New California Law Allows Non-U.S. Citizens to Become Police Officers

So, then, non citizens, meaning citizens of other countries which retain technical jurisdiction over them, being armed with guns and sent by your government to police you, the American citizens.

Are we getting it yet?

LOL. There are a whole lotta lefties on here and elsewhere who claim it is employers' faults for illegal immigration. Can't wait to shove this in their face when they try claiming that again.
LOL. There are a whole lotta lefties on here and elsewhere who claim it is employers' faults for illegal immigration. Can't wait to shove this in their face when they try claiming that again.
And if you think you're such a "thinker" how would you know if the LEO was a documented immigrant? Bet you couldn't.
Especially in CA where there are many officers with that brown skin that you fear so much.
And if you think you're such a "thinker" how would you know if the LEO was a documented immigrant? Bet you couldn't.
Especially in CA where there are many officers with that brown skin that you fear so much.
Seems like I remember Nancy Pelosi saying that illegals are needed because someone has to pick the crops. So, Pelosi herself, along with the state's sanctuary status, has been encouraging illegals to come and fill the jobs Pelosi says California needs. On top of that, California wants to give them free medical care, driver's licenses, and the right to vote. But it's employers's faults that illegals come here.
Seems like I remember Nancy Pelosi saying that illegals are needed because someone has to pick the crops. So, Pelosi herself, along with the state's sanctuary status, has been encouraging illegals to come and fill the jobs Pelosi says California needs. On top of that, California wants to give them free medical care, driver's licenses, and the right to vote. But it's employers's faults that illegals come here.
Blah blah blah
Many Cali cops are too woke as it is.

We don't need this shit to infect Nevada!!
Badges? We don’t need no steenking badges!
Long ago in my misspent youth i <existed> in the inner city, a part that earned the name 'the acre', and because white boys tasted like chicken was one of the very few to do so.
Shortly after the fall of Saigon , it saw an infiltration of 'boat people' , who all lived 3 dozen to any given house, were all about raising indoor livestock , and setting up markets with items like elephants lounge, or monkey brains w/out any USDA stamp, etc.

They were actually industrious folk, and thought this was disney land , but the bad elements worked their way in as well

So the city hired some on as cops, seemed it was the only reasonable means to communicate and control them

Yet the devil was in the details from day one

LOL. There are a whole lotta lefties on here and elsewhere who claim it is employers' faults for illegal immigration. Can't wait to shove this in their face when they try claiming that again.

And then this...also from the land of fruits and nuts...

So, then, non citizens, meaning citizens of other countries which retain technical jurisdiction over them, being armed with guns and sent by your government to police you, the American citizens.

Are we getting it yet?

Up next the United Nations outlaws guns
Should come before the Supreme Court
Really. Not the issue regarding the new law.
That's because I was addressing the post, the one you decided not to post addressed that post, while his/hers/theirs [yours] is the one you believe avoided the issue.
That's because I was addressing the post, the one you decided not to post addressed that post, while his/hers/theirs [yours] is the one you believe avoided the issue.
Is the OP about the new law or not and is a documented immigrant now able to be a LEO in CA, the same as able to join the US military?

Like it or not, the answers are both yes.

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