Neville Pence Announces Full Appeasement To Turkey

Turkey gets to keep and occupy all the territory it seized from the Kurds. So now - Kurds must leave or die.
The Kurds never had any territory. That's why they are fighting. They want land from Syria, Iraq and Turkey. The Kurds are told no. They need to go sit in the corner. Or die. There's always that.
My, my, my, look how quickly you liberals have become hawks. It's just amazing. You guys fell all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama when he pulled out of Iraq without leaving behind a residual force. Remember his infamous comment that we didn't need to worry so much about ISIS because they were "the JV squad"? Remember that? Yeah, then what happened? ISIS proceeded to take over an area of land about the size of Indiana.

The above asshole, "forgets" that it was GWB....a staunch republican who signed the agreement to WITHDRAW from Iraq, way before Obama entered the oval office.

Further, did any of you nitwits notice where the ISIS caliphate formed in area.....Was it mostly in Iraq ....or was it mostly in Syria.?????

Go on, Trump ass kissers, look at a map instead of Trump's ass.
My, my, my, look how quickly you liberals have become hawks. It's just amazing. You guys fell all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama when he pulled out of Iraq without leaving behind a residual force. Remember his infamous comment that we didn't need to worry so much about ISIS because they were "the JV squad"? Remember that? Yeah, then what happened? ISIS proceeded to take over an area of land about the size of Indiana.

The above asshole, "forgets" that it was GWB....a staunch republican who signed the agreement to WITHDRAW from Iraq, way before Obama entered the oval office.

Further, did any of you nitwits notice where the ISIS caliphate formed in area.....Was it mostly in Iraq ....or was it mostly in Syria.?????

Go on, Trump ass kissers, look at a map instead of Trump's ass.
Send your kids to the Middle East now.
Neville Chamberlain gave Hitler Czechoslovakia. WTF did Trump give Erdogan? Some sand? Nothing?
Erdogan got hit with sanctions. The Kurds got security, but need to move out of the buffer zone. ISIS had thousands killed by the Turks.
Pence and Pompeo did a fantastic job...if the ceasefire holds....

Neville Chamberlain also declared war on Germany. Something America never did...
Hilarious watching you hawks push for war with Turkey

Um, nobody on the left is pushing for a war with Turkey. The exact opposite in fact. More a peacekeeping role, which is what you were doing until the bloviated windbag in the Oval Office stuck his orange face in..
Hilarious watching you hawks push for war with Turkey

Um, nobody on the left is pushing for a war with Turkey. The exact opposite in fact. More a peacekeeping role, which is what you were doing until the bloviated windbag in the Oval Office stuck his orange face in..
Oh, just put our troops in harms way as human shields and when Turkey kills them all just say oh well?

There’s a reason you’ll never gain power in America again.
Oh, just put our troops in harms way as human shields and when Turkey kills them all just say oh well?

There’s a reason you’ll never gain power in America again.

Because that's what was going to happen <rolls eyes>

I have no desire to gain any power in the all..
Neville Chamberlain gave Hitler Czechoslovakia. WTF did Trump give Erdogan? Some sand? Nothing?
Erdogan got hit with sanctions. The Kurds got security, but need to move out of the buffer zone. ISIS had thousands killed by the Turks.
Pence and Pompeo did a fantastic job...if the ceasefire holds....
He gave them someone else's home.
When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire? There are multiple answers to that questions.

When only Mike Pence and Trump say it is a ceasefire. US Vice President Mike Pence announced in Turkey today that he and Turkish President Erdogan agreed to a ceasefire halting Turkey's incursion into northern Syria.

When Pence said Turkey "will pause Operation Peace Spring in order to allow for the withdrawal of (Kurdish) YPG forces from the safe zone for 120 hours." In other words, five days to allow the Kurds to leave their land, exactly what Erdogan wanted when he began killing Kurds and occupying their territory after Trump allowed him to do so.

When Trump's comments are laughable. Understand, on Oct. 5th, he opened the door for Turkey to slaughter the Kurds, America's ally, and remove them from the safe zone. "Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria,” the White House said in a statement late on Oct. 5. “The United States Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and United States forces will no longer be in the immediate area."

"When those guns start shooting, they tend to do things, but I will tell you, on behalf of the United States I want to thank Turkey, I want to thank all of the people that have gotten together and made this happen," Trump said. "I want to thank everybody. And the other thing I want to thank as a group, I want to thank the Kurds, because they were incredibly happy with this solution. This is a solution that really -- well it saved their lives, frankly. It saved their lives," Trump said. Was Trump joking?

