New Leaked Tape: Donald Trump sells access to elites at Bedminster golf club

I'd love to see the cult defend this. I criticized Hillary Clinton (who I didn't vote for or support) for selling access, so they better not make excuses for this bullshit.
I'd love to see the cult defend this. I criticized Hillary Clinton (who I didn't vote for or support) for selling access, so they better not make excuses for this bullshit.
Can you give us an example of some of the responses the other cult gave when you criticized hillary? we have some sort of template to configure the responses from that you might otherwise find hypocritical
I'd love to see the cult defend this. I criticized Hillary Clinton (who I didn't vote for or support) for selling access, so they better not make excuses for this bullshit.

I appreciate your consistency. Here who is not consistent. The source you sited, Politico. I am not saying what they are reporting is false or, as Clinton would say, "less than factual". They are calling this practice out now after 8 years of keeping silent on it. So, are most people like yourself who abhor the practice of pay to play or are most people upset about Trump doing it really upset because it's not their guy or gal doing it?
How is he "selling" access? Please detail.

He's taking interviews and sharing insider details to the elite members of his golf club. In the tape he remarks about how they are all paying him (200,000$ year), which just solidifies his corruption.
No one cares about fake news

Right, the sources were coerced and the tape was fabricated by the CIA....

I appreciate your consistency. Here who is not consistent. The source you sited, Politico. I am not saying what they are reporting is false or, as Clinton would say, "less than factual".

I don't get my news from Politico. The tape audio is clearly Donald Trump, and I highly doubt they invented a dozen high profile interviews that never happened.
I fail to recognize where any access is being sold or quid-pro-quos being arranged.

Have any details?

The tape itself isn't evidence of selling access, but combined with other sources of him being interviewed by club members about non-disclosed cabinet picks and future policy, it sure as hell makes him look guilty.

Basically if you are a millionaire member of Trump's golf course, then you can interview him and receive information that the public doesn't know.
I fail to recognize where any access is being sold or quid-pro-quos being arranged.

Have any details?

The tape itself isn't evidence of selling access, but combined with other sources of him being interviewed by club members about non-disclosed cabinet picks and future policy, it sure as hell makes him look guilty.

Basically if you are a millionaire member of Trump's golf course, then you can interview him and receive information that the public doesn't know.
I listened to the whole tape. It's a big fat nothingburger. That "combined with other sources" dog don't hunt either.

When you come up with something of substance, I'm all ears. This audio amounts to a popcorn fart in the wind. Posting it as a big something makes you look as nutty as the moonbats.
I listened to the whole tape. It's a big fat nothingburger. That "combined with other sources" dog don't hunt either.

When you come up with something of substance, I'm all ears. This audio amounts to a popcorn fart in the wind. Posting it as a big something makes you look as nutty as the moonbats.

So two questions. The interviews between Donald Trump and his club members never happened? Donald Trump didn't explicitly say in the tape that he's glad to speak at his golf course (as president) because they pay him? Not to mention they doubled the membership fee to 200,000$ before becoming president.

The evidence is in front of your eyes, but it's quite obvious who you are in the tank for.
So two questions. The interviews between Donald Trump and his club members never happened? Donald Trump didn't explicitly say in the tape that he's glad to speak at his golf course (as president) because they pay him? Not to mention they doubled the membership fee to 200,000$ before becoming president.

The evidence is in front of your eyes, but it's quite obvious who you are in the tank for.
That wasn't what the OP presented.

Begging questions is bullshit and you know it.

I'm in the tank for logic and reason, not innuendo. There is none of that in this shit show of a thread.

You might as well just go throw in with the ignoramus masked red flagger coward assholes, burning shit and shattering windows.
That wasn't what the OP presented.

Begging questions is bullshit and you know it.

I didn't provide a lengthy monologue detailing why the source is correct. There is enough to cast reasonable suspicion, even without the comments in the tape.

.Analyze the information, and determine for yourself what is real or fake news. It isn't my job to spoonfeed you whiny dumbasses.

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