Netanyahu's 'Insane Corrupt Government Has Hurt Israel's Military Preparedness'

NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman on Sunday pointed the finger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for stacking his government with right-wing ideologues that he said were harming the country's military preparedness.

"If I go the to write indictment number one, it would go to Israel's Justice Minister Yariv Levin," he said. "He is the man who drove this insane, corrupt, dishonest effort to basically take over the power of the Supreme Court under the name of judiciary review and, when he did, with Netanyahu's help, he fractured Israel. He fractured Israeli society. He fractured the Israeli ministry, the military. He fractured the Israeli air force.. last week I quoted an Israeli former defense department official as saying, our preparation has been harmed by this whole facture of our society."

Hey Israel. You need to kick Netanyahu, Yariv Levin, and the entire right wing clown show that is Likud to the curb, before they end up doing to you, what Republicans have done to America.
I dont see military preparedness as the issue but rather intelligence gathering and interpretation as not being up to usual Israeli standards
NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman on Sunday pointed the finger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for stacking his government with right-wing ideologues that he said were harming the country's military preparedness.

"If I go the to write indictment number one, it would go to Israel's Justice Minister Yariv Levin," he said. "He is the man who drove this insane, corrupt, dishonest effort to basically take over the power of the Supreme Court under the name of judiciary review and, when he did, with Netanyahu's help, he fractured Israel. He fractured Israeli society. He fractured the Israeli ministry, the military. He fractured the Israeli air force.. last week I quoted an Israeli former defense department official as saying, our preparation has been harmed by this whole facture of our society."

Hey Israel. You need to kick Netanyahu, Yariv Levin, and the entire right wing clown show that is Likud to the curb, before they end up doing to you, what Republicans have done to America.
Thomas Friedman.

Enough said.
A bit of perspective.

Israel has a population of approximately 8M. The USA 320M.

700 deaths is proportional to 28,0000 deaths in the USA.

Just in case, 700 deaths was not enough for you leftists.
None of you guys seem to have been concerned about all the Palestinian deaths over the years.
If you think the status quo is a good way of life you must be fucking mental.
Fuck him! He's a modern day Hitler!

Biden says the US ‘stands with Israel’​

None of you guys seem to have been concerned about all the Palestinian deaths over the years.
If you think the status quo is a good way of life you must be fucking mental.

Biden says the US ‘stands with Israel’​



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And you would be wrong. It is Netanyahu's corrupt government, along with that clown Levin, that disrupted the entire intelligence apparatus with the US.

Isn't it funny how Egypt, or Jordan didn't see it coming either?

The entire Levin, led around by the nose shclumiels, that is the Netanyahu government, have to go.

And that's from Israeli government, military leaders, and a majority of the population.

Biden says the US ‘stands with Israel’​

NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman on Sunday pointed the finger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for stacking his government with right-wing ideologues that he said were harming the country's military preparedness.

"If I go the to write indictment number one, it would go to Israel's Justice Minister Yariv Levin," he said. "He is the man who drove this insane, corrupt, dishonest effort to basically take over the power of the Supreme Court under the name of judiciary review and, when he did, with Netanyahu's help, he fractured Israel. He fractured Israeli society. He fractured the Israeli ministry, the military. He fractured the Israeli air force.. last week I quoted an Israeli former defense department official as saying, our preparation has been harmed by this whole facture of our society."

Hey Israel. You need to kick Netanyahu, Yariv Levin, and the entire right wing clown show that is Likud to the curb, before they end up doing to you, what Republicans have done to America.
Put in Biden's name in place of Bibi's and you might have something.
None of you guys seem to have been concerned about all the Palestinian deaths over the years.
If you think the status quo is a good way of life you must be fucking mental.
How about the rapes of the young girls in the UK. over the years? I do not see any concern on your part.

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