New Jersey Governor can’t explain why he is above the Bill of Rights

Tucker's broadcast is the most unbiased and informative broadcast today. Saw that interview last night. I think Tucker had a response by Louisiana Senator Kennedy to that filthy liar, the NJ governor. Tucker might even do a follow up tonight on the outrageousness of that nut as well as other power hungry governors.
I like how he wasn't a scientist for one question but then went right for the science on the next question.

This asshole right here proves why politicians are absolutely GD worthless...yes the person.

'Leaders'. Our nations leaders deserve to be thrown in a volcano.
I like how he wasn't a scientist for one question but then right for the science on th net question.

This asshole right here proves why politicians are absolutely GD worthless...yes the person.

'Leaders'. Our nations leaders deserve to be thrown in a volcano.

Love your post. Spot on.

Some dude was arrested for playing catch with his son in a park. Then they realized he was a former cop and apologized.

That’s called fascism.

You also can’t arrest Jews worshipping in a synagogue. That is what we avoid here. If you disagree, there are plenty of dictatorships to choose from.
Tucker is on live in case he has Victor Hansen Davis or another guest discuss the unconstitutional behavior of governors.

Where is the goddamn ACLU?

We had better have a fuckton of lawsuits being filed for civil rights violations across the country.
The Bill of Rights? That document created by old white slave owners? Who cares about that?
Nothing in the Constitution prohibits the state from protecting public safety

Tuck does not know what he is blabbing about
Nothing in the Constitution prohibits the state from protecting public safety

Tuck does not know what he is blabbing about

The dumb ass said protecting and defending the Constitution was above his pay grade. His oath of office says different. Sweden did none of this draconian crap and have about the same number of deaths per million citizens as we do.

Nothing in the Constitution prohibits the state from protecting public safety

Tuck does not know what he is blabbing about

The dumb ass said protecting and defending the Constitution was above his pay grade. His oath of office says different. Sweden did none of this draconian crap and have about the same number of deaths per million citizens as we do.

He also said he consulted with legal experts

Basically, the Governor was shocked that Tucker would make such a ridiculous claim. Government has ALWAYS had the authority to act in the interests of public safety.
I can’t believe Carlson would ask such a stupid question and think he was being coy.

He stated unconstitutionally as a given. Government setting public health requirements has always been a function of Government

I can’t have an open sewer on my lawn?

That’s above my pay grade.

Way to go Jersey. Dumb fuck Dimm. Thinks he can shit on the Constitution just because he says so.

Great interview from Tucker. Funny how the MSM is okay with governors who are actively abusing their powers.

That’s above my pay grade.

Way to go Jersey. Dumb fuck Dimm. Thinks he can shit on the Constitution just because he says so.

Great interview from Tucker. Funny how the MSM is okay with governors who are actively abusing their powers.

How was closing public parks abuse?
What powers are unconstitutional?

I don't know maybe the part dictating how people can worship what people can and can not buy in a store...

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