New Orleans marks Katrina anniversary


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 14 minutes ago

NEW ORLEANS - Prayers, protests and a lingering disgust with the government's response to Hurricane Katrina marked the disaster's second anniversary Wednesday, with a presidential visit doing little to mollify those still displaced by the storm.

Clarence Russ, 64, took a dim view of politicians' promises as he tried to put the finishing touches on his repaired home in the city's devastated Lower 9th Ward.

"There was supposed to be all this money, but where'd it go? None of us got any," said Russ, whose house was the only restored home on an otherwise desolate block.

Not far away, President Bush visited a school. "We're still paying attention. We understand," he said before heading to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, also devastated by Katrina.

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Wonder how long before they start demanding a Federal holiday to commemorate being too stupid to get from in front of a Cat 5 hurricane?
And it seems the Evacuees from Katrina are just as horrible to deal with as they have been all this time.
And it seems the Evacuees from Katrina are just as horrible to deal with as they have been all this time.

Still demanding handouts they've been taught to expect as a right.
AKIR - Louisiana Purchase

Where was FEMA? What do they gain from Katrina?
And why it take so long to save us but so fast to clean up?
Who's in charge of them green bucks?
Cause they supposed to give survivors least two G's plus
I need much in answers; was it because, they live below standards
and drugs ran rapid that it's quiet up in the cabinet?
Who was on call, did they really drop the bomb?
Did they say {fuck} it? We're reminded 'bout them damn walls
Can we call 'em levies? Did the water get heavy and overrun the town
or did people come knock 'em down?
Are they tryna help 'em out or tryna kick 'em out?
When you see them come around to evacuate a house
Who has insurance in one of the country's most poorest, communities?
Isn't this country for you and me?
Separatin families, destroyin unity, conquer through divide
Are they gonna help us survive?
Or is it genocide, do they wanna help and all revive?
Or will it be, gentrified? Watch the choppers in the skies
No supplies, devils in disguise, spinnin stories on my people's lives
Standin by while they just lettin us die (die)

I feel like the whole world gone crazy
The stadium smells like {fuckin} dead babies
And old people, goin through rigamortis
While the government tortoise, slow to support us
Instead they record us and give us self-righteous orders
Reporters implore us, not to break the law
I saw a {bitch} talkin on TV, I wanna break her jaw
A teleprompter, can never describe what I saw
The phones are dead, no police and no E.M.T.
Powerless like we got hit, with an E.M.P.
It reminds me of the days when we lived as slaves
They just denied the migrant workers, federal aide
And people tell me poverty, doesn't have any color
Well it does down here mother-{fucker}
And now they talk about, rebuildin where nothin is workin (nothin!)
Just lawyers gettin more contracts by Halliburton

We restored the fresh corner on some Mardi Gras {shit}
Swervin down Bourbon - on some party town {shit}
Drinkin {fuckin} liquor, I'm speakin real candid
Who knew, N.O. would turn president land this
dude got us lookin savage - like newer reports
Get the rich ones out the tellies, and ignored the warts
Scores of people perched on top roofs
96 hours with no damn rule, but who the {fuck} wouldn't shoot?
"So would I" says the cat
Brother stranded, wife and seed on his side, {gat} on the lap
Now anarchy, rule the street
Mayor cuss the government out, on the TV all you hear is bleeps
Despair dro, some the same
Super dope synonymous with pain, ironically they change quotes the same
I know firsthand I got blood (yeah) you heard from me
Second line been should be playin for eternity

Walk with imagination, prepare for the devastation
of these poor people bein displaced in our own nation
No food or water with four days waitin
Fearlessly they're flyin over to assess the situation
Dirt they doin to my folks blatant
Satan they causes, breakin they clauses, lyin to our faces
Take a step back, let's retrace this
Cats were breakin into stores cause they were runnin out of patience
Most of them gunshots you heard about, yeah
They were pointed in the air cause the bullets were flares
But regardless if the media cares or not
We should still share a lot of truth, keep stirrin the pot
into a spicy gumbo, dig deep, let your funds go
Never know a storm might hit Flatbush or Ludlow
Who do you think they'll save, them or us?
Mother Nature doesn't choose sides, cash flow does
I wonder when they will realize that they might actually have to do something on their own to benefit their own lives.
Still demanding handouts they've been taught to expect as a right.
It's not even that, man. I mean, I've been talking to people who tell me that they used to live in decent to nice neighborhoods until the evacuees started to move in and turned it to shit with violence, etc. I never hear positive stories.
This entire circle jerk, is good stuff. I don't think it will be long before the GOP and its supporters alienate every black, every hispanic, every gay or lesbian, and every arab or muslim-american in the country. And will become merely the party of angry, southern white men -- A permanent minority party, at it were.
This entire circle jerk, is good stuff. I don't think it will be long before the GOP and its supporters alienate every black, every hispanic, every gay or lesbian, and every arab or muslim-american in the country. And will become merely the party of angry, southern white men -- A permanent minority party, at it were.

