New rules of engagement for stone throwers from the IDF. Expect quite a few deaths

gee, now all you have to do is say the magic words "he threw a rock" and you can kill whomever you like. isn't that nice.
Criminal behavior carries with it the expectation of consequences.

That is nice.
don't you believe in proving guilt before carrying out justice? do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?

Throwing rocks is seen as attempted murder in all civilised nations, so it is hardly non-lethal. What next firing an Automatic weapon is non-lethal ?
gee, now all you have to do is say the magic words "he threw a rock" and you can kill whomever you like. isn't that nice.
Criminal behavior carries with it the expectation of consequences.

That is nice.
don't you believe in proving guilt before carrying out justice? do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?
Proving guilt before carrying out justice seems to suggest a Western standard of jurisprudence. Where in sharia are such precepts as discovery, trial by jury, evidedenciary hearings provided for?

Lastly, rock throwing can be lethal, to the throw'ee and now to the Arab throw'er.
who gives a shit about your beliefs about what sharia does or does not do? that's not what we're talking about.

i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact

Because it is not non lethal is it, which is why it is used the world over to execute dishonourable females. Same size rocks are used so how can you say the practise is non lethal
Criminal behavior carries with it the expectation of consequences.

That is nice.
don't you believe in proving guilt before carrying out justice? do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?
Proving guilt before carrying out justice seems to suggest a Western standard of jurisprudence. Where in sharia are such precepts as discovery, trial by jury, evidedenciary hearings provided for?

Lastly, rock throwing can be lethal, to the throw'ee and now to the Arab throw'er.
who gives a shit about your beliefs about what sharia does or does not do? that's not what we're talking about.

i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact
No need to get snippy. I'll revise my position and suggest that the punishment for rock throwing should be lopping off hand that was used to throw the rock... after being shot. Better?
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?

Changing your tune now after denuding that all immigrants be shot at when they try to enter European nations, and should have all their human rights removed because your NAZI leaders say so.
i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact
Not "non lethal crime." There have been quite a few deaths because of rock throwing. These bastards intend to kill.
really? i bet there's a hell of a lot more deaths from idf bullets than any supposed rock thrower.
in fact, i challenge you to show 3 rock throwing deaths in the past 5 years.

According to historian Rafael Medoff, 14 people have been killed by Palestinian stone throwing, including 3 Arabs mistaken for Jews by the rock throwers
i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact
Not "non lethal crime." There have been quite a few deaths because of rock throwing. These bastards intend to kill.
really? i bet there's a hell of a lot more deaths from idf bullets than any supposed rock thrower.
in fact, i challenge you to show 3 rock throwing deaths in the past 5 years.

  • On 23 September 2011, Asher (25) and Yonatan Palmer (1) were killed when the car Asher was driving was attacked by stone-throwing Palestinians, causing it to crash killing him along with his infant son.[188]
  • On 14 March 2013,[189] the Biton's family car was attacked, near neighboring village ofKif el-Hares, with stones which caused it to get out of control and collide with a truck.Adele Biton was critically injured along with her mother and 3 sisters who were moderately injured, and died two years later.[190]
  • On 14 September 2015 Alexander Levlovich(64) died early morning after Palestinian attackers pelted the road he was driving on with rocks as he was returning home from a dinner celebrating Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.[191][192]

Now it's justified or you want to see more people dying first?
i have to ask - are these the only three incidents you could find?

So how about the IDF throw rocks at Palestinians instead, would that suit you better. Arrest the criminals and have just one punishment that amounts to the intervention of God whether the person lives or dies. Bury them in the ground and have anyone walking past throw rocks at them for 48 hours, then ask if they intended to harm when they threw the rocks,
don't you believe in proving guilt before carrying out justice? do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?
Proving guilt before carrying out justice seems to suggest a Western standard of jurisprudence. Where in sharia are such precepts as discovery, trial by jury, evidedenciary hearings provided for?

Lastly, rock throwing can be lethal, to the throw'ee and now to the Arab throw'er.
who gives a shit about your beliefs about what sharia does or does not do? that's not what we're talking about.

i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact
No need to get snippy. I'll revise my position and suggest that the punishment for rock throwing should be lopping off hand that was used to throw the rock... after being shot. Better?
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.

On another board he advocates the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians that dare to migrate to Europe, so he has double standards and is a hypocrite
Proving guilt before carrying out justice seems to suggest a Western standard of jurisprudence. Where in sharia are such precepts as discovery, trial by jury, evidedenciary hearings provided for?

Lastly, rock throwing can be lethal, to the throw'ee and now to the Arab throw'er.
who gives a shit about your beliefs about what sharia does or does not do? that's not what we're talking about.

i'm asking you why you think it's okay to shoot someone for a non-lethal crime, a crime in which it's possible there was not even injury, and a crime for which evidence is not always available after the fact
No need to get snippy. I'll revise my position and suggest that the punishment for rock throwing should be lopping off hand that was used to throw the rock... after being shot. Better?
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?

Not when there are hundreds every year in Islamic states that have sharia laws.

Why the change of tune when you advocate the mass murder of immigrants arriving in Europe ?
browsing deer

Dark Fury









10 mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns who celebrate the pornographic murder of Palestinians at the hands of the jewish supremacist state using Apache helicopters, Hellfire missiles and all sorts of american made weapons and then cry like little babies when disgruntled arabs turn thousands of americans into hamburguer meat to avenge their deaths.

