new progressive income tax

SD, run the formula if you made 50,000, then 75,000, and then 100,000. You will learn.

I'm not really in a position to disagree with what you are saying because I am not an accountant but it really doesn't have anything to do with my original post. In th original post I just said a declining progressive income tax would be better. That is an opinion and opinions can't be wrong. It is like saying the color blue is the best. It can't be wrong (why do I have similar conversations with first graders?) it can't be right because it is just an opinion. Now if I said a declining progressive income tax would be better because you avoid being taxed in the way I described in a reply then you can say that is wrong because people don't get taxed that way.

This is what SD left out above: SD, run the formula if you made 50,000, then 75,000, and then 100,000. You will learn.

SD, no one is doubting you made an erroneous statement with wrong definitions of the terms

SD, your opinion is predicated about wrong definitions and terms. Thus your statement is wrong. Yes, opinion at times are not not value neutral.

Let me make it very clear: your proposition is wrong because your term and definitions are false.

yes, opinions are not neutral. A person who has the opinion that the the color blue is the best probably hasnt spent a lot of time comparing all of the other colors in an objective manor. what is wrong with your thinking process? I understand what you are trying to say that an "opinion" based on something false can't be true but what you are saying is that opinions can be wrong. Is this your position? If someone told you that the color blue is his favorite you would then tell him he is wrong? Seriously?

In my original post I did not say a declining progressive income tax would avoid the discussed taxation problems.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.
You have trouble admitting you are wrong.

I get it. Your proposition was wrong: thus you are wrong.
There was a time when liberals were pretty smart people but something changed with them right after jfk.

Someone is telling me that opinions are wrong....OMG!

It just seems like opinions are one of the few places where our thought process has unlimited free reign. I like this movie...I like this watermelon...etc etc etc. it just makes me happy but someone then comes along and tells me I am wrong. WTF!
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Oh, there are lots of rules but they have plenty of power as well. I didn't like my audit but they weren't mean about it. So, pay your taxes little man, and be honest. It's patriotic.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Oh, there are lots of rules but they have plenty of power as well. I didn't like my audit but they weren't mean about it. So, pay your taxes little man, and be honest. It's patriotic.

I agree with Ronald reagen when he said we need an informed patriotism. One that questions authority and can't be used to coerce us into being obedient.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Oh, there are lots of rules but they have plenty of power as well. I didn't like my audit but they weren't mean about it. So, pay your taxes little man, and be honest. It's patriotic.

I agree with Ronald reagen when he said we need an informed patriotism. One that questions authority and can't be used to coerce us into being obedient.
Fine by me, but still, you have to pay your taxes.
Why not start out with a flat rate for everyone like 10% and as you make more money that rate declines to 9' 8, 6, etc etc etc. what better way to encourage businesses to grow and still collect monumental amounts of tax revenue to grow the size of government.

I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Oh, there are lots of rules but they have plenty of power as well. I didn't like my audit but they weren't mean about it. So, pay your taxes little man, and be honest. It's patriotic.

I agree with Ronald reagen when he said we need an informed patriotism. One that questions authority and can't be used to coerce us into being obedient.
Fine by me, but still, you have to pay your taxes.

There is a hefty penalty if I don't. It is kind of like dealing with the mob.
I couldn't agree more. The IRS is the most oppressive wing of the monster government that we have ever saddled ourselves with. Jesus, we went to war with England because King George imposed a mere 1% tax on the colonies. Now? We have a (literal) Army of IRS agents that break down doors, Intimidate taxpayers and serve (apparently) at the whim of the Chief Executive.

My plan? Do away completely with the IRS and start a flat tax on everything. It would be fair for all and the loop holes would be blown to hell.

The irs is one of the few agencies that can getaway with almost doing anything. I guess when the government needs money they can do anything at all to get it.
Oh, there are lots of rules but they have plenty of power as well. I didn't like my audit but they weren't mean about it. So, pay your taxes little man, and be honest. It's patriotic.

I agree with Ronald reagen when he said we need an informed patriotism. One that questions authority and can't be used to coerce us into being obedient.
Fine by me, but still, you have to pay your taxes.

