New jobless claims falls to 43 year low

It seems once again a conservative poster has lied by omission. Mr JimBowie's knife won't cut.
It wasnt *my* knife,there, Sherlock.

I merely posted the link, lol.

Your argument is with the Obama regimes BLS report which said, to answer your other easily answered questions:

People over age 16 who are no longer working or even looking for work, for whatever reason (retirement, school, personal preference, or gave up), are counted as not participating in the labor force.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December.

BLS said the December unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point to 4.7 percent, well below the Obama-era high of 10 percent. Last month, a record 152,111,000 Americans were counted as employed, up 63,000 from November; and the number of unemployed stood at 7,529,000, an increase of 120,000 from the prior month.​
I can understand why a lot of posters here are pissed off because Juan came over the border and took their jobs picking grapes. What I can't understand is how these complainers can afford a computer and network connections in order to post here!
Economy is so great that 35.4% of America is on welfare and the percentage of Americans relying on government for part or all of their subsistence is 49.5%.

Post the statistics!

Do you know the difference between AFDC and TANF? If not you ought to if you plan to post on the issue of aid, and not be considered a mendacious fool.

As for the figure 49.5% receive part of their subsistence by relying on the government, please break that down as to the source. Federal, State or local, earned retirement, Social Security, SDI, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, etc. Otherwise your post lacks substance and is a half-truth (if that) based on a partisan fantasy.

The economy isn't great, but we left the Great Recession behind and for seven years have seen steady improvement. That this occurred on Obama's watch, especially when he has had zero support from the Republican establishment and zero respect from bigots, racists and other deplorables, is remarkable notwithstanding the hate, lies and deplorable behavior of people like you.

You seem to know everything. You give us the real numbers according to what the unicorns tell you on how many Americans are on welfare and how many receive government assistance to survive.

It's your claim, and apparently it is nothing more than a biased opinion by a fool.

I don't know everything, but I do my research before posting. You might want to try that, unless of course you're one of the willfully ignorant who is deathly afraid of cognitive dissonance. Posting bullshit fatally effects your credibility.

Of course I understand that the current iteration of conservative lives by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and logical fallacies. As the man said, "there are liars, damn liars and statistics. Prove you're not a damn liar, and respond to my post.
What part of the TRUTH don't you fucking understand? People like you are the reason why for the past 8 years people have suffered miserably under social justice. Those people got tired of your liberal presidents lies and bullshit, and voted out the bitch who would of continued the same failed policies who had liberal elites making billion of dollars from our tax dollars while making the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Go back , see what I posted, each one has FACTS from the government that you so adore. Or are you saying that the government is lying? Double standards, without double standards liberals would have no standards at all.

Cherry picking stats is what the phrase I quoted defines. People who repeat such claims are damn liars. That's a truth, and you're noting more than an echo of RW fantasy.
It seems once again a conservative poster has lied by omission. Mr JimBowie's knife won't cut.
It wasnt *my* knife,there, Sherlock.

I merely posted the link, lol.

Your argument is with the Obama regimes BLS report which said, to answer your other easily answered questions:

People over age 16 who are no longer working or even looking for work, for whatever reason (retirement, school, personal preference, or gave up), are counted as not participating in the labor force.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December.

BLS said the December unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point to 4.7 percent, well below the Obama-era high of 10 percent. Last month, a record 152,111,000 Americans were counted as employed, up 63,000 from November; and the number of unemployed stood at 7,529,000, an increase of 120,000 from the prior month.​


Lets do it

Lets watch as the number out of the workforce under Trump exceeds 100 million. Can't wait for Republicans to squirm as they try to explain the labor participation rate
It seems once again a conservative poster has lied by omission. Mr JimBowie's knife won't cut.
It wasnt *my* knife,there, Sherlock.

I merely posted the link, lol.

Your argument is with the Obama regimes BLS report which said, to answer your other easily answered questions:

People over age 16 who are no longer working or even looking for work, for whatever reason (retirement, school, personal preference, or gave up), are counted as not participating in the labor force.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December.

