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New ideology of Russia


Apr 9, 2014
Slightly less than 100 years ago Lenin sounded the well-known April theses which defined policy of the USSR for many years forward.

Here is my April theses.

I am a contactor. It means that with me speaks Gods and Representatives of inhuman civilizations telepathic.

For several years I worked as the contactor and developed new ideology of Russia, this ideology - true and will allow to develop Russia and the Slavic empire throughout thousands of years.

In the USSR there was an interesting ideology, but it wasn't true. Therefore the USSR was destroyed during competitive fight.

For example in the USSR there was a labour cult. Labour was considered as the supreme value. The right for labour it was protected by laws, moreover labour was a duty of each citizen of full age age.
But Labour in itself is any not value, it is an equivalent of sufferings and a karma. Praise of Labour was nonsense and this nonsense ruined the USSR. Ideologies in the USSR proceeded from thought that that who works more and suffers, that and has to have the power, have the benefits.

But this law doesn't work.

I offer other thesis which is absolute truth.

Labour for the good of spirituality is a supreme value. It means that in Russia the cult of spiritual Labour has to be created. And any Labour has to be divided on spiritual Labour and not the spiritual Labour.

What does it mean in practice? There are spheres of life of mankind which are connected with designing of creative future mankind. It is possible to design the future differently. As criterion of optimization of this process it is possible to accept different requirements. For example in the USA design the future on the basis of the theory of prestigious consumption. Certainly work within provisions of the theory of prestigious consumption doesn't bear any spirituality.

Or other example - work within functioning of churches of various true religions. It is Labour - spiritual Labour and helps to design the creative future.

The correct Labour for the sake of the correct future - here the supreme value.
Inhuman civilizations in the Galaxy there is a huge set.
Communication happens telepathic.

Aliens have intelligence services which protect spirituality of all Universe. These are Keepers of Life, Keepers of Time, Keepers of the Universe, etc.

The mankind too should pay the contribution to the general spirituality.

Ideological value "labour for the sake of spirituality" is and there is an intention of mankind to pay the contribution.

Intelligence services of Aliens are responsible for possibility of designing of the future for different civilizations. Destructive civilizations destroy.

The correct ideology of Russia will allow to localize external threats and to design bright future for Russians.

At the time of the USSR the Heroism cult was created. Heroes of work, Heroes of study, Heroes - military, Heroes scouts, Heroes scientific - were eulogized by the Soviet propaganda car.

The way of the Hero is a unique way of designing of the creative future.

I suggest to adopt completely this thesis in ideology of Russia. I suggest to create scientific research institute for heroism studying taking into account information on Aliens and on what Heroes now really exist in different intelligence services of Aliens.
All political elite of Russia has to consist of representatives of spiritual Labour.

What is spiritual Labour?

In the Galaxy there are numerous arts of search of spirituality. This art of the Doctor, art of the Hero, art of the Knight, art of the King, art of the Politician, art of Jedi, art of the Hunter of truth, art of the Prophet, art of the Monk, art of the Master of martial arts, art of the Contactor, Yoga art, Tantra art, etc.

Each art - comprises a set of different Ways of search of spirituality.

Spiritual labour is connected with any concrete way of search of spirituality

One more thesis in ideology of Russia.

Slavs have unique DNA in which magic abilities are put. These magic abilities can be opened.

Mission of Slavs is to be Doctors of the Universe.

Everyone Slavs has to open in themself DNA and to become the Doctor. Not only Doctor of Universe, but also Doctor of people, Doctor of Mumy, Doctor of dolphins and Whales etc.

DNA of Slavs is a supreme value.

All intelligence services of the Galaxy have to preserve Slavs in order that Slavs could execute the mission.
The Christianity is a traditional religion of Slavs.

God Jesus talked to me telepathic and He agreed on Christianity reform.

From now on the Christianity is not only belief in God, but also religion of Doctors of the Universe.

The Christianity is a supreme value.

The next thesis.

The friendship with Dolphins and Whales is a supreme value.

Dolphins and Whales are smart Beings. They are able to speak telepathic to people.

Russians should make friends with Dolphins and Whales. The friendship has to get into all spheres of life of society. It has to be interaction on millions years forward.

What will it bring to Russians?

