New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop
Judicial Watch: New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop - Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch today released 424 pagesof FBI records, including an email revealing that recently fired FBI official Peter Strzok created the initial draft of the October 2016 letter then-FBI director James Comey sent to Congress notifying lawmakers of the discovery of Hillary Clinton emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.....
In January 2018, in accordance with a court order, the State Department began turning Weiner emails over to Judicial Watch. Initially, 18 classified emails were found in the 798 documents produced by the State Department.Judicial Watch is fighting for a full production of records. the State Department claims that only 3,000 of those “hundreds of thousands” are agency records and 147 total emails were unique agency records. Judicial Watch argues that the State Department has not released information on the total number of emails that they reviewed, how they reviewed them, how many emails were personal and not agency records and how the agency would have made those determinations.

Strzok's use of the term "Strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his and Comey's (the FBI's) use of the term "strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his purpose at the time, was to mislead Congress and the nation.
Every last page of "Spy-Gate" need to be declassified.... The court of public opinion needs to go into session, surely the verdict needs to be rendered in November.
As seen by their antics of both 'Democrat' Congress persons at the Confirmation hearings and their paid disruptors that rant and scream like the demented indicates they're becoming unhinged. I think once Kavanaugh is confirmed to the SC bench, President Trump will drop the hammer.
Sadly the eight years of the Obama administration corrupted the agencies under his control and in particular the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the CIA.
Doesn't matter HOW the US Department of Justice got the dirt that they did...

The point is that they DID get the dirt...

Even more important, actually, is the idea that there was a ton of dirt to be had...

Slugs quickly burrow into the ground when the rock they're hiding under is lifted, exposing them to the bright light.
Strzok should hang for sedition. Every minute he doesn't is a slap in the face to justice.

Then all the criminals get away with everything. the author of the letter that gave Trump the Presidency is what?
Everybody knows the type of scum Strzok is.....creme de la creme in scum....doesn't get creamier than that.

Piece of shit.
You righties preach that law enforcement isn’t bias .

Or at least you do when they target brown people .
So, Ravalerie, let's see just see what you think justice is. Tell me what justice is. TIA.

Is it a looter trying to throw a Molotov cocktail at a National Guardsman and getting shot in the head in the process? I think so! What's your opinion?
It started under Bill, the corruption.
New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop
Judicial Watch: New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch today released 424 pagesof FBI records, including an email revealing that recently fired FBI official Peter Strzok created the initial draft of the October 2016 letter then-FBI director James Comey sent to Congress notifying lawmakers of the discovery of Hillary Clinton emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.....
In January 2018, in accordance with a court order, the State Department began turning Weiner emails over to Judicial Watch. Initially, 18 classified emails were found in the 798 documents produced by the State Department.Judicial Watch is fighting for a full production of records. the State Department claims that only 3,000 of those “hundreds of thousands” are agency records and 147 total emails were unique agency records. Judicial Watch argues that the State Department has not released information on the total number of emails that they reviewed, how they reviewed them, how many emails were personal and not agency records and how the agency would have made those determinations.

Strzok's use of the term "Strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his and Comey's (the FBI's) use of the term "strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his purpose at the time, was to mislead Congress and the nation.
Every last page of "Spy-Gate" need to be declassified.... The court of public opinion needs to go into session, surely the verdict needs to be rendered in November.
As seen by their antics of both 'Democrat' Congress persons at the Confirmation hearings and their paid disruptors that rant and scream like the demented indicates they're becoming unhinged. I think once Kavanaugh is confirmed to the SC bench, President Trump will drop the hammer.
Sadly the eight years of the Obama administration corrupted the agencies under his control and in particular the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the CIA.
New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop
Judicial Watch: New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress about Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch today released 424 pagesof FBI records, including an email revealing that recently fired FBI official Peter Strzok created the initial draft of the October 2016 letter then-FBI director James Comey sent to Congress notifying lawmakers of the discovery of Hillary Clinton emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.....
In January 2018, in accordance with a court order, the State Department began turning Weiner emails over to Judicial Watch. Initially, 18 classified emails were found in the 798 documents produced by the State Department.Judicial Watch is fighting for a full production of records. the State Department claims that only 3,000 of those “hundreds of thousands” are agency records and 147 total emails were unique agency records. Judicial Watch argues that the State Department has not released information on the total number of emails that they reviewed, how they reviewed them, how many emails were personal and not agency records and how the agency would have made those determinations.

Strzok's use of the term "Strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his and Comey's (the FBI's) use of the term "strawman" shows beyond doubt, that his purpose at the time, was to mislead Congress and the nation.
Every last page of "Spy-Gate" need to be declassified.... The court of public opinion needs to go into session, surely the verdict needs to be rendered in November.
As seen by their antics of both 'Democrat' Congress persons at the Confirmation hearings and their paid disruptors that rant and scream like the demented indicates they're becoming unhinged. I think once Kavanaugh is confirmed to the SC bench, President Trump will drop the hammer.
Sadly the eight years of the Obama administration corrupted the agencies under his control and in particular the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the CIA.

so I see no one on the left wishes to challenge that more whites are targets of the police. game set match.

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