new Repub book skewers Establ Repubs ESPECIALLY Boehner (R)

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Former Rep. Bob Ney skewers John Boehner: I don't hate him now
In Ney’s “Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill,” Boehner is portrayed as more concerned about fundraising and fun than governing. “Many felt his money-raising focus would make up for his lack of concern about legislation — he was considered a man who was all about winning and money,” writes Ney. “He was a chain-smoking, relentless wine drinker who was more interested in the high life — golf, women, cigarettes, fun, and alcohol.”

Ney goes on to say that Boehner was lazy, took thousands of dollars in booze, food and golf games from lobbyists, and repeatedly slid around ethics rules: “John got away with more than any other member on the Hill” because he was well-liked and well-protected by his staff.

Keep voting repub sheeple :thup: (or Democratic for that matter. I'm through voting for both parties)

I'll end up reading this, no doubt :eusa_drool:
Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill by Robert Ney

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Well there really isn't much to discuss.
Washington is filled-to-the-brim with Boehner-like politicians from both sides of aisle. As long as Washington is awash with money, it's going to stay that way. Citizens United only added to the fire that is contributing to the demise of America as we once knew it. The US isn't heading of the direction towards plutocracy, we're already there. :mad:
It's too bad we have so many folks married to their ideology that they fail to see exactly what their ideologies are doing to them.
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Many of the Tea party Movement are looking to oust JB. We know who votes which way and who is a conservative and who isn't. 2014 will be another 2010 where Congress will finally be represented by true conservatives.

We'll see which way the wind blows then.
Well there really isn't much to discuss.
Washington is filled-to-the-brim with Boehner-like politicians from both sides of aisle. As long as Washington is awash with money, it's going to stay that way. Citizens United only added to the fire that is contributing to the demise of America as we once knew it. The US isn't heading of the direction towards plutocracy, we're already there. :mad:
It's too bad we have some many folks married to their ideology that they fail to see exactly what their ideologies are doing to them.

Except that the people who vote Repub are told by their Think Tanks that theres nothing to see there & to move along.
so no Repubs on the forum have anything to say about the people they vote for who basically use tax payer $$$ as their slush funds (Boehner & Co (R) :eusa_think:
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At least Stephie cares that Boehner(R) is ripping the taxpayers off.
Thanks for the thread bump Stephie :thup: I'm pissed that Boehner(R) is shirking his duties in favor of wineing, dining, & smoking cigarettes.
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Thanks for the thread bump Stephie :thup: I'm pissed that Boehner(R) is shirking his duties in favor of wining, dining, & smoking cigarettes.

Now if you would have posted the same thing about Nancy Pelosi, well this thread would have had a couple hundred responses by now. And Nancy probably does it too, maybe sans cigarettes.:smiliehug:
But dots not pissed Obama(D) is shirking his duties in favor of flirting with women at memorials, beaches on million dollar vacations in Hawaii and golf while millions are losing their health insurance because of a LAW he lied about and pushed on us

some book is more important....

good greif
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I don't know, I just find it amazing that people put up with all the bullshit that our leaders and representatives pull just because they have a R or a D behind their name. Particularly when absolutely nothing gets done in Washington as the US slides downwards!! And it's all because of their ideology! What's up? Ideology rules over country and rules over of the lack of representing their constituents who are paying their salary?
America is getting what it deserves because of this bullshit partisan divide. Where are people's morals? Where are their backbones? Where is their love for their country?
There's a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves. Patriots, they are not! They are just tools.
I don't know, I just find it amazing that people put up with all the bullshit that our leaders and representatives pull just because they have a R or a D behind their name. Particularly when absolutely nothing gets done in Washington as the US slides downwards!! And it's all because of their ideology! What's up? Ideology rules over country and rules over of the lack of representing their constituents who are paying their salary?
America is getting what it deserves because of this bullshit partisan divide. Where are people's morals? Where are their backbones? Where is their love for their country?
There's a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves. Patriots, they are not! They are just tools.

Repub voters elect the same rw criminals out of hate & fear of trying something diff than the status quo.
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It's been more than obvious for some time that Boehner is a piss poor leader. Don't expect any change, though. The rank and file don't have the balls to overthrow him.
its the power of seniority & the status quo. Same goes for the Democrats. Thats why I refuse to vote for either of those parties anymore until they get the corrupting influence of money out legislatively or they leave
Am I happy with Boehner?


Am I so unhappy with him that I would rather have Pelosi in that chair?

Not only no, but hell no.
There should be people w/ pitchforks outside his office right now but instead? *crickets*

The guy is using a taxpayer-financed job to enrich himself & people willing to pay his "toll booth" fee to get legislation tended to DURING A RECOVERY FROM A RECESSION!!!. Sad, sad, sad :(
There should be people w/ pitchforks outside his office right now but instead? *crickets*

The guy is using a taxpayer-financed job to enrich himself & people willing to pay his "toll booth" fee to get legislation tended to DURING A RECOVERY FROM A RECESSION!!!. Sad, sad, sad :(

You lead the charge on the crooks in the Democrat party and we'll follow

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