New ABC Poll: dims, Start Packing

We on the right have learned nothing from 2012, have we?

Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

Napoleon used to choose his Generals based, in no small regard, on their luck.

He considered luck in Battle to be a decisive factor in who he put in charge of his Divisions and Corps.

Whimsy or foundational? :dunno:

Who knows. And, BTW, Napoleon won more Battles than Caesar, Hannibal, Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan did in their entire lives......Combined!!!

Before he was 30!!
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

Senate Republicans had just filibustered an equal pay for women measure. The GOP platform says no abortions - no exceptions (most women really don't like that), add to those a couple of high profile GOP candidates talking about "legitimate rape" and other views that are offensive to women, and it doesn't surprise me at all that a big majority of women voted Democratic.

You can claim that the term "War on Women" is an overstatement - but the GOP took stances that are very unpopular with women. That needs to be fixed.
Its called gerrymandering and stealing votes.

D's don't do that.

True Americans don't do that.

MONEY does that.
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

Senate Republicans had just filibustered an equal pay for women measure. The GOP platform says no abortions - no exceptions (most women really don't like that), add to those a couple of high profile GOP candidates talking about "legitimate rape" and other views that are offensive to women, and it doesn't surprise me at all that a big majority of women voted Democratic.

You can claim that the term "War on Women" is an overstatement - but the GOP took stances that are very unpopular with women. That needs to be fixed.

Equal pay is a canard, a ruse, another fabrication. Abortion is legal and that's not changing in our lifetime.

You can't fix stupid, and that applies to the electorate.
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

A decent candidate could have turned that shit around and slapped the dimocraps in the face with it.

IF, he had the balls to stand and fight.

The problem with Romney was, he avoided confrontation like it was the plague.

dimocraps accuse Romney of being a woman-hater -- He smiles and shuffles his feet while mumbling, ''Ah shucks, that ain't true" instead of attacking them and calling them what they are -- Lying motherfuckers.

Just one example....

Another when the lying, fat scrunt Candy Fatass Crowley jumped in to rescue the stuttering and stammering Lying Cocksucker in Chief from the 'terror' question, Romney should have jumped all over her and said something like, "Are you running for president, BITCH? Who invited you into the fucking debate? Is this two against one? Why don't you sit down and shut your mouth and let obama answer the wuestions posed to him without your help?"

I mean, he should have EXPLODED on her and let her have it.

Yeah, his positives would have dropped for a few days, maybe even week but as soon as it hit YouTube (Conservatives have better things to do than to watch a lying cocksucker spar with a Patriot) it would be a SENSATION!

People would tune in by the MILLIONS to watch somebody make that fat scrunt look like what she is -- A fat scrunt.

The next Republican that takes on the lies of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and the dimocrap party will be President.

If we sit back and wait for dimocraps to monumentally screw up, we're never to going to win again. Because no matter how badly they screw things up, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will be there to explain it away.

It's time to ATTACK, people. Way time
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

Conquered..but not dead.
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

Senate Republicans had just filibustered an equal pay for women measure. The GOP platform says no abortions - no exceptions (most women really don't like that), add to those a couple of high profile GOP candidates talking about "legitimate rape" and other views that are offensive to women, and it doesn't surprise me at all that a big majority of women voted Democratic.

You can claim that the term "War on Women" is an overstatement - but the GOP took stances that are very unpopular with women. That needs to be fixed.

Equal pay is a canard, a ruse, another fabrication. Abortion is legal and that's not changing in our lifetime.

You can't fix stupid, and that applies to the electorate.

Well with such compelling and well-articulated arguments, it really becomes a true mystery why women largely rejected the GOP.
(Where is that sarcasm font)

It is no fabrication that Senate Republicans filibustered the measured.
Abortion opponents (like me) have been gaining some incremental wins in conservative states. But if it is such a "lost cause" why are Republicans "litmus tested" with the issue? Why does the GOP continue to leave it in their platform and why do GOP candidates talk about it so much?
It's time to ATTACK, people. Way time

Ok, but please don't "attack" with stuff like birth certificates, pastors, a tea party with a radical,

IMHO: Attack on a balanced budget, cutting federal spending, governmental intrusion, a simplified tax code, increased state discretion, immigration reform that includes at least some penalty for breaking our laws,

Cadidates for federal offices should blow off questions about abortion and gays as "state issues"
You cannot discount the major factor, and that is who and what our electorate has become.

They won on fabrications a lies- War on Women? Such a transparent and childish ploy can only work if the people really are that fucking stupid.

I believe the Republic is dead.

Conquered..but not dead.

I hope you're right KosherOptimist. :eusa_pray:

The Battle has changed.

During the American Civil War, General McClellan was removed from command. Not because he was bad General. He wasn't; he was an excellent General.

An excellent Peace Time General.

