Neville Pence Announces Full Appeasement To Turkey

How many tens of thousands of Americans would have lived rather than died had LBJ done what Trump just did, and Trump even managed to get a ceasefire in place in 72 hours.

Washington had been in touch with the actual combatants on the ground, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), but appears to have sold them a completely different deal.

The SDF commander, Mazloum Kobani, said he had agreed with the Americans that there would be a ceasefire in two areas about 100km apart, along the border where there was heavy fighting, Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abyad.

“As far as he is concerned the ceasefire is only where there’s active fighting and he totally rejects the idea of any kind of withdrawal, any removal of heavy weapons,” said Charles Lister, a Syria expert at the Middle East Institute. “So everyone seems to be talking a different language, which can only spell more trouble.”

Trump's Turkey deal hands power to Ankara and leaves Syrian Kurds for dead
They have 5 days to either move back 20 miles from the border or fight the Turkish army. So, they can get safely away or fight. Their choice.

Trump's deal doesn't "hand" power to Ankara, Ankara has the second largest standing army in NATO, 640,000 strong, after the US. They have the 15th ranked military in the World. They already have the power to clear the area 20 miles from their border. You want Trump to keep 50 guys in their way as a tripwire? And a tripwire to what? A US/Turkey war? Has Congress AUTHORIZED a US/Turkey conflict? Are you going to fight the Turks? Are you going to send your sons or daughters? Or are you going to lay in your bed in your underwear preening about how noble minded you are at the cost of the blood, lives and limbs of others?

And it doesn't "leave Syrian Kurds for dead," it leaves them with 5 days to clear the area within 20 miles of the Syrian border.

You are correct in a way- Trump's previous 'deal' - to pull troops out of the way without any agreement with Turkey left Syrian Kurds for dead.
Turkey would not have attacked while American troops were there. Turkey just scared Trump into pulling our troops out.

Meanwhile- Trump has put 3,000 American troops in Saudi Arabia. You going to send your sons or daughters to protect the Saudi king?Or are you going to lay in your bed in your underwear preening about how noble minded you are at the cost of the blood, lives and limbs of others?
Has Congress authorized a US/Iran conflict?
Democrats want war with Turkey to help the Kurds? Really? You know they are terrorists dont you?

Those "terrorists" as you call them were fighting alongside our troops while we were fighting ISIL. And, they had thousands of their fighters killed, bearing most of the brunt of the war.
They are still terrorists and have been attacking Turkey for 40 years. These are long time communists who, for this one time, had interests that coincided with ours. It doesn't mean we are going to lay down lives for an independent Kurdistan.
How many tens of thousands of Americans would have lived rather than died had LBJ done what Trump just did, and Trump even managed to get a ceasefire in place in 72 hours.

Washington had been in touch with the actual combatants on the ground, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), but appears to have sold them a completely different deal.

The SDF commander, Mazloum Kobani, said he had agreed with the Americans that there would be a ceasefire in two areas about 100km apart, along the border where there was heavy fighting, Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abyad.

“As far as he is concerned the ceasefire is only where there’s active fighting and he totally rejects the idea of any kind of withdrawal, any removal of heavy weapons,” said Charles Lister, a Syria expert at the Middle East Institute. “So everyone seems to be talking a different language, which can only spell more trouble.”

Trump's Turkey deal hands power to Ankara and leaves Syrian Kurds for dead
They have 5 days to either move back 20 miles from the border or fight the Turkish army. So, they can get safely away or fight. Their choice.

Trump's deal doesn't "hand" power to Ankara, Ankara has the second largest standing army in NATO, 640,000 strong, after the US. They have the 15th ranked military in the World. They already have the power to clear the area 20 miles from their border. You want Trump to keep 50 guys in their way as a tripwire? And a tripwire to what? A US/Turkey war? Has Congress AUTHORIZED a US/Turkey conflict? Are you going to fight the Turks? Are you going to send your sons or daughters? Or are you going to lay in your bed in your underwear preening about how noble minded you are at the cost of the blood, lives and limbs of others?

And it doesn't "leave Syrian Kurds for dead," it leaves them with 5 days to clear the area within 20 miles of the Syrian border.

You are correct in a way- Trump's previous 'deal' - to pull troops out of the way without any agreement with Turkey left Syrian Kurds for dead.
Turkey would not have attacked while American troops were there. Turkey just scared Trump into pulling our troops out...
Erdogan is a thug. He shot down a Russian Jet without hesitation. He had his security team beat Americans who were protesting him on an American Street. You say our 50 troops would have bluffed him, if you are wrong, they are dead. And somehow I doubt you would be now shouting: "I Supported Trump All The Way On This!" You would be laying their blood at Trump's feet.

Our Soldiers are safe,
We aren't in a brand new shooting war with the strongest military in the Middle East and with a NATO ally.
The Kurds can avoid danger if they choose to or fight the Turks if they prefer.

I can easily think of worse outcomes.
... Meanwhile- Trump has put 3,000 American troops in Saudi Arabia...
We are deploying Patriot and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile defense systems. Those deployment teams need theater defense. This is a great time make sure our tools will effectively stop missile and drone attacks.

The Arms Export Control Act Title II of Pub.L. 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39 gives the President of the United States the authority to export defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congress which had 61% Democrats in the Senate and 66% Democrats in the House. This troop deployment is part of those services.

...Has Congress authorized a US/Iran conflict?
Are we in a hot war with Iran?

Why just a month ago the Chicken Hawks were demanding military action against Iran. And this week they want 50 US troops to act as a trip wire against the force of 10,000 that Turkey has built up on their border?

Now that Trump has refused two new wars in two months, who are you going to demand that he go to war with next month?

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