Netanyahu vows retaliation after Palestinian treaty move


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Hopefully this is an end to the shame that is called "Peace talks"

JERUSALEM, April 6 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised retaliatory measures on Sunday after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made unilateral moves towards statehood.

Netanyahu did not immediately specify the action he would take and said Israel remained willing to press on with U.S.-brokered peace talks, but not "at any price".

"They will achieve a state only through direct negotiations and not through empty proclamations or unilateral moves, which will only push a peace accord farther away," Netanyahu told his cabinet at its weekly meeting.

On Tuesday, Abbas signed 15 international treaties, including the Geneva Conventions on the conduct of war and occupations, a defiant assertion of statehood that surprised Washington as it was pushing both sides to continue negotiations beyond an April 29 deadline.

Palestinians said the step was a response to Israel's failure to fulfil its pledge to free some two dozen Palestinian prisoners. Israel said it first wanted a Palestinian commitment to keep talks going beyond the end of the month.

"Unilateral steps on their part will be answered with unilateral steps on our side. We are willing to continue negotiations, but we will not do so at any price," Netanyahu said
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Neither do I. In fact, I don't see any kind if solution as of right now
They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.
I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.

Nope i believe Israel will do just fine as a Jewish state. Let the arabs have the rest of the mideast..what's the problem?
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

No they are pushing for an all out war on Israel that will bring about a one state solution. The problem is the Palestinians have just tied their hands and made it impossible to carry on attacking Israel. They cant declare on non existent borders so will still need to talk about those with Israel. The UN will force the issue and enforce the 15 conventions the Palestinians have signed. So Abbas has signed his own death warrant.

Any attack on Israel will now be seen as a declaration of war by the UN who will come down hard on the Palestinians and could impose sanctions harsher than any the Israelis have imposed.
I'm surprised. The Palestinians are actively pushing for a two-state solution. I guess they want to make sure that it is clear that they were not the ones that made a two-state solution impossible.

They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

It is dead in the water until they negotiate along the lines of 242, if they don't then they will be a nation under occupation till the sun goes cold.
They are pushing for the destruction of Israel 67' lines and right of "return" the talks are a sham.

I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Neither do I. In fact, I don't see any kind if solution as of right now

I do as I see Abbas declaring at the UN and having it refused until he negotiates borders and peace with Israel. He then has two options give in to UN demands and face assassination by his own people, or declare war on Israel and face the deaths of many of his people.
I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.

It wont be a single state and they have managed this since 1967. The only losers are the Palestinian people who will suffer while their leaders live in up in safety. The status quo will prevail and Palestine will have missed a chance to miss a chance once again
Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.

It wont be a single state and they have managed this since 1967. The only losers are the Palestinian people who will suffer while their leaders live in up in safety. The status quo will prevail and Palestine will have missed a chance to miss a chance once again

Well, if that's the case, then Israel will be fine. No need to get upset if others have a different outlook.
I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.

"....a majority (a growing one) within its area...."

1. The Jewish birth rate was rising steadily, and the Arab birthrate was falling. ...the fertility rate of Jews and Arabs had nearly converged by 2009, to 0.7 births per woman from six more per Arab woman.

a. Most remarkable is that today's "secular" Israeli women show a rate of 2.6, far and away the highest in the industrial world. Their own mothers had a rate of 2.1!

b. Between 1994 and 2009, Arab births in Israel remained steady at 39,000, while Jewish births rose from 80,000 to 120,000. The ultra-religious Jews (8% of the population) have a fertility rate of 8.5, which brings Israeli fertility to 2.9 per woman.

c. At this rate, Israel will have a larger population than Poland by 2085.
“How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman
Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.

"....a majority (a growing one) within its area...."

1. The Jewish birth rate was rising steadily, and the Arab birthrate was falling. ...the fertility rate of Jews and Arabs had nearly converged by 2009, to 0.7 births per woman from six more per Arab woman.

a. Most remarkable is that today's "secular" Israeli women show a rate of 2.6, far and away the highest in the industrial world. Their own mothers had a rate of 2.1!

b. Between 1994 and 2009, Arab births in Israel remained steady at 39,000, while Jewish births rose from 80,000 to 120,000. The ultra-religious Jews (8% of the population) have a fertility rate of 8.5, which brings Israeli fertility to 2.9 per woman.

c. At this rate, Israel will have a larger population than Poland by 2085.
“How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman

If everything is going so well demographically, what's all the fuss about. But let's look at reality, that is official statistics. Note: Unlike you I provide a link, to an Israeli site, no less.

"Israel is facing a serious demographic challenge that threatens its future as both a democratic and a Jewish state. There are moral, political, and strategic dangers in preserving the territorial status quo. As leading Israeli demographer Sergio DellaPergola has noted, “Israel cannot remain a majority Jewish, democratic state, by indefinitely controlling the Palestinian territories.” Only a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict can prevent this existential danger from becoming a reality."

"According to official statistics released by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics in April 2012, Jews now constitute a minority of the people living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, accounting for 5.9 million of the total 12 million people living under Israeli rule. “From now on, it is an official statistic.”

Within the state of Israel in 2011 the combined growth rate of Jews, non-Arab Christians, and those not classified by religion was 1.7 percent. The growth rate of Arabs was 2.4 percent. By religion, the annual growth rate of Israeli Jews was 1.8 percent and of Israeli Muslims it was 2.5 percent. (Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, “Statistical Abstract of Israel 2012,” No. 63 Subject 2, State of Israel, 92.) Click here to see the report.
Another source similarly finds that, in 2011, the Palestinian population growth rate was 2.5 percent and the population growth rate of Israel was 1.9 percent. (Source: Population Reference Bureau, “Palestinian Territory,” Population Reference Bureau.) Click here to see the report. "

Israel's Demographic Challenge
I would think that outside of the crazy right-wingers like Netanyahu, most Jewish Israelis would be pleased that at least the Palestinian leadership believes a two-state solution is possible. I frankly, feel it is not, btw.

Most Israeli's aren't that naive.

Oh, so the clever Jews believe that they will be able to subjugate/control a majority (a growing one) within its area of control for the long term in a single state? Good luck with that.
What's to believe? The Israelis know what they're doing.
I am beginning to believe that a Greater Israel is the only solution to the Israelis' survival in the Near East. That would be ethnic cleansing, closed borders, Jerusalem only for Jews, etc.
I would not be opposed to an Ezra style decree. No one was killed. They were deported. It was peacefully done. I do not believe that is how it will end though, Jake. I have been thinking alot about the 4 Blood moons on Jewish holy days coming up 2 in 2014 and 2 in 2015. I believe we are on the verge of something unprecedented happening in the middle east. I do not know what that is but my suspicion is that it could be the prophecy from the book of Obadiah in the bible. If that were the case, the separation of Israel would be done by God during that conflict. He's not random in His dealings with mankind. He knows who is who. It would be the end of the modern day House of Esau because the prophecy says the entire house is consumed like stubble. ( by the House of Joseph and the House of Jacob )

If Israel doesn't have any more neighbors she will take her wall down. If she takes her wall down then the stage is set for Ezekiel 37 & 38 where Gog ( Leader of Russia ) leads his own people and the Islamic nations against Israel - they march against an "unwalled village" that is at peace... no bars on windows or gates - this could only happen after Obadiahs prophecy is fulfilled.. which we could be looking at that next.
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