New Rasmussen Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support A.C.A.


Dec 5, 2011
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports trade

Oh No.....Say It Ain't So....But alas and alack a new Rasmussen Poll (Hardly one of them Liberal Types) shows that by a 52% Majority, the American People favor improving the Affordable Health Care Act over repealing it.

With clear majorities in the U.S. House Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, Republicans can now do what a Majority of Americans want, improve health care.

Hot shit and holy damn Teabaggers, all you tricorn hat wearing motherfuckers were getting your frillies in twist now that you have the keys to kingdom, only to find out that a majority in the kingdom believe that Health Care is a right and not privilege.

Karma is a bitch.
Uh, that's not at all what the poll results show. The majority want Congress to FIX the law.

Given the problems with the new law, 30% of Likely U.S. Voters still think Congress should repeal it entirely and start over again. But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% prefer instead that Congress go through the law piece by piece and improve it. Just 13% want to leave the law as is.
Uh, that's not at all what the poll results show. The majority want Congress to FIX the law.

Given the problems with the new law, 30% of Likely U.S. Voters still think Congress should repeal it entirely and start over again. But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% prefer instead that Congress go through the law piece by piece and improve it. Just 13% want to leave the law as is.
I wonder who the 13% are, coma patients?
I am ok with it as long as it doesn't hurt science, innovation and r&d in the health field.
Of course the problem being it's highly doubtful Obama would accept any changes to it and anything Congress passed he would likely veto. On a side note Real Clear Politics has 52% disapprove of it.
They are going to fight till their death for this NEW MONSTER government entitlement that hurt more than it helps and controls every aspect of your health care like you are CHILDREN

just unbelievable is it because their Dear Leader put it in or what.

trillions of dollars spent to set it up, millions lost their policies and only 8FRIKKEN million people out of 360 million signed on

this is what you THE TAXPAYERS are funding. MORE GOVERNMENT:

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Those gosh darn polls. What's a fellow to do? I was especially amused by the ones that showed Republicans suffering crushing defeats in the past two midterms.
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports trade

Oh No.....Say It Ain't So....But alas and alack a new Rasmussen Poll (Hardly one of them Liberal Types) shows that by a 52% Majority, the American People favor improving the Affordable Health Care Act over repealing it.

With clear majorities in the U.S. House Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, Republicans can now do what a Majority of Americans want, improve health care.

Hot shit and holy damn Teabaggers, all you tricorn hat wearing motherfuckers were getting your frillies in twist now that you have the keys to kingdom, only to find out that a majority in the kingdom believe that Health Care is a right and not privilege.

Karma is a bitch.

Six years we've been talking about this and you still don't understand the difference between health care and healthcare INSURANCE?

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