New rep system?

The word **** has it's place as does the word ******.Censorship of a particular word on a messageboard has no place.
The word **** has it's place as does the word ******.Censorship of a particular word on a messageboard has no place.

Really? What place is THAT exactly? From my observation, I only see where you use words like that to offend and shock.

Perhaps you can clue me in to exactly what purpose is served by offending and shocking people on message board thats primary design is political debate/discussion?
Really? What place is THAT exactly? From my observation, I only see where you use words like that to offend and shock.

Perhaps you can clue me in to exactly what purpose is served by offending and shocking people on message board thats primary design is political debate/discussion?

Once again, it is your opinion that counts, ****** is fine, **** is is censored.Gunny doesn't like it.I swear if it is allowed I will use it once and never again.I never use the word ****** in any kind of context other than this, it offends me.
Once again, it is your opinion that counts, ****** is fine, **** is is censored.Gunny doesn't like it.I swear if it is allowed I will use it once and never again.I never use the word ****** in any kind of context other than this, it offends me.

Differentiate between discussing the term "******" and using it. I don't use the word.

I have neither censored nor banned anyone for using the other word. You know ... like you were suggesting I do in an effort to ensure there was no doubt I knew the word was being used?

And again, I am not the one that put it in the word filter. I'd be willing to bet it was Darin, but I don't know that for a fact.

I'm not telling you what to post or not post. I am merely discussing an issue concerning a word.

But I tell you what ... I'll be all democratic and shit and let the members of the board decide what they want. If the board owner has no problem with the majority decision, then I will act in accordance with whatever the members choose.

Feel all warm and fuzzy about it now?
Differentiate between discussing the term "******" and using it. I don't use the word.

I have neither censored nor banned anyone for using the other word. You know ... like you were suggesting I do in an effort to ensure there was no doubt I knew the word was being used?

And again, I am not the one that put it in the word filter. I'd be willing to bet it was Darin, but I don't know that for a fact.

I'm not telling you what to post or not post. I am merely discussing an issue concerning a word.

But I tell you what ... I'll be all democratic and shit and let the members of the board decide what they want. If the board owner has no problem with the majority decision, then I will act in accordance with whatever the members choose.

Feel all warm and fuzzy about it now?

You are a fine and upstanding fellow.:)
You kill me. I've been corrected? You aren't my GS and I'm certainly entitled to have an opinion of my own without being corrected. :badgrin:

btw, women do use the c word in exactly the same manner toward each other that blacks use the n word. You need to get out more.

You are entitled to your opinion no matter how incorrect it is. You HAVE BEEN corrected in that you have been provided with facts that contradict your erroneous and uneducated opinion.

You would be the one that needs to get out more, obviously.

And I don't know what circle of "friends" you travel in, but I really DON'T need to get around them. I'd venture a guess that I've easily been around FAR more diverse crowds than you and I have known few, if any, women that would use the word c*nt other than going for a shot below the belt.

As far as your opinions and entitlement to them goes, feel free. You have made it quite obvious in several threads that facts be damned, you're going down with the ship rather than accept any factual information that contradicts your opinions.
You are entitled to your opinion no matter how incorrect it is. You HAVE BEEN corrected in that you have been provided with facts that contradict your erroneous and uneducated opinion.

You would be the one that needs to get out more, obviously.

And I don't know what circle of "friends" you travel in, but I really DON'T need to get around them. I'd venture a guess that I've easily been around FAR more diverse crowds than you and I have known few, if any, women that would use the word c*nt other than going for a shot below the belt.

As far as your opinions and entitlement to them goes, feel free. You have made it quite obvious in several threads that facts be damned, you're going down with the ship rather than accept any factual information that contradicts your opinions.

Gunny, exactly what factual information did you give me?
I think we should filter anything negative about me and that's it. I have low self esteem like that.

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