New Black Panther Leader Wants to Take Control of Some Southern States

He can pound sand
We could give him Detroit...that would keep him busy for a long time.
Thats typically what white people try to do. They try to give you most distressed property then they get mad when you turn it around into a viable economic power house like they did Black Wallstreet and Rosewood.
I've been listening to a lot of NPR this weekend. I know even us liberal whites are ignorant and complacent when it comes to racism but it is us who are going to help you put an end to you being treated like a second class citizen.

I heard enough from both sides to know the entire justice system is fucked up and racist. Cops escillate when they should be de escillating. I don't even know where to begin. So many examples of bad policing.

1. The kid in Chicago waving a toy gun. They could have kept a safe distance and used the speaker in the control car to tell him to drop the weapon.

2. The woman who hung herself in prison. That was a great example of bad policing. Hot head cop. Unprofessional.

3. The guy who just got shot 4 times reaching for his ID. That's a perfect example of an untrained cop. You could tell he was nervous scared and he panicked.

Anyways, I'm with you brother. I think the black communitys need a lot of work but step one is to stop treating them like second class citizens. Another thing we have to start demanding is more business opportunities in black communities. If white Walmart won't go to Detroit get a black Walmart going and when the city turns around tax the fuck out of Walmart if they try to come in after

You really think Detroit is going to turn around. That's funny. The morons that caused it are still there. If they could fix it, they wouldn't have caused it.
Fuck you stupid. Detroit has a new mayor and things are turning around. Glad to see you are such a negative pessimist fuck. Why don't you say what you really mean? That Detroit will NEVER turn around because black people are the majority in that city.

You racists are so fucking racist you don't even probably realize how fucking obvious you are.
Give them Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Anyone who does not want to stay can be settled free of charge in southern New Mexico and Arizona.
why not Utah Jake?....
I don't want the crackers in either Utah or Texas.

You could move to Alabama. Think of how much weight you could lose running along your route to complete it in record time.
im retired jake.....and i was in pretty descent shape working in California....besides Alabama may have a lot of rural routes....i was a city carrier....
Give them Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Anyone who does not want to stay can be settled free of charge in southern New Mexico and Arizona.
why not Utah Jake?....
I don't want the crackers in either Utah or Texas.

You could move to Alabama. Think of how much weight you could lose running along your route to complete it in record time.
im retired jake.....and i was in pretty descent shape working in California....besides Alabama may have a lot of rural routes....i was a city carrier....
Glad you made it to retirement.

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