He was excellent at imposing discipline, training his men and marching them around the Parade Grounds in their full uniformed splendor. They looked good.

But they couldn't fight for shit.

Lincoln found a cigar-chomping, whiskey drinking Ohio Man that wouldn't have made it past Captain in a Peace time Army. Too rough, too gruff, too undisciplined, too unkempt and generally -- Too drunk.

But the Son Of A Bitch could fight. Oh Lord, could he fight. He kicked ass and took names. He crushed the better led and better commanded Confederate Troops at every battle. Although he did have a lot of casualties, he nevertheless won.

And people, winning is what counts.

In 'peacetime' we could afford to run guys like Romney or Bush. the dimocraps hadn't taken control of The Once Proud And Patriotic Democrat Party. But now they have.

Instead of it being what it once was, it is now the scum of the earth. It is Anti-American, anti-capitalist, ant-freedom, anti-semitic, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, anti-everything good and pro everything bad.

This is no time to let a General McClellan lose another battle. We need someone who can fight.

Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan is still dead
Unless the GOP is forced to nominate someone the likes of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, nothing changes. The problem with your litany of reasoned and truthful insights, is that right now the part of Lincoln is being played by Karl Rove, whose only goal to keep the status quo GOP relevant. And, he has the majority of GOP political piggies on his side.

The battle has no leader for sanity. They are too busy fighting their own at the moment.
Lincoln found a cigar-chomping, whiskey drinking Ohio Man that wouldn't have made it past Captain in a Peace time Army. Too rough, too gruff, too undisciplined, too unkempt and generally -- Too drunk.

But the Son Of A Bitch could fight. Oh Lord, could he fight. He kicked ass and took names. He crushed the better led and better commanded Confederate Troops at every battle. Although he did have a lot of casualties, he nevertheless won.

Very good points - what Grant was good at was relentlessly pressing his advantage, not fearing casualties, and demanding that the battle be fought on his terms and on his ground.

Applying these principles to the GOP, it stands to reason that the GOP has to embrace and relentlessly press fiscally conservative positions, demand that the deficit be THE issue, and throw the most radical of the radical right under the bus and refuse to let them make the whole party look stupid.

Just MHO.
Of course, any poll this early in an election year is questionable at best. But this is hardly new-news. It's been coming for a long time.

The scary thing is this: dimocrat donors don't like throwing their money away. Nobody does.

If I'm going to spend a LOT of money, I want something for it. That's how it works.

How many ideologues will simply throw their money away, knowing they're never going to get anything for it?

Not many. Especially dimocrats. Trust me on that one.

So if the Big Donors pull out, we could see dims outspent by more than 2 to 1. Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will double-down but I don't believe there's that many people susceptible to their lies anymore. Just the usual suspects; and we weren't going to get them anyway...

Without further ado;

Public Preference for a GOP Congress Marks a New Low in Obama?s Approval - ABC News

By Gary Langer
Apr 29, 2014 12:01am

Weary of waiting for an economic recovery worth its name, a frustrated American public has sent Barack Obama’s job approval rating to a career low – with a majority in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll favoring a Republican Congress to act as a check on his policies.

Registered voters by 53-39 percent in the national survey say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him. It was similar in fall 2010, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and gained six Senate seats.
See PDF with full results and charts here.

Obama’s job approval rating, after a slight winter rebound, has lost 5 points among all adults since March, to 41 percent, the lowest of his presidency by a single point. Fifty-two percent disapprove, with “strong” disapproval exceeding strong approval by 17 percentage points. He’s lost ground in particular among some of his core support groups.

You had your chance, children. Time to let the Adults take over

Along those line, it appears Dimocrat Fat Cat Donors are a bit antsy as indicated in the following story:

Democracy Alliance Holds Secret Chicago Meeting.

So what? Who cares? :eusa_whistle:

Well, YOU should!!! This group, their site @ Community. Strategy. Investment. Impact. | Democracy Alliance seems quite unimportant until – you understand who they are and what they're trying to do. :mad:

DA has funded liberal groups to the tune of $500 million, so far as it approaches its second decade.

One of the real ballers behind DA is New York City hedge fund billionaire Thomas F. Steyer, who told The Washington Post in an April 23 interview, he will spend more than $100 million, $50 million from under his mattress and $50 million from his like-minded friends, to foist his extreme environment agenda on the rest of America.

Steyer is the sugar daddy of the movement to stop the extension of the Keystone XL pipeline, a movement that has become its own industry and whose creation of middle-class jobs for environment activists and lawyers may well rival the 20,000 jobs the Keystone project is slated to need for completion

Why doesn't the media watchdogs rant against these guys as much as the Koch Brothers – who are pikers in comparison? Read the story @ Reid, 'watchdogs' silent as wealthy liberal donors plot at private Chicago summit | Human Events

I repeatedly heard some on the far right suggest that the GOP's formula for success is a shift to the right.
I disagree. If you look at the 2012 election results by ideology, the GOP got 82% of the voters who identified themselves as conservative. There's not too much ground to be gained there.