There is a hefty penalty if I don't. It is kind of like dealing with the mob.
Nothing of the kind...

Wow, please go back to school and get a damn education, because you have no flippin clue what you are talking about. This is the kind of nonsense we get from so many on the right. It's damn scary I tell you.

The "nonsense" is that fact that over 40% of the GNP goes for the combined cost of government and we are $18 trillion in debt on the Federal level and another $3 trillion on the state and local level.

Big expensive government and the massive taxation and debt that goes with it is the nonsense.

The only way to stop this craziness is to stop spending so much money. In fact stop spending a lot of the money we are spending now.
There was a time when liberals were pretty smart people but something changed with them right after jfk.

Someone is telling me that opinions are wrong....OMG!

It just seems like opinions are one of the few places where our thought process has unlimited free reign. I like this movie...I like this watermelon...etc etc etc. it just makes me happy but someone then comes along and tells me I am wrong. WTF!

Liberalism failed when it became greed.

Unproductive people discovered they could use the ballot box to steal from the productive.

The Democrats embraced that concept of thievery to get power. Vote for a Democrat and he/she will insure that the government steals money on your behalf. Welcome to the Democrat Welfare Slave Plantation. You don't even have to work. Just support your slave masters every election cycle and everything is taken care of.
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Wow, please go back to school and get a damn education, because you have no flippin clue what you are talking about. This is the kind of nonsense we get from so many on the right. It's damn scary I tell you.

The "nonsense" is that fact that over 40% of the GNP goes for the combined cost of government and we are $18 trillion in debt on the Federal level and another $3 trillion on the state and local level.

Big expensive government and the massive taxation and debt that goes with it is the nonsense.

The only way to stop this craziness is to stop spending so much money. In fact stop spending a lot of the money we are spending now.

What you fail to understand is that much of that money that goes through the government goes right back to the private sector to construction companies to defense contractors to cleaning crews to one business after another in the private sector. The government actually is the best facilitator to allocate those funds back to the private sector for many things such as defense spending, road construction, infrastructure spending and so on. If the government did not collect and direct those funds, much of those needed things would never get done. Even funding for welfare, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare goes right back to the private sector. The amount actually used to run government is a much smaller amount of the total funding because of this.
There was a time when liberals were pretty smart people but something changed with them right after jfk.

Someone is telling me that opinions are wrong....OMG!

It just seems like opinions are one of the few places where our thought process has unlimited free reign. I like this movie...I like this watermelon...etc etc etc. it just makes me happy but someone then comes along and tells me I am wrong. WTF!

Liberalism failed when it became greed.

Unproductive people discovered they could use the ballot box to steal from the productive.

Do you have any idea how little money you get with food stamps? How little money you get on welfare? And how inconsistently the poor vote?

You're offering us piece of prechewed rhetoric. But when tested, its just a big bucket of cud. The overwhelming majority of the money going to the poor is for things like healthcare and education.

The Democrats embraced that concept of thievery to get power. Vote for a Democrat and he/she will insure that the government steals money on your behalf. Welcome to the Democrat Welfare Slave Plantation. You don't even have to work. Just support your slave masters every election cycle and everything is taken care of.

You're using buzzwords, but they don't actually pan out. First off, taxation isn't theft. Killing your entire argument. Second, the overwhelming majority of taxes are going to pay for the military, social security and medicare. Not as 'gifts to the poor'. Third, the wealthy are doing really, really well. With the top 400 families having more wealth than the lower 150,000,000 Americans. So the idea of the wealthy as 'victims' is just blithering nonsense.

The vote of the average american has virtually no impact government policy. The desires of the wealthy on the other hand do. We have superPACs that allow the wealthy to funnel unlimited funds into our system with virtually no oversight and the blessing of the USSC on literally purchasing influence. What do you think they're buying with these hundreds of millions of dollars?

We're living in a proto-oligarchy where the income gap is the greatest its been since just before the great depression, where virtually every increase in productivity is being held among the wealthy....

....and you're complaining about the poor? The least powerful, least influential members of our society are the focus of your scorn?

Holy fuck. You've just swallowed the fuckin' Koolaid, haven't you?
So the richer you are......the less you pay?

