New Dem Tactic: Appear To Be Open To Bipartisanship

Reactionary right Yurt, not a mainstream Republican. You and your ilk will not redefine the GOP. We can't afford that, because (1) you are wrong, and (2) we will be in the wilderness for a generation regardless of what Obama does.
Posting While Under The Influence of Right Wing Lunacy Alert!
The Democrats and the President have been telling us all year that they won the election so what they say goes. What we want doesn't matter. :eusa_silenced:

Who the heck is this 'We' and 'They' you speak of? :cuckoo:

If you in your madness can find the quotes ''what we say goes. '' ''What they want doesn't matter.'' made by a rational and reliable Deomocratic Leader, I'll eat my hat and pen a poem.

You people need help.

Does "We Won....Deal With It!!!" ring a bell???

These words came out of the President's mouth.
Why on earth should we cooperate with arrogant pricks whose policies make the country worse off?

Talking about the republicans? how much more arrogant can you get demaning the UN does something and that people ablige the UN, but then telling the UN and the world to fuck off and invade a country because "they may attack us".

and you cna't get any more arrogant than Cheney
If the dems wanted bipartisanship why did they do their dirt in secret, behind closed doors and with Republicans???? I call BS..

Willow, The Dems are not looking for bipartisanship. They're looking for political cover. If they can talk a few republicans into voting for bad legislation then they can go back to their districts and whine, "well THEY did it too."

I agree. The only reason they need bi-partisan anything is because they got their asses kicked in MA. That was a giant wake up call to the Dems. If MA hadn't elected Brown, then there would be no bi-partisan anything. They would keep saying, "We Won. Shut the fuck up."

I think they now believe they at least have to look like they are willing to entertain Rep ideas, or at least talk to em. Barry is spouting this now because I think he thinks it will make him look like he's all of a sudden a Centerist.

Self Preservation is a great leveler of any playing field.
I agree with you, Claudette, that defeat is a great leveller, which we Republicans are still learning. Either we work with the Dems, if they give us a chance, or the country will punish us again.
I agree with you, Claudette, that defeat is a great leveller, which we Republicans are still learning. Either we work with the Dems, if they give us a chance, or the country will punish us again.

Two words, Libtard: Sen Brown (R-MA)
Being in the minority does not mean you get everything you want.

The cons dont know how to co opperate with anyone.

Well, like I argued elsewhere, compromise and bipartisanship does have its limits. Even if the Repubs didn't hypocritically oppose measures they once championed they would still likely be against this legislation just on principle. The Republicans can't be entirely blamed for wanting to obstruct measures which go against their core philosophies. Neither can the Prez and the Dems in general be blamed for the same thing, though. There just comes a point where, if the thing is gonna be done, then the minority side is gonna just have to cry.

With healthcare in particular, right now the GOP is much more unified in their opposition to passing a bill than the Dems are in passing it. That's to be expected, though, when one side has more members.

If the GOP does take over one or even both houses next year, however, the same problem will happen to them...again.
Scott Brown is going to work the Dem majority: watch. He is a very liberal Republican.
I agree with you, Claudette, that defeat is a great leveller, which we Republicans are still learning. Either we work with the Dems, if they give us a chance, or the country will punish us again.

Well Jake. You could look at it that way. You can also look at it from the other point of view. After all. The Dems had their clocks cleaned in 94 and history does have a way of repeating itself. Wonder if the Dems are still learning also???
I agree, Claudette. We may get lucky this fall, but I sure don't want us sending the usual suspects that we generally had in Congress before. They weren't good for the country in the end. What I would like to see is the center work together, which would isolate the toids to the far right and the far left.

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