New Black Panther Leader Wants to Take Control of Some Southern States

He's just saying what Mexicans have been saying for years. What muslims who want sharia law are now saying.

The breakup of the US is inevitable. Then we can have tribal wars.
A what you miss is that you don't have to be a card carrying member of the nBP. You only have to be exposed to their hate and venom. You only have to have your mind infected for,the virus to grow. The crazies don't need a lot of nudging.
The democrat party used the KKK as political muscle mostly in the South but also in inner northern cities all during FDR's four terms. FDR even appointed a former member of the KKK to the Supreme Court to keep Papists and upity Blacks in line. The Democrat party and the radical left wing media have been playing a dangerous game with radical extremists to gain political power for the last fifty years. Democrat party icon and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was Barry Hussein's political mentor. It's no secret that the radical left has been trying to combine Black anger and left wing craziness into an anarchy movement. Our own Secretary of State worked with Jane Fonda on the "winter Soldiers project" which was intended to use Black extremist anger to do the dirty work of left wing anarchists but it didn't quite work out when the bomb the Ayers anarchists were making to kill Fort Dix Soldiers was prematurely detonated. I personally find it incredible and offensive that Bill Ayers is still held in high esteem by the administration and the left wing media.
The democrat party used the KKK as political muscle mostly in the South but also in inner northern cities all during FDR's four terms. FDR even appointed a former member of the KKK to the Supreme Court to keep Papists and upity Blacks in line. The Democrat party and the radical left wing media have been playing a dangerous game with radical extremists to gain political power for the last fifty years. Democrat party icon and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was Barry Hussein's political mentor. It's no secret that the radical left has been trying to combine Black anger and left wing craziness into an anarchy movement. Our own Secretary of State worked with Jane Fonda on the "winter Soldiers project" which was intended to use Black extremist anger to do the dirty work of left wing anarchists but it didn't quite work out when the bomb the Ayers anarchists were making to kill Fort Dix Soldiers was prematurely detonated. I personally find it incredible and offensive that Bill Ayers is still held in high esteem by the administration and the left wing media.
Anarchist has been redefined or should I say an attempt to redefine the meaning of the word. And young people believe this shit Anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Give them Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Anyone who does not want to stay can be settled free of charge in southern New Mexico and Arizona.
why not Utah Jake?....
I don't want the crackers in either Utah or Texas.

You could move to Alabama. Think of how much weight you could lose running along your route to complete it in record time.
Focus on Miss, Georgia and Florida if you want political power.

A few hundred thousand blacks moving to Florida and Georgia = democratic electarals.
Black people need to control more Senate and house seats. Michigan should replace Levin or stabinow with a black guy. And that brother needs to bring jobs to Detroit and flint. That should be their mission.

Interesting fact a lot of young whites are moving from the suburbs back to the city. Still a lot of poverty but we can fix that if we fix trade and bring jobs back home
Give them Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Anyone who does not want to stay can be settled free of charge in southern New Mexico and Arizona.
why not Utah Jake?....
Jakey does not realize they do not get one single inch with their radical asses. Now Jakey can call me a racist too if he/she likes.
You are not racist in this case, just stupid.
I can't compare to you Jakey. I belonged to a small prophetic group years ago so many of us already had warning of what would be coming and even what the end of the ridiculous crap of the foolish people would be. It ends in 'nothing'. So those who promote this current violence also have an end of emptiness.
He can pound sand
We could give him Detroit...that would keep him busy for a long time.
Thats typically what white people try to do. They try to give you most distressed property then they get mad when you turn it around into a viable economic power house like they did Black Wallstreet and Rosewood.
I've been listening to a lot of NPR this weekend. I know even us liberal whites are ignorant and complacent when it comes to racism but it is us who are going to help you put an end to you being treated like a second class citizen.

I heard enough from both sides to know the entire justice system is fucked up and racist. Cops escillate when they should be de escillating. I don't even know where to begin. So many examples of bad policing.

1. The kid in Chicago waving a toy gun. They could have kept a safe distance and used the speaker in the control car to tell him to drop the weapon.

2. The woman who hung herself in prison. That was a great example of bad policing. Hot head cop. Unprofessional.

3. The guy who just got shot 4 times reaching for his ID. That's a perfect example of an untrained cop. You could tell he was nervous scared and he panicked.