The "unilateral invasion" of northern Syria has resulted in widespread casualties and destruction, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has said. "Due to Turkey's irresponsible actions, the risk to US forces in northeast Syria has reached an unacceptable level," Esper added.

"But I will tell you, on behalf of the United States I want to thank Turkey," Trump said. I have no words.

When one party to the negotiations says it is not a ceasefire. The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a televised press conference Thursday that the agreement "is not a ceasefire."

"We will pause the operation for 120 hours in order for the terrorists to leave," Cavusoglu said, referring to the Kurds. "We will only stop the operation if our conditions are met."

When it is a surrender, not a ceasefire. US Special Envoy for Syria James Jeffrey, who participated in the talks in Ankara, told reporters, "The Turkish army has seized a great deal of territory in a very short period of time." Pence said the Turks were allowing the Kurds to flee their land. He and Cavusoglu seem to agree on that point. With Trump's help, sounds like a win/win for the Turks.

By the way, the deal gives Turkey relief from sanctions the administration had imposed.

The deal appears to secure Turkey most of its military objectives, forcing America's one-time allies in the fight against ISIS to cede a vast swath of territory. The deal meant the US was "validating what Turkey did and allowing them to annex a portion of Syria and displace the Kurdish population."

Only the Trump administration would call it a ceasefire when an American ally is forced to flee its own land and is given five days to do so.
Turkey gets to keep and occupy all the territory it seized from the Kurds. So now - Kurds must leave or die.
The way you guys speak of the native americans being screwed, the brown people being screwed, the black people being screwed, demonizing individuals like Columbus and everything else, we pull some troops out of a sovereign nation and you become vampires of war and total destruction of everything in our way. Sherman's march to the sea is to easy going for you.
During a live press conference in Turkey on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced a "deal" with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give Turkey ... everything it wanted.
With great pride and voluminous sucking-up, Pence announced a 120-hour "cease-fire" agreement with Turkey, during which time the United States will "assist" Turkey’s Kurdish targets in fleeing the region Turkey is attacking.

Pence announces full U.S. capitulation to Turkey; Kurdish forces are given 120 hours to flee area

The word you're looking for is appeasement. I shall now refer to him as Neville.
How will Trump ever win now that he’s not going to start a war with Turkey and instead bring our troops home? OH NOEZ!
Not bringing them home, sending them to Saudi Arabia.
Trump cult members "forget" that Turkey is part of NATO......If Turkey harmed ANY NATO troops, they'd be in serious trouble with the remainder of NATO countries......But most trumpist morons don't even know that we're part of NATO...
Trump cult members "forget" that Turkey is part of NATO......If Turkey harmed ANY NATO troops, they'd be in serious trouble with the remainder of NATO countries......But most trumpist morons don't even know that we're part of NATO...

It’s you leftwing morons that seem to forget that Turkey is in NATO. All leftwingers are claiming we “abandoned” the Kurds, as if we are not going to take the NATO member’s side. These separatists have been attacking Turkey. Like them or not ( I don’t, I’ve been saying we need to kick them out of NATO for years now), we are bound by treaty to defend Turkey from any hostile attacks.
During a live press conference in Turkey on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced a "deal" with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give Turkey ... everything it wanted.
With great pride and voluminous sucking-up, Pence announced a 120-hour "cease-fire" agreement with Turkey, during which time the United States will "assist" Turkey’s Kurdish targets in fleeing the region Turkey is attacking.

Pence announces full U.S. capitulation to Turkey; Kurdish forces are given 120 hours to flee area

The word you're looking for is appeasement. I shall now refer to him as Neville.
If you want to die for the right of Kurds to carry arms within 20 miles of the Turkish border, why go right ahead. Get your rifle and a plane ticket and head on out. If you want your sons or daughters to put their lives on the line for that, send them.

Truth Is Now A "Kremlin Talking Point"

These are not conspiracy theories. These are not even secrets. These are facts. But because they are inconvenient facts, they get labeled “Kremlin talking points” by those whose job it is to defend the status quo.


Democrats and Anti-Trumpers have lost their minds and so have a number of establishment Republicans.

If only LBJ would have had the same level of reflective honesty in regards to his inherited war. If only he had honestly asked himself as he signed the death letters to parents: "Was their death REALLY in the national interest, and if it was, was the sacrifice of their LIFE, really the only means of accomplishing that interest?

How many tens of thousands of Americans would have lived rather than died had LBJ done what Trump just did, and Trump even managed to get a ceasefire in place in 72 hours.

Are you sad that you didn't get your blood bath?

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