New Black Panthers Rally Is Moved Because of a Death Threat


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
March 11, 2011

Gang Rape of 11-Year-Old Girl Sparks Racial Tensions in Texas TownThe alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old girl by at least 18 boys and young men has sparked shame and outrage in a tiny Texas town, but it has also stirred racial tensions that threaten to split the East Texas hamlet.

All of the defendants arrested are African-American and the girl is Hispanic:

New Black Panthers Rally Is Moved Because of a Death Threat | a12iggymom's Blog
From the link:
Houston community activist Quanell X will host a town hall meeting this evening called “What’s the REAL truth behind the rape allegations?” “Every adult male that had sex with this child should go to prison, I don’t care what the color is. But I do not believe black males are the only ones that had contact with this young child,” said Quanell X, the leader of Houston’s New Black Panther Party. “It appears to me there’s only been the selective prosecution of one community, which is African American (Black).”
So Mr. X isn't so outraged that this 11 year old girl was raped, but that only Blacks did it? If there were a Mexican or White included in the attackers, Mr. X would feel better about it? I don't think so either.

Mr. X should know that the vast majority of street gangs and ignorant youth travel in racially segregated packs of their own choosing. The time of mixed gangs like we saw in the 1979 movie "The Warriors" is long gone.

If a race war breaks out as a result of this, Blacks can only blame themselves because it seems to me that this is the result of decades of self imposed racial segregation.
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Ya, instead of rallying against gang rape, they come to blame others.

The move of the rally was a pity attempt, you think they would have moved the rally if whitey was threating?

Hispanics don't feel sorry for blacks like whitey does and you can count on the Hispanics to drive blacks out of this area as they have done elsewhere.

Whitey should take note.
Hispanics don't feel sorry for blacks like whitey does and you can count on the Hispanics to drive blacks out of this area as they have done elsewhere.

Whitey should take note.

Sadly, whitey rarely takes note. He just posts dancing Hitlers like "daveman" in response to anyone who does take note.

Anyway, you are correct. Hispanics will not hesitate to lay waste to blacks. Probably the reverse is true, but Hispanics are little more organized in their viciousness.

Race war needs to break out like a boil needs to burst: it'll be ugly and painful, but then the healing can begin.


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