New ABC Poll: dims, Start Packing


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over
Seems to conflict with another Washington Post-ABC News poll that was released the same day in which Democrats won the "generic congressional vote" by a point.

(Among registered voters) If the election for the U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for (the Democratic candidate) or (the Republican candidate) in your congressional district? - The Washington Post

But I generally favor having a POTUS and a majority in Congress from different parties, so I hope your poll got it right.
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

I saw that. Sure looks like Democrats have their work cut out for them. All hands on deck.
Seems to conflict with another Washington Post-ABC News poll that was released the same day in which Democrats won the "generic congressional vote" by a point.

(Among registered voters) If the election for the U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for (the Democratic candidate) or (the Republican candidate) in your congressional district? - The Washington Post

But I generally favor having a POTUS and a majority in Congress from different parties, so I hope your poll got it right.

It looks to me like the same poll. How does ABC/WaPo reconcile such conflicting results? Does it render the Poll meaningless?

If you go to your link and look down, under the chart, there is a 'Next Question' arrow. Hit it and see what you get.

The Poll makes no sense. On the one hand it shows voters voting for dimocraps but preferring Republicans. :dunno:

But, that's the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM for you
We on the right have learned nothing from 2012, have we?

Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process
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Seems to conflict with another Washington Post-ABC News poll that was released the same day in which Democrats won the "generic congressional vote" by a point.

(Among registered voters) If the election for the U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for (the Democratic candidate) or (the Republican candidate) in your congressional district? - The Washington Post

But I generally favor having a POTUS and a majority in Congress from different parties, so I hope your poll got it right.

It looks to me like the same poll. How does ABC/WaPo reconcile such conflicting results? Does it render the Poll meaningless?

If you go to your link and look down, under the chart, there is a 'Next Question' arrow. Hit it and see what you get.

The Poll makes no sense. On the one hand it shows voters voting for dimocraps but preferring Republicans. :dunno:

But, that's the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM for you

It appears that voters prefer THEIR Democrats over their Republican challengers - but in general want to see a split in power.
You mean to tell me the lame duck presidents party in his second term is going to lose seats. Scandalous, That has never happened before.:eusa_shifty:
You mean to tell me the lame duck presidents party in his second term is going to lose seats. Scandalous, That has never happened before.:eusa_shifty:

obama presided over the biggest gain of Republican seats in the House in 70 years in his first term
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

The Republicans already control the House.
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

The Republicans already control the House.

Congress includes BOTH bodies -- The House AND the Senate.

I hope they don't let you drive
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

The Republicans already control the House.

yea but the Republican control of the House isnt beg ENOUGH. isnt that the excuse dems use why they keep blaming Republicans for stuff even when Dems controlled all three parts of the process; the White House, Senate, and House?


libs are losers and hypocrites who lie to themselves
Quick democrats! Double down on embracing the LGBT cult! It's such a popular cause now! It's sure to win you lots of support and votes! The numbers supporting that cult are REAL. You can bank on that all the way to election day!

Hurry quick, put on your rainbow armbands and your lavender jackboots. It's such a popular thing with the general population...

I warned them long ago that this cult was an albatross. And now they're paying the price. It has little to do with Obamacare not actually being Single Payer...though that is a huge complaint among the majority of level headed democrats. There is no other issue as viscerally objectionable to middle voters I can think of other than being told their kids have to worship butt sex in school. And all the witch hunts and ruined careers of professionals who didn't properly kiss the ring of the Harvey Milk Stamp church. Blackmail, extortion and brazen suppression of free speech and freedom to religious convictions don't go down well with the regular peeps. That's gonna cost some middle votes no matter what those Lavender polls taken in San Francisco report reflect "how American voters really feel!"..

Democrats have backed themselves quite nicely into a very uncomfortable box canyon. Only two choices remain at this point:

1. Turn on the LGBT cult and disown them.

2. Lose control of the Senate and never hope to regain the House. And most possibly also the Whitehouse in 2016. There's nothing like an October surprise with Harvey Milk spilled all over it to ruin your election hopes. Don't think the GOP will "go there"? Since when have you known the GOP to hold punches when the chips are down. If that bullet is in their gun, it's going to be fired some sweet October.
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Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

The Republicans already control the House.

Congress includes BOTH bodies -- The House AND the Senate.

I hope they don't let you drive

When I interviewed at a newspaper, one of the questions the editor asked me was "What are the branches of government" lol. He said he was disgusted at how many people in journalism didn't know.
We on the right have learned nothing from 2012, have we?

Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.
We on the right have learned nothing from 2012, have we?

Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

obama won?
you would never know from the way he and his loser lemmings blame all his failures on others; on the MINORITY PARTY. on people left-wing losers INSIST they are superior to.....
the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner
Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

obama won?
you would never know from the way he and his loser lemmings blame all his failures on others; on the MINORITY PARTY. on people left-wing losers INSIST they are superior to.....
the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner

Yes, he won.

Your second point is correct.

You last point is not applicable to me.
We on the right have learned nothing from 2012, have we?

Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

Obama was extremely vulnerable but he ran a very smart campaign. Romney ran a very poor campaign. I have to think it was a combination of Obama winning and Romney losing.
Just MHO

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