BLS said the December unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point to 4.7 percent, well below the Obama-era high of 10 percent. Last month, a record 152,111,000 Americans were counted as employed, up 63,000 from November; and the number of unemployed stood at 7,529,000, an increase of 120,000 from the prior month.​

You echoed the link. What part of my statement can you refute?

Fact: During the Obama Administration the size of government (# of employees) fell, and the annual deficit was reduced. Something we had not seen since the Administration of Bill Clinton. I'm not in the work force, nor is my wife nor was my 94 yo dad nor my nearly one year old grandson. So drop the bullshit and be honest for maybe the first time in your life.

My guess is the 16 yo has no job because The Congress is under the thumb of the Tea Party, aka & lol Freedom Party caucus, which has a greater concern for cutting taxes for those who do not need a tax cut, on the false premise that such savings will trickle down to the 16 yo by creating jobs.
Every time I hear anyone mention "trickle down economics", I envision a fireplug and a dog.
It seems once again a conservative poster has lied by omission. Mr JimBowie's knife won't cut.
It wasnt *my* knife,there, Sherlock.

I merely posted the link, lol.

Your argument is with the Obama regimes BLS report which said, to answer your other easily answered questions:

People over age 16 who are no longer working or even looking for work, for whatever reason (retirement, school, personal preference, or gave up), are counted as not participating in the labor force.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December.

BLS said the December unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point to 4.7 percent, well below the Obama-era high of 10 percent. Last month, a record 152,111,000 Americans were counted as employed, up 63,000 from November; and the number of unemployed stood at 7,529,000, an increase of 120,000 from the prior month.​

You echoed the link. What part of my statement can you refute?

Fact: During the Obama Administration the size of government (# of employees) fell, and the annual deficit was reduced. Something we had not seen since the Administration of Bill Clinton. I'm not in the work force, nor is my wife nor was my 94 yo dad nor my nearly one year old grandson. So drop the bullshit and be honest for maybe the first time in your life.

My guess is the 16 yo has no job because The Congress is under the thumb of the Tea Party, aka & lol Freedom Party caucus, which has a greater concern for cutting taxes for those who do not need a tax cut, on the false premise that such savings will trickle down to the 16 yo by creating jobs.
It isn't worth debating the Wrong Catcher as you can give them all the statistics and truth, but since he is a goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, low information, useful idiot, he wont believe it. He is like the Nazi youths who were so brainwashed towards the Socialist Democrat Workers Party, that he would rather die than listen to people who want to save him from a fate worse than death. You are wasting your time trying to convince him, that supply side economics, NOT trickle down(liberal for Cronie Capitalism) is better for the citizens not only of the US but for the world. Just look at Venezuela and how well Liberalism did for them.

I can understand why a lot of posters here are pissed off because Juan came over the border and took their jobs picking grapes. What I can't understand is how these complainers can afford a computer and network connections in order to post here!

lousy national and social management?

they should be clamoring for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, merely because First World Labor, is worth it.
It seems once again a conservative poster has lied by omission. Mr JimBowie's knife won't cut.
It wasnt *my* knife,there, Sherlock.

I merely posted the link, lol.

Your argument is with the Obama regimes BLS report which said, to answer your other easily answered questions:

People over age 16 who are no longer working or even looking for work, for whatever reason (retirement, school, personal preference, or gave up), are counted as not participating in the labor force.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December.

BLS said the December unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point to 4.7 percent, well below the Obama-era high of 10 percent. Last month, a record 152,111,000 Americans were counted as employed, up 63,000 from November; and the number of unemployed stood at 7,529,000, an increase of 120,000 from the prior month.​


Lets do it

Lets watch as the number out of the workforce under Trump exceeds 100 million. Can't wait for Republicans to squirm as they try to explain the labor participation rate
right wing fantasy is all they really have.

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