Neural Lace--the cyborging of the human brain


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
This is what the future holds:

Elon Musk Has Created “Threads” to Weave a Computer Into Your Brain

"Elon Musk on Tuesday presented what he hailed as a “big” step forward in brain-machine interface technology, unveiling work by his Neuralink company that he said could address neurological disorders—and eventually be used to “achieve a kind of symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” “There’s an incredible amount we can do to solve brain disorders, damage, and this will occur quite slowly,” Musk said in a presentation Tuesday evening. “This will be a slow process where we’ll gradually increase the issues that we solve until ultimately we can do a full brain-machine interface.”

The “neural lace” Musk unveiled is a small device with thousands of electrodes connected by thin threads, which he said had been tested on a primate that was able to control a computer with its brain. “The technology described by Neuralink is exciting because it is significantly less invasive than prior work in this field,” Krittika D’Silva, an AI expert at NASA who attended the presentation, told the BBC. “The plans they describe will require many years of work to deal with technical and ethical challenges, but the technology could be a big step in working to alleviate certain serious medical conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s.” (As Musk put it, “It’s not like suddenly Neuralink will have this neural lace and take over people’s brain.”)

“If you’re trying to walk yourself toward human prosthetics, this is a more promising direction,” Tim Harris, a senior fellow at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a developer of research-grade neural interfaces, added to the Wall Street Journal."
This is what the future holds:

Elon Musk Has Created “Threads” to Weave a Computer Into Your Brain

"Elon Musk on Tuesday presented what he hailed as a “big” step forward in brain-machine interface technology, unveiling work by his Neuralink company that he said could address neurological disorders—and eventually be used to “achieve a kind of symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” “There’s an incredible amount we can do to solve brain disorders, damage, and this will occur quite slowly,” Musk said in a presentation Tuesday evening. “This will be a slow process where we’ll gradually increase the issues that we solve until ultimately we can do a full brain-machine interface.”

The “neural lace” Musk unveiled is a small device with thousands of electrodes connected by thin threads, which he said had been tested on a primate that was able to control a computer with its brain. “The technology described by Neuralink is exciting because it is significantly less invasive than prior work in this field,” Krittika D’Silva, an AI expert at NASA who attended the presentation, told the BBC. “The plans they describe will require many years of work to deal with technical and ethical challenges, but the technology could be a big step in working to alleviate certain serious medical conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s.” (As Musk put it, “It’s not like suddenly Neuralink will have this neural lace and take over people’s brain.”)

“If you’re trying to walk yourself toward human prosthetics, this is a more promising direction,” Tim Harris, a senior fellow at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a developer of research-grade neural interfaces, added to the Wall Street Journal."

Interestingly enough, if you have HBO, watch the series "Years and Years". One of the story lines is the daughter of a couple wants to do that, and it also shows some of the bad things, as well as some of the good things they are planning on doing with it.

Matter of fact, on the most recent episode, she got her brain wired to be connected to the 'net and other tech.
Hmmmmm I don't know about that. I guess I've seen too many sci fi movies about minds being taken over by implanted devices.
I doubt my work insurance covers it unless I can show how it would make us more productive :rolleyes:.
but is it raising the bar as to when a person is clinically dead or are they like robots or cyborgs.
Hmmmmm I don't know about that. I guess I've seen too many sci fi movies about minds being taken over by implanted devices.
The Netflix series Altered Carbon takes a real dark look at the technology. Where life becomes cheap and depraved to the elite who can afford to download their consciousness into a new body.
Where you could torture a person to the moment of death repeatedly in a matrix like environment without affecting the body.
We've been hearing about this since at least 1972 ... probably earlier.

Hmmmmm I don't know about that. I guess I've seen too many sci fi movies about minds being taken over by implanted devices.

There once was a creepy little episode of The Outer Limits called "Stream of Consciousness", and it was about a guy who was unable to receive tech like that because of a brain injury. Well, the net became sentient and started to burn out all the implant devices, killing the people with them.

Kind of a cool little episode. Especially when the tables turn for the dude who couldn't get the implant. At first, they thought he was useless, because he did everything the hard way (reading and actually learning). But then, towards the end, some of that hard work is what pays off the most for him.

Stream of Consciousness (The Outer Limits) - Wikipedia
It's interesting that most people's thought seem to turn to the dark side. We're also talking about a cure for Parkinson's, epilepsy and possibly sight for the blind....the instant access to information..and the possibility of immortality itself. We actually could construct our own Heaven....or Hell.

Of course, being human..the virtual Porn possibilities are what will make us turn the corner.
It's interesting that most people's thought seem to turn to the dark side. We're also talking about a cure for Parkinson's, epilepsy and possibly sight for the blind....the instant access to information..and the possibility of immortality itself. We actually could construct our own Heaven....or Hell.

Of course, being human..the virtual Porn possibilities are what will make us turn the corner.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the tech used for home entertainment like VCR's, and DVD's, got a large part of their start in the porn industry.

Matter of fact, porn has been around since film was invented.

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