Never forget that Twitter 1.0 CENSORED this video of Donald Trump on J6!!!

You said we are Zombies out of our minds. I wanna know what the heck you are gonna do about Zombies who are out of their minds. I predict not a whole lot.
All I can do is call out you retarded Marxist assholes.

The House January 6 committee’s final prime-time hearing Thursday is all about 187 minutes.

That’s the period of a little more than three hours as the riot unfolded in the US Capitol that the House select committee has argued then-President Donald Trump was derelict in his duties. The committee says it plans to show, minute-by-minute, how Trump failed to make any effort to tell the rioters to leave the Capitol or to try to help lawmakers – and then-Vice President Mike Pence – as they were forced to flee the House and Senate chambers.
This is what the left and RINO's don't want you to see. Trump is not inciting an insurrection. Jack Smith will fail here. The media will fail too for pushing propaganda.

Kills the Democrats' 'Trump J6' Conspiracy Theory

It was taken down by Twitter that day. That's censorship!
Other videos that twitter felt was continued incitement by Trump were taken down, true, but not that one. All the rioters got to see it.... and followed his orders on his tweet, they retreated.

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