New Hamas Charter to Redefine 'enemy'...

Did you actually read the article?

Do you understand the conflict at all? Do you know what Hamas is?

Teddy does, which is why he said what he said.

I don't see why you have to be patronising here...

To be fair to you, I would not expect any pro Israel supporter to see ANY positivity in ANYTHING that Hamas and Palestinians do... It is not in the interests of the State of Israel...

The potential that Hamas or ANY other organisation that is pro Palestinian making positive steps and, potentially gaining international support would not sit well with Netanyahu!

It doesn't sit well with ANY Israeli.

I think it is time you start thinking with your big brain here.

If Itzhak Rabin was alive today, he wouldn't have negotiated with Hamas at all, I can promise you that. The sane left would not have looked to negotiate with any party that calls for Israel's destruction.

Hamas is not a pro-Palestinian organization like there are many worldwide. They are the "chosen" party or the Palestinians and the leadership they "chose". And their mission is so clear that ANY attempt to color it in different painting will be a wicked deciet.

I do not and have never agreed with Hamas or it's policies...

However, in light of these proposed changes to their Charter, IF, you believe in finding a peaceful solution, then one should at least give at least some support PENDING clarification of the exact meaning of the change...

If there were a sudden change in leadership, a change of policy, a NEW party that completely replaced Hamas Israel would do all it could to destroy that party!

It's very easy to NOT see the plans of Israel... Greater Israel is the goal.... And that would mean the destruction of Gaza, of a two state solution....

And you think that Hamas are the ONLY terrorists here!

How about you just simply admit that simple fact... The goal of the State of Israel is to create a 'Greater Israel'... And THAT is one of the reasons there will never be a peaceful solution!
The Indians Weren't Residents, They Were Campers

The Two-State Solution is what the King of England decreed for Americans in the Royal Proclamation of 1763. The coastal colonies would be for Whites, the rest of the English land would belong solely to the thrill-killing, unproductive, evolutionary-reject Indian savages.

It was a plan anyway.
As I replied to Teddy earlier, there needs to be a lot of clarification to their proposed change but, any step to change the Hamas Charter, should be looked upon as a positive one!

There doesn't appear to me to be any fundamental change in their ideology -- which, at its core, is the elimination of any state in the area governed by the Jewish people. Oh sure, they changed the language of the charter from "Jew" to "Zionist" -- but how does this change the essential meaning of the text?
If you put their rethoric aside (ie, declaration of war on the jewish people... angry, irrational, bloodthirsty arabs waging a war of extermination, etc, etc...) you can't help but noticing that, ironically, posters who side with the dehumanization of the arab people of Palestine, like teddyearp, Lipush, Hollie and so many others have a much better understanding of their cause than posters who are sympathetic to them, like the OP.

They have a much better understanding in the sense that they know perfectly well the conflict is not about a few inches of land west of the Green Line or a few inches of land east of the Green Line.
Not sure which way you intended this post, but I for sure would like to say I do not side with the dehumanizing of Arab people of Palestine.

In all honesty, I think Hamas by its words and actions dehumanizes every single person except Hamas (and careful if they decide you are a 'collaborator'). Abbas, the same.
There have been a lot of Jews in Gaza. Some ISM members are Jews. The Boats to Gaza had Jews. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass lived there until Israel made it illegal. Norman Finkelstein has been there. Judge Goldstone was there. The National Lawyers Guild has been there. Neturei Karta has been there a couple times. Code Pink has been there several times.

There was never a threat to any of them.
Keep eating your pretzel. The point is, no Jews LIVE in gaza.
Joke of the week: "Palestinians don't hate Jews"!

Part-time comedian?
Actually, Roudy, if there was a way to half agree with a post I would have done so to Tinmore's. The rank and file Palestinian wants peace just as much as the rank and file Israeli.
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My concern with the wording is that it doesn't quite go far enough as far as 'protecting' the State of Israel... It would be very easy for Hamas to 'blame' the State of Israel for the settlers and then there is no change!

This is exactly my concern. As I believe it leaves the door wide open for Hamas to continue blaming Israel; i.e. no real change at all.
You take some random fanatic group who openly call for the 'destruction of Israel' and paint it like every Palestinian, every Muslim thinks that! That's an insult you my intelligence AND yours!
Are you seriously calling Hamas who controls a good portion of what would be considered part of 'Palestine' if a two state solution is ever reached "some random fanatic group"?

Really? Wow, just wow.
Joke of the week: "Palestinians don't hate Jews"!

Part-time comedian?
Actually, Roudy, if there was a way to half agree with a post I would have Tinmore. The rank and file Palestinian wants peace just as much as the rank and file Israeli.
Yeah, but peace through the destruction of Israel. Or real peace.
You take some random fanatic group who openly call for the 'destruction of Israel' and paint it like every Palestinian, every Muslim thinks that! That's an insult you my intelligence AND yours!
Are you seriously calling Hamas who controls a good portion of what would be considered part of 'Palestine' if a two state solution is ever reached "some random fanatic group"?

