Nevada’s 14.4 Percent Unemployment Tops Nation; Has More Than Tripled from 4.4 Percen


It started well before 2007 my friend, and both parties are responsible. You Partisans on both sides who are trying to blame only one side, are the fools.

Do you want me to repeat the assignment?


Tell us what the Democratic Congress did in 2007 and 2008, with Bush president, that caused Nevada's unemployment rate to rise.

Be specific

The entire country's unemployment rate rose. Nevada was worse off than most.

The unemployment really did not kick in until 2009.

You're in lala land.


When Obama took office the unemployment rate was 8.5%, up from 4.5% when the recession began. Bush added 4 points, and an additional 1 point was added since Obama took office.

Two of the biggest business in Nevada is whoring and gambling. When people don't have the money to spend on whores and gambling, of course revenues will be down.

Good luck on explaining simple math and economics to wingnut partisans.
For me, this will be a telling election. Either NV will go with Reid and entitlements as a way out of the current pain, or they will toss him aside and reach for hope of a better tomorrow with a new leader.

Aside from contracting out prison management to Scientologists, what exactly is her plan?

You don't need a plan, just be hopey and changey. Don't be Reid!
Interestingly, Nevada's Republican governor places some of the blame on the federal government not SPENDING enough on Nevada:

Despite the promise of economic recovery through the federal stimulus package, Washington has failed to help Nevada. Nevada ranks near the bottom of per capita federal spending, and we rank dead last in per capita stimulus funds. Although there is a perception that Nevada has clout with this Administration, Washington has turned a deaf ear to our problems.

Someone should remind him that his GOP pals in Congress didn't want him to get ANY stimulus.

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Neither Bush nor Obama are (mainly) responsible for the high level of unemployment.
For me, this will be a telling election. Either NV will go with Reid and entitlements as a way out of the current pain, or they will toss him aside and reach for hope of a better tomorrow with a new leader.

Aside from contracting out prison management to Scientologists, what exactly is her plan?

You don't need a plan, just be hopey and changey. Don't be Reid!

The plan is there, in place, and has demonstrated not only stopping the downward spiral, but an actual recovery. The gamblers and the whores will be rebuilding Nevada's business soon enough.
What part of unemployment is steady at 9.6% for the last three months is giving you the most trouble?

That doesn't even take into account that people are falling off the radar with no jobs still.

Please, please keep telling yourself the lies for 24 days.
Tell us what the Democratic Congress did in 2007 and 2008, with Bush president, that caused Nevada's unemployment rate to rise.

Be specific.


It started well before 2007 my friend, and both parties are responsible. You Partisans on both sides who are trying to blame only one side, are the fools.

But it was not conservative governance...

I agree. It was a lack of conservative governance that lead to the problems.

That does not change the fact that Republican Partisans are just as foolish as Dem Partisans. Because the Republican party has not been conservative on the issues that matter in a long time.

Oh they play lip service to it, but then they get in power and spend like Liberals, and expand the Federal government like Liberals.

Sure they are paying lip service to Conservative Ideas now, but that is only because they think it is what we want to hear.

I am not holding my breath on them actually following through.
What part of unemployment is steady at 9.6% for the last three months is giving you the most trouble?

That doesn't even take into account that people are falling off the radar with no jobs still.

Please, please keep telling yourself the lies for 24 days.

What part of job growth has you confused? What part of the fact that those who were once no longer looking for work, as it was futile, are reentering the actively looking for work category? What part of Obama's programs, that has been shown to have turned the corner on job loss, since the day he was elected, are you having trouble understanding?

It started well before 2007 my friend, and both parties are responsible. You Partisans on both sides who are trying to blame only one side, are the fools.

But it was not conservative governance...

I agree. It was a lack of conservative governance that lead to the problems.

That does not change the fact that Republican Partisans are just as foolish as Dem Partisans. Because the Republican party has not been conservative on the issues that matter in a long time.

Oh they play lip service to it, but then they get in power and spend like Liberals, and expand the Federal government like Liberals.

Sure they are paying lip service to Conservative Ideas now, but that is only because they think it is what we want to hear.

I am not holding my breath on them actually following through.

Do you think the tea baggers will get us out of this fix?
What part of unemployment is steady at 9.6% for the last three months is giving you the most trouble?

That doesn't even take into account that people are falling off the radar with no jobs still.

Please, please keep telling yourself the lies for 24 days.

What part of job growth has you confused? What part of the fact that those who were once no longer looking for work, as it was futile, are reentering the actively looking for work category? What part of Obama's programs, that has been shown to have turned the corner on job loss, since the day he was elected, are you having trouble understanding?

That's it! Way to go! Yep, we are all happy with the jobs situation. No problems. 24 days. :lol:
What part of unemployment is steady at 9.6% for the last three months is giving you the most trouble?

That doesn't even take into account that people are falling off the radar with no jobs still.

Please, please keep telling yourself the lies for 24 days.

What part of job growth has you confused? What part of the fact that those who were once no longer looking for work, as it was futile, are reentering the actively looking for work category? What part of Obama's programs, that has been shown to have turned the corner on job loss, since the day he was elected, are you having trouble understanding?

That's it! Way to go! Yep, we are all happy with the jobs situation. No problems. 24 days. :lol:

No doubt you'll clean our clocks in 24 days. Not as bad as your pundits claim, but it'll hurt. Americans have a short memory, and are worse than Steinbrenner in firing coaches for not making it to the series. That's just the way it works. If McCain/Palin had won, the Dems would have gained an insurmountable majority, but the desire for good governance overcame the schadenfreude desire to let the GOP fix things.

Whatever. I guess the blaming the miserable failure on Obama is all you have, and I agree that it'll work. In two years however, don't expect a '96 congressional entrenchment of those phony "term limit" liarheads.
I don't see how anyone in Nevada could rush out there to vote for Harry Reid. That just makes no sense at all. Angle should win. That should be the logical outcome in that election. But with corrupt "Community Organizers" out there,anything could happen i guess. We'll see on Election Day.

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