New Earth crossing asteroid discovered just 5-days before nearest approach

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
We have a new one, just discovered, that will pass about 35,000 miles from Earth on the 28th of May, at 14.57 U.T. which I think converts to about 21:00 or 9-PM Eastern time , and it's about 36-meters in diameter.

Its discovery is too recent to have any good data on predicting future orbits.

Linked below is an excellent Video showing it's earth crossing path. It's coming in from the outer solar system and was discovered just a couple of days ago on the 23 May, and coming in from the dark side, which means its face is lit by sunlight making it more easily spotted as it faces the sun.

If it had already swung around the sun and be coming from the bright side we wouldn't be able to have spotted it as easily; five days advance of passage could have been reduced to little to nothing, and it be seen only after it was heading out.

This shows all the approach path relative to earth in a very interesting computer generated projection.

[ame=]NEO 2012 KP24 57000 km May 28th - YouTube[/ame]
Toldja so. It's going to enter orbit and break up. The biggest pieces will hit DC, Jew Yawk Shitty and London.
Buy some popcorn and some of those nifty 3-D glasses.
What happened to the last one that was going to destroy us all?
Wouldn't Obama just hook a mike up to all the sound systems of the world
and give a speech and just bore the asteroid into a million pieces....
Or maybe he can sing some Micheal Jackson...
I say he sings "Beat it" with Slash on guitar this thing would just alter course and head on out
of the solar system...
Toldja so. It's going to enter orbit and break up. The biggest pieces will hit DC, Jew Yawk Shitty and London.
Buy some popcorn and some of those nifty 3-D glasses.

Its 36 meters in diameter. Nothing would survive entry.

That really depends on it's content; if it is iron and rock a lot of it would hit the ground. If it is typical of outer solar system objects it would vaporize, since those are almost entirely volatiles, dust, and water ice. Once it passes we'll be able to get a spectroscopic study and a better look at it in profile, and a reading on its makeup.
What happened to the last one that was going to destroy us all?

At this point we are unable to determine it's future orbit. Its discovery is only 4 days old, but at the angle it's passing (at 35,000 miles distance) it's headed in towards the sun. It'll be a long time before we are likely to get these same combinations of alignments.

The other was probably Apophis, and its present situation can be seen HERE
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Would be interesting to see what would happen to society if an catastrophic asteroid collision were discovered and announced 5 days in advance. Would everyone find religion or would it be bedlam in the streets? What if there was only a 75% chance? or 25%?
Toldja so. It's going to enter orbit and break up. The biggest pieces will hit DC, Jew Yawk Shitty and London.
Buy some popcorn and some of those nifty 3-D glasses.

Its 36 meters in diameter. Nothing would survive entry.

A 20 meter impact crater. Velocity is also rather relevant. And an atmospheric explosion is not insignificant. See Tanguska.

Photo in the News: Meteor Crater Mystery Solved

Now falling relatively gently, the approximately 65-foot-wide (20-meter-wide) chunk that remained intact crashed into the desert floor. It would have hit with the force of 150 Hiroshima bombs, creating—but not melting—the 0.75-mile-wide (1.2-kilometer-wide) pit we know today.
these suckers are travelling at about 17 miles PER SECOND. How the heck do they plan to hit them with a rocket before it hits earth?
Can't be done Fred, if you are talking about asteroids, unless they are discovered way out in space, and then only when the object has a predictable orbital path.

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