"Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border"

Sorry, I'm not dodging it. You're just trying set set me up for some prepared and rehearsed speech you have waiting in the wings to unleash.
It's a legitimate question. Why, after 3 years of Cackles being in charge of border security, do we have a crisis? What has she been doing, wrong and right, that they need Republicans to bail them out NOW?
It's a legitimate question. Why, after 3 years of Cackles being in charge of border security, do we have a crisis? What has she been doing, wrong and right, that they need Republicans to bail them out NOW?
You've been bitching about a border crisis for longer than 3 years.
You've been bitching about a border crisis for longer than 3 years.
What does that have to do with Cackles being in charge and only NOW announcing a crisis? Where has she been and what has she been doing? This is all on Quid Pro Joe.
Democrats do nothing for 3+ years on the border crisis .. including the invasion by illegals, funding and response from sanctuary cities that directly impacts local communities and constituents ... and it's all of a sudden a republican issue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes .. please run with this message democrats.

Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes

Trump can seal the border in under 5 minutes when he's re-re-elected without any new laws
Democrats do nothing for 3+ years on the border crisis .. including the invasion by illegals, funding and response from sanctuary cities that directly impacts local communities and constituents ... and it's all of a sudden a republican issue? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes .. please run with this message democrats.

They suborned the Invasion! They should be the first ones deported
Republicans are not in charge of our policies being executed on the southern border. The current situation is all on the Biden administration and his willing Democrat accomplices.

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