The GOP got 41% of the voters who identified themselves as moderates. There's a whole lot of ground to pick up there.

IMHO the shift needs to be away from divisive social issues and strongly toward fiscal conservatism. The GOP has gotten too far away from fiscal conservatism and drifted too far into social conservatism. IMHO that's a loser for the GOP and a loser for the country.

Balanced budget, deficit reduction, reduced federal spending .... THOSE are the issues that conservatives SHOULD be pushing and there are plenty of moderates who would love to get on board with that.
I repeatedly heard some on the far right suggest that the GOP's formula for success is a shift to the right.
I disagree. If you look at the 2012 election results by ideology, the GOP got 82% of the voters who identified themselves as conservative. There's not too much ground to be gained there.

The GOP got 41% of the voters who identified themselves as moderates. There's a whole lot of ground to pick up there.

IMHO the shift needs to be away from divisive social issues and strongly toward fiscal conservatism. The GOP has gotten too far away from fiscal conservatism and drifted too far into social conservatism. IMHO that's a loser for the GOP and a loser for the country.

Balanced budget, deficit reduction, reduced federal spending .... THOSE are the issues that conservatives SHOULD be pushing and there are plenty of moderates who would love to get on board with that.

I tend to agree. In order to win and have any hope of restoring any semblance of moral decency, we need to run on issues that will unite the electorate. Let the Dems run on social issues. The GOP should stick to fiscal responsibility.
Yes, we have.

1) Romney was a terrible candidate. He would tear into Republicans like a Pitbull in a Butcher Shop but would cower like a cur in front of obama and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

2) obama is one lucky individual.... osama bin floatin', inflated jobs reports, Hurricane Sandy and the traitor Chris Christie, Romney's secretly filmed "47%" fiasco, the SCOTUS upholding the ACA, Romney's inability put away a "B-List" of opponents until late in the season (he couldn't spend RNC money until he was actually the nominee) and the coup de gras.... Candy Fatass Crowley in the 2nd debate....

Yeah, a couple of those were planned instead of good fortune, but they could have back-fired if we'd had a candidate that didn't have a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes every time he faced the cameras with the lying cocksucker in chief in tow.

In front of the Press against Republicans, he was like Genghis Khan on the Russian Steppes, against the Liar in Chief, he was more like the French Army.

But I guess it's easier to be 'tough' when you know that the power of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM is backing you up. That no matter what you say, no matter what you do, they'll have your back.

What we need is a Man, or even better -- A Woman, who will tear into the DISGSUTING FILTH of the LSM and call them what they are -- The scum of the fucking Earth, and lay it on hard. I mean, TEAR into them and let them have it with both barrels. And don't let up.

He or she might lose the election but, IMO, it would spell the end of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a political force, as King-Makers. It would forever cripple their less-than-well-hidden attempts to manipulate the people of this Country. Worth it

It would be a long overdue and welcome improvement ot our political process

We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

Obama was extremely vulnerable but he ran a very smart campaign. Romney ran a very poor campaign. I have to think it was a combination of Obama winning and Romney losing.
Just MHO

Obama also used the IRS to cripple his political opponents thus stealing the election which is a criminal act...but hey, he's your criminal so I guess that's OK.
We learned nothing. We love to count our chickens before they hatch.

Romney didn't lose, Obama won.

Obama was extremely vulnerable but he ran a very smart campaign. Romney ran a very poor campaign. I have to think it was a combination of Obama winning and Romney losing.
Just MHO

Obama also used the IRS to cripple his political opponents thus stealing the election which is a criminal act...but hey, he's your criminal so I guess that's OK.

"my criminal" ????
How so?
I repeatedly heard some on the far right suggest that the GOP's formula for success is a shift to the right.
I disagree. If you look at the 2012 election results by ideology, the GOP got 82% of the voters who identified themselves as conservative. There's not too much ground to be gained there.

The GOP got 41% of the voters who identified themselves as moderates. There's a whole lot of ground to pick up there.

IMHO the shift needs to be away from divisive social issues and strongly toward fiscal conservatism. The GOP has gotten too far away from fiscal conservatism and drifted too far into social conservatism. IMHO that's a loser for the GOP and a loser for the country.

Balanced budget, deficit reduction, reduced federal spending .... THOSE are the issues that conservatives SHOULD be pushing and there are plenty of moderates who would love to get on board with that.

I tend to agree. In order to win and have any hope of restoring any semblance of moral decency, we need to run on issues that will unite the electorate. Let the Dems run on social issues. The GOP should stick to fiscal responsibility.

The GOP needs to stop walking right into those social issue landmines. Just bull up and say "that's a state issue" when someone tries to pigeon-hole them into an unpopular position on a social issue.

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