new progressive income tax


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

Because, little one, that isn't a "progressive" tax rate, it would be called a "regressive" tax rate, and it wouldn't be a flat rate either, since you're changing the rate by level of income.
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Why not abolish the 16th Amendment entirely?

It's the worst cancer infecting our system. It needs to be cut out.

There is to much money coming in from the income tax which means the politicians will never get rid of it. I just thought this tax is more American because it rewards hard work and economic achievement. I just thought I put this out there for discussion.
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Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

Because, little one, that isn't a "progressive" tax rate, it would be called a "regressive" tax rate, and it wouldn't be a flat rate either, since you're changing the rate by level of income.

I'm not your penis so don't talk to me call me "little one".
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.
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Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.
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Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.

Designed to kill the capitalist system....according to who? Let me guess. You citing you?

And a conservative advocating a system of taxation that heavily burdens the poor and middle class while overwhelmingly benefiting the rich?

Color me shocked.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.

Designed to kill the capitalist system....according to who? Let me guess. You citing you?

And a conservative advocating a system of taxation that heavily burdens the poor and middle class while overwhelmingly benefiting the rich?

Color me shocked.

Obviously you did not read the communist manifesto as you were instructed to by Obama. I'm sure someone can show that it was Karl,Marx who came up with this idea and I'm pretty sure he was against the free enterprise system so I am assuming this can only have one benefit which is to take it down.
So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.

Designed to kill the capitalist system....according to who? Let me guess. You citing you?

And a conservative advocating a system of taxation that heavily burdens the poor and middle class while overwhelmingly benefiting the rich?

Color me shocked.

Obviously you did not read the communist manifesto as you were instructed to by Obama. I'm sure someone can show that it was Karl,Marx who came up with this idea and I'm pretty sure he was against the free enterprise system so I am assuming this can only have one benefit which is to take it down.

You've obviously never read the Communist Manifesto. You've merely read talking points. The 10 tenets weren't a means. They were an end.

And following your logic, public education and an end to child labor were designed to destroy capitalism. As both of those were also part of the 10 tenets. public education for children and a return of child labor to save capitalism? Or do you just not have the slightest clue what you're talking about?
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

I think you are on to something, but it would work better if it was a 35% tax on everyone, and then after the first $50K, it would drop to 25%, and after the next $50k it would drop to 15%. After $1 million, no more tax at all. This way all the low income earners would get raped over the coals and the rich could hire more people for below minimum wage. Oh yea, get rid of that minimum wage too. We need slave labor so the wealthy can create even more jobs.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

That is regressive not progressive.
Article I Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.
Can I point out that there are no conservatives agreeing with the bass ackwards tax plan
this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.

Designed to kill the capitalist system....according to who? Let me guess. You citing you?

And a conservative advocating a system of taxation that heavily burdens the poor and middle class while overwhelmingly benefiting the rich?

Color me shocked.
Why not abolish the 16th Amendment entirely?

It's the worst cancer infecting our system. It needs to be cut out.

So, how do we pay for things, genius?

Idiots like you are the cancer.
Riddle me this...............

What nations have a GDP higher than the current Federal Budget of the United States............................................

and how to we pay for this.....................genius.
A cancer is spending out of control.................and doing more of the same to resolve it................To ignore that it is destroying our dollar and our way of life.............

and refusing to see our Federal Gov't spends more than the GDP of ANY OTHER NATION on the PLANET EARTH.............
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

I think you are on to something, but it would work better if it was a 35% tax on everyone, and then after the first $50K, it would drop to 25%, and after the next $50k it would drop to 15%. After $1 million, no more tax at all. This way all the low income earners would get raped over the coals and the rich could hire more people for below minimum wage. Oh yea, get rid of that minimum wage too. We need slave labor so the wealthy can create even more jobs.

Why stop there? We can also use the tax sytem to force us to buy health insurance so that the health insurance industry has a pool of federally guaranteed customers. We can even put people in jail for not having it just so we can make sure they have customers. What domyounthink of that?

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