I wasn't aware that degree of servilely attentive wealth worship had gone mainstream within the GOP.

this tax may encourage people to,get off there ass and get to work.

Wouldn't the higher pay be an incentive already?

And you do realize that this would overwhelmingly benefit high wage earners that are already employed, right? Yeah, of course you do. That's the point.

Since an increasing progressive income tax is designed to kill the capatalism system then A progressive income tax that declines would have the opposite effect.

Designed to kill the capitalist system....according to who? Let me guess. You citing you?

And a conservative advocating a system of taxation that heavily burdens the poor and middle class while overwhelmingly benefiting the rich?

Color me shocked.

Obviously you did not read the communist manifesto as you were instructed to by Obama. I'm sure someone can show that it was Karl,Marx who came up with this idea and I'm pretty sure he was against the free enterprise system so I am assuming this can only have one benefit which is to take it down.


You think that Karl Marx came up with the "idea" of progressive taxation?

Ancient Rome had progressive income (and wealth) taxes.

Wow, please go back to school and get a damn education, because you have no flippin clue what you are talking about. This is the kind of nonsense we get from so many on the right. It's damn scary I tell you.

The "nonsense" is that fact that over 40% of the GNP goes for the combined cost of government and we are $18 trillion in debt on the Federal level and another $3 trillion on the state and local level.

Big expensive government and the massive taxation and debt that goes with it is the nonsense.

The only way to stop this craziness is to stop spending so much money. In fact stop spending a lot of the money we are spending now.

What you fail to understand is that much of that money that goes through the government goes right back to the private sector to construction companies to defense contractors to cleaning crews to one business after another in the private sector. The government actually is the best facilitator to allocate those funds back to the private sector for many things such as defense spending, road construction, infrastructure spending and so on. If the government did not collect and direct those funds, much of those needed things would never get done. Even funding for welfare, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare goes right back to the private sector. The amount actually used to run government is a much smaller amount of the total funding because of this.

You are aware that most of that money is spent on contracts because companies because politicians are bribed to spend it on them. It's not called a bribe but "campaign donations" and it is one of the best investments a company can make. Spend a thousand on campaign donations and get a million dollar contract.
There was a time when liberals were pretty smart people but something changed with them right after jfk.

Someone is telling me that opinions are wrong....OMG!

It just seems like opinions are one of the few places where our thought process has unlimited free reign. I like this movie...I like this watermelon...etc etc etc. it just makes me happy but someone then comes along and tells me I am wrong. WTF!

Liberalism failed when it became greed.

Unproductive people discovered they could use the ballot box to steal from the productive.

Do you have any idea how little money you get with food stamps? How little money you get on welfare? And how inconsistently the poor vote?

You're offering us piece of prechewed rhetoric. But when tested, its just a big bucket of cud. The overwhelming majority of the money going to the poor is for things like healthcare and education.

The Democrats embraced that concept of thievery to get power. Vote for a Democrat and he/she will insure that the government steals money on your behalf. Welcome to the Democrat Welfare Slave Plantation. You don't even have to work. Just support your slave masters every election cycle and everything is taken care of.

You're using buzzwords, but they don't actually pan out. First off, taxation isn't theft. Killing your entire argument. Second, the overwhelming majority of taxes are going to pay for the military, social security and medicare. Not as 'gifts to the poor'. Third, the wealthy are doing really, really well. With the top 400 families having more wealth than the lower 150,000,000 Americans. So the idea of the wealthy as 'victims' is just blithering nonsense.

The vote of the average american has virtually no impact government policy. The desires of the wealthy on the other hand do. We have superPACs that allow the wealthy to funnel unlimited funds into our system with virtually no oversight and the blessing of the USSC on literally purchasing influence. What do you think they're buying with these hundreds of millions of dollars?

We're living in a proto-oligarchy where the income gap is the greatest its been since just before the great depression, where virtually every increase in productivity is being held among the wealthy....

....and you're complaining about the poor? The least powerful, least influential members of our society are the focus of your scorn?

Holy fuck. You've just swallowed the fuckin' Koolaid, haven't you?

They just have no clue.

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