New poll finds race between Lyin Ted Cruz & Little Beto O’Rourke within the margin of error

Beto O’Rourke is a left wing knuttjob who wants open borders and racial discrimination in employment and education. Democrats block Voter ID laws because they are against protecting everyone's right to vote. Democrats are terrorist sympathizers. Democrats have sworn to take back Trump's middle class tax cuts.
Democrats are bad for America.
A poll from Quinnipiac University released on Thursday gave Hillary Clinton a massive advantage over her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, just 75 days before November's election.

The poll put Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, at 51% and Trump, the Republican nominee, at 41% in a head-to-head matchup.

New poll shows we're 'starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide'
It's one poll of 1,029 people I wouldn't put to much into it. this part of the poll was pretty interesting.

Voters say Cruz would do a better job than O'Rourke on a number of issues:
  • 51 - 35 percent that Cruz would do a better job on the economy;
  • 49 - 36 percent for Cruz on taxes;
  • 43 percent say Cruz would do a better job on health care, as 42 percent say O'Rourke would be better;
  • 46 - 38 percent that Cruz would be better on immigration;
  • 50 - 37 percent that Cruz would be better on gun policy Like I said before one poll a lot can and will change before election day.

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