Yup, remind me again of the last 5 Presidents which two have or had the most blacks and Hispanics in high power positions in the Federal Government? Ohh and remind me again what party 90 percent to 95 percent of black voters already vote for?

Over a million openly gay people voted for Bush in 2004 as well and last I checked Hispanics are not a block vote for either party. As for Muslims, they are less than 2 percent of the US population and I bet they are not a block vote either.

But your right, give Liberals enough time and they will find someway to pay off Hispanics to vote for them like they have Blacks. Selling out the Country isn't a problem as long as in the process a Liberal is in charge.

African-americans can't think for themselves. They had to be bribed to vote Democratic.

Thanks for proving my point about the attitudes in your party!
I repeat.... Which President has had the most Blacks and Hispanics in positions of High Government offices in the Federal Government? And which party attacked those Blacks as "Uncle Tom" sell outs, ran racist cartoons depicting them in ways that were reminiscent of Jim Crow days and tried to block appointments of Blacks through out the Government?
I repeat.... Which President has had the most Blacks and Hispanics in positions of High Government offices in the Federal Government? And which party attacked those Blacks as "Uncle Tom" sell outs, ran racist cartoons depicting them in ways that were reminiscent of Jim Crow days and tried to block appointments of Blacks through out the Government?

"I repeat.... Which President has had the most Blacks and Hispanics in positions of High Government offices in the Federal Government?"

I can't have a discussion with you, if you repeatedly don't tell the truth (see your claim the other day about BushCo. never saying Iraq was an imminent threat)

although George W. Bush has nominated minorities for some of the highest positions in government (such as former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, former national security adviser and current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales), a Newsday analysis of federal personnel records for September 2000 and September 2002 concluded that when political appointments that don't require Senate confirmation are counted, "blacks held 7 percent of administration jobs under Bush, less than half of the 16 percent they held under Clinton," and blacks held only 6 percent of "senior executive posts" under Bush, compared to 13 percent under Clinton.,0,5162569.story
This entire circle jerk, is good stuff. I don't think it will be long before the GOP and its supporters alienate every black, every hispanic, every gay or lesbian, and every arab or muslim-american in the country. And will become merely the party of angry, southern white men -- A permanent minority party, at it were.

Did someone besides you mention anyone's skin color? But that's right, attempt to deflect from the issue with the cry of "racism."

I don't give a DAMN waht color people who are too stupid to get out from in front of a Cat 5 hurricane are .... stupid is colorblind.

So try again.
"I repeat.... Which President has had the most Blacks and Hispanics in positions of High Government offices in the Federal Government?"

I can't have a discussion with you, if you repeatedly don't tell the truth (see your claim the other day about BushCo. never saying Iraq was an imminent threat)

Having only a base of about 5 to 10 percent of a population to call on would explain why there were not more lower level appointments. But hey do pretend otherwise. Again remind me of all the Blacks and Hispanics nominated for and appointed to High Government office by a democrat. Are you claiming that a party that enjoys 90 plus percent of black support has only ever been able to appoint , what one, black to any cabinet or high office?
Did someone besides you mention anyone's skin color? But that's right, attempt to deflect from the issue with the cry of "racism."

I don't give a DAMN waht color people who are too stupid to get out from in front of a Cat 5 hurricane are .... stupid is colorblind.

So try again.

Here's what somebody else on the thread said. You can feign ignorance if you want - to me, its obvious that there's a racial element to this:

It's not even that, man. I mean, I've been talking to people who tell me that they used to live in decent to nice neighborhoods until the evacuees started to move in and turned it to shit with violence, etc. I never hear positive stories.
Here's what somebody else on the thread said. You can feign ignorance if you want - to me, its obvious that there's a racial element to this:

It's not even that, man. I mean, I've been talking to people who tell me that they used to live in decent to nice neighborhoods until the evacuees started to move in and turned it to shit with violence, etc. I never hear positive stories.

I'm not feigning a damned thing. I posted the thread, and the original post. I addressed the situation, not the color of the people involved. I also did not make the comment you cite.

You're right though, race IS involved because it was used as a weapon to make the PC who are terrified of being called racist start steppin-n-fetchin' to prove they aren't.

The fact is, the overwhelming majority of those people who did not evacuate were black. You going to ignore that fact because it's politically correct?

Kind of hard to address a situation if you can't even identify it.

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