Really? Wow, just wow.

Strangely enough NO!

However, if you want to take things out of context that is, of course, your choice...

If you want to put this IN context then I'm happy to discuss further... ;-)
However, if you want to take things out of context that is, of course, your choice...

If you want to put this IN context then I'm happy to discuss further... ;-)
Well, then explain to me who it was when you referred to "some random fanatic group who openly call for the 'destruction of Israel'" if it was not Hamas. Because that is what I thought you meant.
Let's hope that the outdated charter is revised properly and makes a clear definition between the state of Israel, the people of Israel and the settlers...

If this can be done then I think it is a positive move on behalf of Hamas.

“It means that we don’t fight Jews because they are Jews,” said Taher el-Nounou, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. “Our struggle is only against those who occupied our lands.”

New Hamas charter would name ‘occupiers,’ not ‘Jews,’ as the enemy
I bet they think all of Israel, is stolen Palestinian land.

Of course it is stolen. The Zionists were settler colonists from elsewhere on other continents, the Palestinians were living in Palestine and their ancestors had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. What do you call it? LOL
Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho. Another violation of the rules by the spammer. This thread is not about your bogus theories of the history of Israel and Palestine. There is one dedicated to your stupidity above, if you recall....
Let's hope that the outdated charter is revised properly and makes a clear definition between the state of Israel, the people of Israel and the settlers...

If this can be done then I think it is a positive move on behalf of Hamas.

“It means that we don’t fight Jews because they are Jews,” said Taher el-Nounou, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. “Our struggle is only against those who occupied our lands.”

New Hamas charter would name ‘occupiers,’ not ‘Jews,’ as the enemy
I bet they think all of Israel, is stolen Palestinian land.

Of course it is stolen. The Zionists were settler colonists from elsewhere on other continents, the Palestinians were living in Palestine and their ancestors had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. What do you call it? LOL
Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho. Another violation of the rules by the spammer. This thread is not about your bogus theories of the history of Israel and Palestine. There is one dedicated to your stupidity above, if you recall....

So the Europeans were not settler colonists in your opinion?
Were you the designated donkey driver? LOL
Hey you mother fucker, are you calling ME names!!!!! What a worthless piece of hasbara zionist fool shit you are!

Actually, Lipush took a bus from her work in Be'er Sheva, and I drove from Jerusalem.
Were you the designated donkey driver? LOL
Hey you mother fucker, are you calling ME names!!!!! What a worthless piece of hasbara zionist fool shit you are!

Actually, Lipush took a bus from her work in Be'er Sheva, and I drove from Jerusalem.
Ha ha ha. I love it. I am not Hasbara yet, but in the last semester of Hasbara academy before I graduate. The final exam is hard. I hope I don't fail.
Let's hope that the outdated charter is revised properly and makes a clear definition between the state of Israel, the people of Israel and the settlers...

If this can be done then I think it is a positive move on behalf of Hamas.

“It means that we don’t fight Jews because they are Jews,” said Taher el-Nounou, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. “Our struggle is only against those who occupied our lands.”

New Hamas charter would name ‘occupiers,’ not ‘Jews,’ as the enemy
I bet they think all of Israel, is stolen Palestinian land.

Of course it is stolen. The Zionists were settler colonists from elsewhere on other continents, the Palestinians were living in Palestine and their ancestors had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. What do you call it? LOL
Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho. Another violation of the rules by the spammer. This thread is not about your bogus theories of the history of Israel and Palestine. There is one dedicated to your stupidity above, if you recall....

So the Europeans were not settler colonists in your opinion?
In my opinion the thread is about Hamas and its charter not your non stop braying about European colonialists or "fake Jews".
Let's hope that the outdated charter is revised properly and makes a clear definition between the state of Israel, the people of Israel and the settlers...

If this can be done then I think it is a positive move on behalf of Hamas.

“It means that we don’t fight Jews because they are Jews,” said Taher el-Nounou, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. “Our struggle is only against those who occupied our lands.”

New Hamas charter would name ‘occupiers,’ not ‘Jews,’ as the enemy
I bet they think all of Israel, is stolen Palestinian land.

Of course it is stolen. The Zionists were settler colonists from elsewhere on other continents, the Palestinians were living in Palestine and their ancestors had been living in Palestine for thousands of years. What do you call it? LOL
Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho. Another violation of the rules by the spammer. This thread is not about your bogus theories of the history of Israel and Palestine. There is one dedicated to your stupidity above, if you recall....

So the Europeans were not settler colonists in your opinion?
In my opinion the thread is about Hamas and its charter not your non stop braying about European colonialists or "fake Jews".

In fact, the Hamas charter change would only include European settler colonists and fake Jews as the enemy. Try to keep up.

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