is going down the same road.
That dumbass terrorist Netanyahu is taking the George W. Bush approach against Gaza. Turning the entire world against Israel and creating decades worth of new terrorists. And the U.S. gets to join in on the consequences.
Undoubtedly you are saddened after reading about all of the Nazis that were executed after the Nuremberg trials.
The threat is that Israel's position will be severely weakened as a result of surrendering to primal bloodlust. George W. Bush's decisions and actions were gifts to America's enemies that we continue to suffer from to this day, and Israel is going down the same road.
When Sharon refused to obey Bush's demand to withdraw for Palestinian areas until the second intifada was quelled, Israel's position in the world was severely weakened, but has since recovered and even with the reaction to the current war, is far better than it was before the second intifada; Israel will recover much faster from whatever complaints there are about this war, even from the Arab countries.

The only bloodlust evident is yours; the IDF has not only meticulously abided by International Humanitarian Law, but have gone much farther: IHL does not require Israel to allow any humanitarian aid into Gaza unless it is assured not to go to the enemy, and despite the fact that no such assurances can be made, the IDF has allowed significant aid to enter Gaza, knowing full well some of it will go to Hamas and increase the rick to Israeli soldiers.

The only thin you seem capable of expressing is your own rage and bigotry.
When Sharon refused to obey Bush's demand to withdraw for Palestinian areas until the second intifada was quelled, Israel's position in the world was severely weakened, but has since recovered and even with the reaction to the current war, is far better than it was before the second intifada; Israel will recover much faster from whatever complaints there are about this war, even from the Arab countries.

The only bloodlust evident is yours; the IDF has not only meticulously abided by International Humanitarian Law, but have gone much farther: IHL does not require Israel to allow any humanitarian aid into Gaza unless it is assured not to go to the enemy, and despite the fact that no such assurances can be made, the IDF has allowed significant aid to enter Gaza, knowing full well some of it will go to Hamas and increase the rick to Israeli soldiers.

The only thin you seem capable of expressing is your own rage and bigotry.
You sound like conservatives back when they were in full bloodlust mode in support of what you now call "stupid wars." Nobody learned anything :rolleyes:
You sound like conservatives back when they were in full bloodlust mode in support of what you now call "stupid wars." Nobody learned anything :rolleyes:
Again, the only thing you seem capable of expressing is your own rage and bigotry.
Again, the only thing you seem capable of expressing is your own rage and bigotry.
You are incapable of learning from the past. Most of the world views your stance as rage and bigotry, and just like with W. Bush, in around 10 years you'll realize what a fool you are being right now.
You are incapable of learning from the past. Most of the world views your stance as rage and bigotry, and just like with W. Bush, in around 10 years you'll realize what a fool you are being right now.
I realize what a fool you are being right now, and it is sad that you don't. There is no substance to your posts. You post only rage and bigotry. It's clear you are unable to understand what I am saying, but maybe in ten years you will. Best wishes on your journey of enlightenment.
Undoubtedly you are saddened after reading about all of the Nazis that were executed after the Nuremberg trials.
Your only problem is that almost none were.
Just another Fake Show Trial .
Your only problem is that almost none were.
Just another Fake Show Trial .

This source says 37 were sentenced to death.

You are incapable of learning from the past. Most of the world views your stance as rage and bigotry, and just like with W. Bush, in around 10 years you'll realize what a fool you are being right now.
You should have seen him in the Ukraine topics where he Trolled continually .Unwittingly -- just had no valid sources .
He is a very Gullible person and we used to find him sad and funny because his posts were so absurd ..
Only recently has he gone AWOL there , realising that his audience had shrunk just to himself as he regaled us with huge UAF advances as they took over empty and abandoned villages which the Russians had left because they had no defensive value/ advantages . etc etc
This source says 37 were sentenced to death.
Whether it was 12 or 37 , the figures are ludicrous and insulting . A complete whitewash and Fake event .

Out of interest I believe 12 were sentenced to hang but only 10 actually were hung . Fatty committed cyanide poisoning and I forget who the missing character was and what happened to him .
Turning the entire world against Israel and creating decades worth of new terrorists.
Care to enlighten us about which global nations aren't ALREADY against Israel? The idea that Israel fighting back against those who did despicable, subhuman horrors to their innocents, is somehow going to cause the 80+ % of Gazans who already support those acts, to somehow be a worse problem for Israel?

Here's a little reality bit for your day... In the neighborhood Israel's hated Jews survive in, were they to have dropped a few bombs and breifly sent in their military to capture a few of the low end operatives, then rolled out and allowed Hamas to start over, it's entirely probable that Hizballah and possibly even Iran would come calling next - and SOON. Weakness is death in the ME if you are a Jew.

You listen to too few sources of information and or need to be more well read on the history. VERY few nations support Israel. The vast majority would cheer if Iran or Pakistan slipped in a nuclear sucker punch and glassed Tel Aviv. That is the reality Israelis live in. That's also why they depend on several Dolphin-class subs with the ability to launch second strike nukes.
The threat is that Israel's position will be severely weakened as a result of surrendering to primal bloodlust. George W. Bush's decisions and actions were gifts to America's enemies that we continue to suffer from to this day, and Israel is going down the same road.
Do you reject as a lie the evidence Israel has SHOWN of the tunnel complex with outlets in homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques? Hamas created them so that useful idiots who also hate Jews for being able to breathe in Palestine, can raise hell in a complicit media and bring pressure to stop Israel.

THIS TIME they were the ones who allowed themselves to revert too totally to form and show the true inner demons they carry. Or do you not accept as real the videos taken by these murderers on that day, often streaming them live? I don't want that satanic imagery in my mind so I avoid it but the videos are out there and if a person decides to reject them without proof that they are faked then that person has simply made a choice to blindly follow Hamas for reasons of their own.

Iran ordered this and Hamas' leaders from Qatar handed the order down. The Hamas on the ground in Gaza are being slaughtered, in detail. Many are beginning to surrender because they realize they've literally chosen a dead-end. It will be interesting to see what insights the IDF gains. You won't have to be bothered with denying their veracity. The proof of it will come when we read of more top leaders dying.
With China and Russia on the rise and America in decline, Netanyhu likely realized that the opportunity to build a greater Israel was now or never.

All appearances are indicating that he didn't act soon enough.

He obviously wouldn't be putting any stock in having the god come to the rescue of the chosen few malarkey.

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