New DemonRAT Pres Candidate calls for 'spiritual awakening' in US [Marianne Williamson]

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well they have several DEVIL WORSHIPERS already in, this one is trying Jesus....

Author and Democratic presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson said in an interview Thursday she is running for the White House because America needs a "moral and spiritual awakening."

"We need a moral and spiritual awakening in the country," Williamson, who launched her campaign Monday in Los Angeles, said on CNN’s "New Day." "Nothing short of that is adequate to fundamentally change the patterns of our political dysfunction."

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In the CNN interview, she also called for reparations for slavery, with $10 billion per year to be distributed over a decade.

"I believe $100 billion given to a council to apply this money to economic projects and educational projects of renewal for that population is a debt to be paid," she said.

In looking at this claim of reparations being given to a council to be doled out in the form of economic and education projects, you cannot help but wonder how that's any different than what's currently being done. Are we to believe that because these new government programs are called Reparation programs instead of Social Welfare programs that the call for reparations will magically go away? Not a chance. People want money in their hands. Period. End of story.

It's another example of how the thinking of the left continues to rival spaghetti on a plate, but more so, how racist the self-proclaimed non-racists are. Here you have someone saying she supports reparations which she figures shows her to be a non-racist, but then she quickly makes sure to say it has to be handled by government because she obviously doesn't trust the recipients to spend it wisely making her quite the racist.

Better to be called racist like we are for flat out opposing reparations than to be called one after kissing the behinds of the people who call you racist. At least when some of them smarten up, they'll see we were honest all along unlike the behind smoochers who were lying and talking down to them the whole time.

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