New Jersey ends basic reading and writing skills test requirement for teachers

No. This is what you get when you pay them to teach 20 children in a classroom, then force them to add another 30 migrants who barely speak English into the mix and demand they show a high percentage graduating.
If that were true, sure, but it is not, you cannot prove a tenth of that.
New Jersey is the armpit of America.
Why are Republicans still living in that dumpster state? All Democrats do there is tax, higher tax, and more tax and use that money to nurture their future number voting bloc illegal aliens
When gutenberg invented the printing press 600 years ago, schools should have vanished.
Silent Warrior refuses, because he can't prove, to support his following comment:

This is what you get when you pay them to teach 20 children in a classroom, then force them to add another 30 migrants who barely speak English into the mix and demand they show a high percentage graduating.
Silent Warrior refuses, because he can't prove, to support his following comment:

This is what you get when you pay them to teach 20 children in a classroom, then force them to add another 30 migrants who barely speak English into the mix and demand they show a high percentage graduating.
It must be tough going through life with blinders on. I don't feel the need to do your research for you. It's happening in schools all around, but you need open eyes and a non-partisan mind to see it.
I don't have to do research.

You have to provide proof for your conclusions, and you instead insist, "Believe me, believe me" without any proof.
It must be tough going through life with blinders on. I don't feel the need to do your research for you. It's happening in schools all around, but you need open eyes and a non-partisan mind to see it.

What is happening?
How the hell would you know?
I dont know if its a 6 th grade level

But its certainly not college grad level

Critics have long worried that the exam shut out candidates of color from the teaching workforce, which faces a shortage. In 2017, New York officials reported that Black test takers were nearly twice as likely to fail the edTPA compared to their white or Hispanic peers. State officials have declined to share more recent test data.

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