Anyways, I'm with you brother. I think the black communitys need a lot of work but step one is to stop treating them like second class citizens. Another thing we have to start demanding is more business opportunities in black communities. If white Walmart won't go to Detroit get a black Walmart going and when the city turns around tax the fuck out of Walmart if they try to come in after
Have the radical BP and the radical Muslims joined forces or something? They are starting to sound exactly alike, right down to the way they want to see their enemies murdered. Creepy.

They want a country within a country, complete with their own government and military. They also want some money they say is due them in reparations. Does anyone think Obama would agree to fund their takeover of a few of our states? The leader is saying the blacks all need to move to the states and that would push the whites out. Then they will be in control. So, this would go so far beyond segregation. It tops off a few years of the worst race relations ever. And this shit has been started under Obama. This will be his legacy.

"Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing "our own government in a nation within a nation."

Omowale was speaking in an interview set to air Sunday night on this reporter’s talk radio program, "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio," broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and News Talk 990 AM in Philadelphia.

Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the "Black Nation": Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia.

The revolutionary stated: "We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country."

Omowale is also co-founder of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, a black militant gun group named after Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton. According to reports, Dallas shooter Micah X. Johnson "liked" the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and Omawale has said that he recognized Johnson from black community events in Dallas.

Asked by this reporter what his group’s endgame is, Omowale replied:

The end game is land ownership. The endgame is our own government in a nation within a nation. Okay. So we claim the states of Louisiana, we claim the states of Mississippi, we claim the states of South Carolina, we claim the states of Alabama, and we claim the states of Georgia.

We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.

For now, however, Omowale says the goals are more short-term:

There is no way that we can totally separate ourselves in the United States of America and we are aware of that. We know that we are owed land, we are owed monies, we are owed restitutions and we are owed reparations. That’s going to be a continuing process. What we are saying right now is we want to control the economics in our community. We want to control the black dollars. The money that goes in, the money that goes out.

We want to control the politics in our community. If a politician is not bringing anything to the table for the betterment of that community, we are not going to vote for these particular people. And we most definitely want to control the education. What our people are learning in what we call the public fool system, not school system, where they are teaching and misrepresenting the true history of the black man here in the United States.

The Huey P. Newton Gun Club says on its website it is seeking to "develop over time to a regimented Black Army."

"Our mission is to educate the masses of black people on the necessity of self," states the website. "That includes self-preservation, self-defense, and self-sufficiency through militant culture."

"We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.""

This shit reads like the Onion!!!
Tell that dumb porch monkey he'd be better off taking the northeast.

He wouldn't have to "take" the northeast. They'd bend over and hand it to him in order to appease.
He can pound sand
We could give him Detroit...that would keep him busy for a long time.
Thats typically what white people try to do. They try to give you most distressed property then they get mad when you turn it around into a viable economic power house like they did Black Wallstreet and Rosewood.
I've been listening to a lot of NPR this weekend. I know even us liberal whites are ignorant and complacent when it comes to racism but it is us who are going to help you put an end to you being treated like a second class citizen.

I heard enough from both sides to know the entire justice system is fucked up and racist. Cops escillate when they should be de escillating. I don't even know where to begin. So many examples of bad policing.

1. The kid in Chicago waving a toy gun. They could have kept a safe distance and used the speaker in the control car to tell him to drop the weapon.

2. The woman who hung herself in prison. That was a great example of bad policing. Hot head cop. Unprofessional.

3. The guy who just got shot 4 times reaching for his ID. That's a perfect example of an untrained cop. You could tell he was nervous scared and he panicked.

Anyways, I'm with you brother. I think the black communitys need a lot of work but step one is to stop treating them like second class citizens. Another thing we have to start demanding is more business opportunities in black communities. If white Walmart won't go to Detroit get a black Walmart going and when the city turns around tax the fuck out of Walmart if they try to come in after

You really think Detroit is going to turn around. That's funny. The morons that caused it are still there. If they could fix it, they wouldn't have caused it.
The New Black Panther and Black Lives Matter should be deemed as Domestic Terrorist Groups and treated as such!
"The leader is saying the blacks all need to move to the states and that would push the whites out."

Heck, I'd agree to that. They can pick two adjoining states (not including Florida, Texas, California, New York, Hawaii) and secede. Preferably Louisiana and Mississippi. Just think how much crime would drop and how much safer it would be in the remaining 48 states. Places like Detroit, Baltimore and St Louis would be safe again.

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