New program at university of Texas conflates masculinity with sexual assault


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............
Masculinity is fine....INCEL is not. They are terrorists.
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

I'm really hoping my sons choose to go to trade school, or some sort of directed school for whatever they choose to do, rather than going to a regular college. After having me as their mother, college liberalism would result in nothing but constant battle and misery for them.
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

I'm really hoping my sons choose to go to trade school, or some sort of directed school for whatever they choose to do, rather than going to a regular college. After having me as their mother, college liberalism would result in nothing but constant battle and misery for them.

It is proven they have more success going to a trade school. The University is all a scam .

Hands on learning is a better teacher than lets say, taking four years of useless shit that has nothing to do with your degree.

It's like going for a plumber but you have to take cooking's an engineered plan to rake in billions.
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

I'm really hoping my sons choose to go to trade school, or some sort of directed school for whatever they choose to do, rather than going to a regular college. After having me as their mother, college liberalism would result in nothing but constant battle and misery for them.

It is proven they have more success going to a trade school. The University is all a scam .

Hands on learning is a better teacher than lets say, taking four years of useless shit that has nothing to do with your degree.

It's like going for a plumber but you have to take cooking's an engineered plan to rake in billions.

Well, once upon a time, it involved being a well-rounded, educated person who had experienced art and literature and philosophy and had thereby enhanced the ability to think and imagine.

Now, it's a way to kill time before being forced to grow up and adult with the rest of us.

My older son wants to design videogames. I'm gonna say that he can find any number of non-traditional colleges and schools which can teach that without the extraneous bullshit. My younger son - who's only 9 - currently wants to be a zookeeper. I have no idea how one goes about doing that.
New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

I'm really hoping my sons choose to go to trade school, or some sort of directed school for whatever they choose to do, rather than going to a regular college. After having me as their mother, college liberalism would result in nothing but constant battle and misery for them.

It is proven they have more success going to a trade school. The University is all a scam .

Hands on learning is a better teacher than lets say, taking four years of useless shit that has nothing to do with your degree.

It's like going for a plumber but you have to take cooking's an engineered plan to rake in billions.

Well, once upon a time, it involved being a well-rounded, educated person who had experienced art and literature and philosophy and had thereby enhanced the ability to think and imagine.

Now, it's a way to kill time before being forced to grow up and adult with the rest of us.

My older son wants to design videogames. I'm gonna say that he can find any number of non-traditional colleges and schools which can teach that without the extraneous bullshit. My younger son - who's only 9 - currently wants to be a zookeeper. I have no idea how one goes about doing that.

A 9r old, then you should take the time to read this ....... Charlotte can also be found on youtube



And if you choose not to read she can be heard here :

New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

The University of Texas is promoting a new approach to masculinity in a very left-leaning campaign that treats masculinity as a “mental health issue.”

Live: Infowars Reporters Ask University Of Texas Students If Masculinity Is A Mental Health Issue
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New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault
The University of Texas is facing ridicule after a new program called “MasculinUT” was announced in a way that insinuated it was treating masculinity as a mental health crisis.. The university has attempted to explain the program as simply an effort to “bring more men to the table to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues,” but the reality is that UT is still promoting a facetious connection between masculinity and assault and violence.

Like we keep telling you lushes who fall all over yourselves for that METOO bs, you are supporting these idiots who HATE MEN, even if they are married to one doesn't mean they don't have man hate ways, you know the bitch who says she wears the pants and treats her husband like her son rather than a husband.

You leftist idiots are paying thousands for your kids to earn a degree in being an " IDIOT" and well lets add teaching them to hate men, white men at that ............

I'm really hoping my sons choose to go to trade school, or some sort of directed school for whatever they choose to do, rather than going to a regular college. After having me as their mother, college liberalism would result in nothing but constant battle and misery for them.

It is proven they have more success going to a trade school. The University is all a scam .

Hands on learning is a better teacher than lets say, taking four years of useless shit that has nothing to do with your degree.

It's like going for a plumber but you have to take cooking's an engineered plan to rake in billions.

Well, once upon a time, it involved being a well-rounded, educated person who had experienced art and literature and philosophy and had thereby enhanced the ability to think and imagine.

Now, it's a way to kill time before being forced to grow up and adult with the rest of us.

My older son wants to design videogames. I'm gonna say that he can find any number of non-traditional colleges and schools which can teach that without the extraneous bullshit. My younger son - who's only 9 - currently wants to be a zookeeper. I have no idea how one goes about doing that.

A 9r old, then you should take the time to read this ....... Charlotte can also be found on youtube

View attachment 191085

View attachment 191084

And if you choose not to read she can be heard here :

My children have all been homeschooled. Given what's going on with public school teacher strikes here right now, I don't foresee that changing.

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