New Covid Virus gx_p2v recently developed in China, 100% lethal in lab mice.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Why are our leaders silent about China developing ANOTHER Covid virus that is far more lethal than their last version of Covid? This seems REALLY important, does anyone believe that China wouldn't "leak" this killer virus like they did the last one?

Have you got all your boosters? Make sure you are up to date.
yidnar Votto

You both seem pretty confused. It was your orange hero that grabbed his ankles for Chjna.

Remember how he tongue bathed them during the pandemic?

And now we know he was making millions off of them and doing business in China. So we know why he bent over for them.

You two need to get a grip on reality.
Why are our leaders silent about China developing ANOTHER Covid virus that is far more lethal than their last version of Covid? This seems REALLY important, does anyone believe that China wouldn't "leak" this killer virus like they did the last one?

Be sure and get your booster then. :auiqs.jpg:
Why are our leaders silent about China developing ANOTHER Covid virus that is far more lethal than their last version of Covid? This seems REALLY important, does anyone believe that China wouldn't "leak" this killer virus like they did the last one?

Here is an informative site, where the authors of the study answer questions from the public:

What should be done about it OP?

how about making it front and center, and try to pass at LEAST a U.N. resolution, stopping China ,for starts.

Or, just ignore it and let China do what China gonna do.
how about making it front and center, and try to pass at LEAST a U.N. resolution, stopping China ,for starts.

Or, just ignore it and let China do what China gonna do.
Stopping China from doing what?
Why are our leaders silent about China developing ANOTHER Covid virus that is far more lethal than their last version of Covid? This seems REALLY important, does anyone believe that China wouldn't "leak" this killer virus like they did the last one?

Fauci's new baby.
There is a shockng lack of interest in this new killer Covid variant developed in China. Are people's memories really this short?
Not short per se, just people are focused on living their lives.

Well, it manifests as "short memories" so yeah, a distinction w/o a difference.
Start at 1:04...and don't panic!! :)

Are you really mocking a new, more lethal Covid virus? Dr. Birx has been on News Nation describing precisely how gx_p2v was DEVELOPED and it's 100 Percent lethality. Furthermore it is being DEVELOPED in the same lax controls environment that allowed Covid-19 to escape. And you post a South Park clip? Are you really this stupid?

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