New Olympic guidelines, transgender athletes will no longer be required to undergo hormone treatments to compete in their respective fields.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
As we continue on this march, to the day when no REAL woman ever wins a medal again.

International Olympic Committee introduces new framework for transgender athletes​

New guidelines introduced by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have suggested hormone treatments will no longer be necessary for transgender and intersex athletes to compete

I guess feminism gets its chance to prove how equal and the same the sexes are. I'll be fun watching their narrative get slaughtered.

The truth is LGBT is going to make the old guard look like fools!
I'm reading the new IOC rules regarding transgender people:
"All athletes should be allowed to participate in sports competitions, regardless of their actual gender identity. They have the right to perform in the gender category where they feel comfortable."
Take a closer look and realize what a great chance for Olympic medals can appear in a huge number of men-losers who seem to get to international-class sports competitions, but do not win prizes.
Now the problem is solved, you just need to declare that you are aware of yourself as a woman and go ahead to the start. And the most wonderful thing is that no one will even check, everyone will just take your word for it. Because the new IOC rules also state this: "Athletes should not be forced to undergo a number of medical procedures. For example, surveys to determine the real sex."

It seems that they decided to destroy women's sports, for real. No, technically he will stay, but only real women, most likely, will not be able to win competitions soon. Because they will give way to "women" with a penis and a lot of testosterone.

How beautiful modern capitalism is!
Now it's time for Russia, as the last European country that adheres to normality in sexual terms, to conceive a new Olympic movement.
Without any genders, transsexuals, without corrupt WADA without permitted drugs for illness.
Only pure and honest sport.
And no team competition. Only individual achievements.
And death to doping!
USA is not allowed even close!

Oh well, I forgot that Russia now is also capitalist...

P.S. I want to see single "women's" figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics... To have a laugh.
I'm reading the new IOC rules regarding transgender people:
"All athletes should be allowed to participate in sports competitions, regardless of their actual gender identity. They have the right to perform in the gender category where they feel comfortable."
Take a closer look and realize what a great chance for Olympic medals can appear in a huge number of men-losers who seem to get to international-class sports competitions, but do not win prizes.
Now the problem is solved, you just need to declare that you are aware of yourself as a woman and go ahead to the start. And the most wonderful thing is that no one will even check, everyone will just take your word for it. Because the new IOC rules also state this: "Athletes should not be forced to undergo a number of medical procedures. For example, surveys to determine the real sex."

It seems that they decided to destroy women's sports, for real. No, technically he will stay, but only real women, most likely, will not be able to win competitions soon. Because they will give way to "women" with a penis and a lot of testosterone.

How beautiful modern capitalism is!
This has absolutely nothing to do with capitalism.
WADA has no questions for Canadian figure skater Laurent Fournier-Baudry
^^^ Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what's the point in any money if they are too dead to spend anything that they are able to score? Going against those who are natural males is only going to mean more work for the natural born females, enough to where it could kill them.

God bless you and them always!!!

There are no transgender people. There is an incomprehensible indulgence for mentally ill people, who have invented that their gender depends only on their desire. But why only gender? Why not height, weight, age, or even a biological species? Why not an object or a natural phenomenon?
There are no transgender people. There is an incomprehensible indulgence for mentally ill people, who have invented that their gender depends only on their desire. But why only gender? Why not height, weight, age, or even a biological species? Why not an object or a natural phenomenon?
Sounds to me like the demise of gender specific sports. Olympics should only take a week if that is the case--fewer events.

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