There is such interstellar empire under the name Sirius. This empire sponsors a huge set of planets on which there live children of Sirius - in particular Whales and Dolphins.

If Russians become friends of Dolphins and Whales - they will be able to begin colonization of planets on which already there live Whales and Dolphins with permission of Sirius.

Russia wait far stars.

Next thesis.

The magic is a supreme value.

In the ancient time existed Magee who lived trillions years ago. These Magicians are embodied in a type of people and lives now among people.

Magicians were carriers of Magic which was very close to God. For example it is magic of the Nature.

Russians have to create magic academy, create the relevant scientific research institute.

It is necessary to impose a ban on use fighting and some other types of magic.

This Galaxy God Aton which told operates that if Russians will learn to use the highest magic of the Nature (one such magic I own with the permission of the Highest Gods), Russians will have an opportunity to colonize Galaxy planets. These are about 10 billion stars.

There is one more thesis.

As Russia has positive experience in mankind future designing, and to design the creative future for all mankind is a spiritual labour, Russia has to proclaim the following:

Russia is the center of designing of future all mankind and even other civilizations.

It means that in Russia the relevant scientific research institutes have to be created.

The priority in such designing of the future should be given to the future of Whales and Dolphins.

Besides, Russia should construct the special relations with Agarta - it is so possible to earn the spiritual capital and to repay spirituality debts.

Agarta has many interesting projects, Agarta has many friends in the Universe.

All this will allow Russia in the future successfully to subdue space open spaces and to create colonies on other planets, to create the Space empire.
Next thesis.

Worship to the Nature is a supreme value.

There is a huge religion on the depth, this religion is headed by God Enki.

This religion - worship to the Nature and a motherhood cult.

This religion consists of not less than 10 000 parts.

Essence of this religion - spirituality search, a unification with the Nature at various levels, the birth of special children - Sacred, Heroes, Kings.

Now I am engaged in two parts these are religions.

This worship Mountain lakes of the Alps and worship Universes.
Worship the Mountain lakes of the Alps as part of religion is headed by Dragons.

There is one more part - of which something is known to me. I exhaust this worship. This part is headed by God Poseidon.

It is religion - a way of search of infinite spirituality and this religion it is very close to God.

Russians should study all parts of this religion. To learn a unification with the Nature and to become close to God.

Russians have to become missionaries for inhabitants of other planets and learn religion of Worship to the nature and a motherhood cult other civilizations. It will bring the huge spiritual capital to Russians and will allow to broaden the space empire of Russians.

The religion of worship to the nature is connected with various technologies of development of the person. For example worship the mountain lakes of the Alps is connected with a tantra, yoga and karate.

By means of this religion Russians will learn to understand deeply the Universe device, to understand God.

It is necessary to create scientific research institute for studying of this religion. This religion at the same time and one more way of designing of the future.
Next thesis.

As DNA of Slavs is a supreme value and as Russians should create colonies on other planets, the space empire, it is necessary to create the empire of Slavs on Earth.

The political center of such empire have to become Russia.

The Customs union is a prototype of such empire.

To the empire of Slavs it is necessary to invite part of the population of the Republic of South Africa and Japan.

As in the Republic of South Africa and Japan there live the assimilated descendants of Aliens at whom in DNA magic abilities to medicine of people and revival of the dead are sewn up.

Next thesis.

People live not only on Earth, they live and in other worlds.

For example in space there is a network of space stations in which there live people. These people suggest mankind to exchange sperm and ova of "beautiful people".

At space stations there is a continuous work on improvement of DNA of people.

Among people of mankind there are assimilated descendants of people with unique DNA.

Russia have to become the center of improvement of DNA of all mankind.

Russia as designers of the future have to create banks of sperm and ova of beautiful people and to conduct work on DNA improvement throughout hundreds years.
Far Stars wait the empire of Slavs .

You ask how to get on other planets?

Russians should develop the project of riders.
The matter is that all horses are animals who have the secrets. In the presence of some conditions of a horse together with the rider can teleport from one planet on another planet.
I write about ideology of Russia for the next 10 000 years.

Certainly today my ideas look very much not usually.

But differently also can't be.

I am a Prophet, I am a Contactor.

I am the agent of some intelligent services of Aliens.

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