YEP and that is why we should be turning all Islamic lands into glow in the dark wastelands.
browsing deer

Dark Fury









10 mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns who celebrate the pornographic murder of Palestinians at the hands of the jewish supremacist state using Apache helicopters, Hellfire missiles and all sorts of american made weapons and then cry like little babies when disgruntled arabs turn thousands of americans into hamburguer meat to avenge their deaths.
Why was I last on that list?

More to the point why was I missed of, is it cos I is British ?
No need to get snippy. I'll revise my position and suggest that the punishment for rock throwing should be lopping off hand that was used to throw the rock... after being shot. Better?
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?
Where is this
No need to get snippy. I'll revise my position and suggest that the punishment for rock throwing should be lopping off hand that was used to throw the rock... after being shot. Better?
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?

Where exactly is this epidemic of death from IDF weaponry™.

I just don't see it.
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
What I do see is an epidemic of hate and promotion of violence from the Pal'istanian arabs when rock throwing and incitement to islamic terrorism is promoted by the PA and by the Hamas terroists.

I can understand your're embarassed for having posed some silly challenge about finding three deaths attributed to Pal'istanian rock throwing - which you were presented with and then had to quickly backstroke from.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300?
We know that Pal'istanian incitement to violence has consequences; one of those consequences can be the deaths of Israelis. Your lack of concern for criminal behavior on the part of Pal'istanian terrorists is a concern for Israelis living under the institutionalized promotion of hatred and violence by Pal'istanian arabs. What is also a concern is your unwilingness to assign responsibility for that promotion of hatred and violence that is used by Pal'istanian arab "leadership" which puts the rock chuckers in the line of fire.

There's never a shortage of stupidity and cowardice when it comes to arabs-moslems creating the conditions which serves their own worst interests.
you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

No it killed terrorists, militia and human shields that had declared war and fired on them. Remember that qassams are an illegal weapon of terror and every one fired is a war crime.

Were the 2300 as a result of war declared by the people who were killed or not. Were the 14 as a result of pre meditated attempted murder by terrorists. Answer truthfully and you have the answer.

Simple when you look at it if they did not engage in violence and/or terrorism then they would not be killed. If a crazed muslim came at you with a knife would you just stand there or would you shoot them. Do you mean like Gitmo, or the EU rules allowing people to be held without trial as a safety measure ?

No because of Palestinian mentality, have the new rules regarding migrants getting into Hungary stopped the flood yet.
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?
Where is this
what made you into the asshole you are today?
seriously, what is so wrong with you that you care so little for human life?
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?

Where exactly is this epidemic of death from IDF weaponry™.

I just don't see it.
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
What I do see is an epidemic of hate and promotion of violence from the Pal'istanian arabs when rock throwing and incitement to islamic terrorism is promoted by the PA and by the Hamas terroists.

I can understand your're embarassed for having posed some silly challenge about finding three deaths attributed to Pal'istanian rock throwing - which you were presented with and then had to quickly backstroke from.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300?
We know that Pal'istanian incitement to violence has consequences; one of those consequences can be the deaths of Israelis. Your lack of concern for criminal behavior on the part of Pal'istanian terrorists is a concern for Israelis living under the institutionalized promotion of hatred and violence by Pal'istanian arabs. What is also a concern is your unwilingness to assign responsibility for that promotion of hatred and violence that is used by Pal'istanian arab "leadership" which puts the rock chuckers in the line of fire.

There's never a shortage of stupidity and cowardice when it comes to arabs-moslems creating the conditions which serves their own worst interests.
you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

No it killed terrorists, militia and human shields that had declared war and fired on them. Remember that qassams are an illegal weapon of terror and every one fired is a war crime.

Were the 2300 as a result of war declared by the people who were killed or not. Were the 14 as a result of pre meditated attempted murder by terrorists. Answer truthfully and you have the answer.

Simple when you look at it if they did not engage in violence and/or terrorism then they would not be killed. If a crazed muslim came at you with a knife would you just stand there or would you shoot them. Do you mean like Gitmo, or the EU rules allowing people to be held without trial as a safety measure ?

No because of Palestinian mentality, have the new rules regarding migrants getting into Hungary stopped the flood yet.
Originally posted by Hossfly
But I wonder why he thinks that if Israelis kill a Pali terrorist that thousands of Americans have to be the fall guys.

If I had my way the state of Israel would have been peacefully dismantled in the early 60's at the latest. Then a young egyptian named Mohammed Atta wouldn't grow up seeing the sad spectacle of palestinians being massacred by american made weapons and he wouldn't develop his deep, bitter anti-americanism (by his own confession).

And not only the 9-11 ring leader, but all the other participants and at least two generations of arabs wouldn't nurture any resentment towards America.

If Zionists want to see those who give a huge boost to the previously non-existent anti-americanism in the Middle East (that eventually led to 9-11), they should take a good look in the mirror.

But you didn't have your way and so 12 million Jews were not massacred as a result. But Mo'mad atta could have never been born as his family could have been wiped out by an Islamic terror group like IS or AQ.
Would you also have "peacefully dismantled" America, Africa, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran et al where more people have died in the last year as a result of violence than Israel has killed Palestinians in 67 years. The Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians in one month, that is more than Israel has killed defending against attacks in 67 years.

Anti Americanism has always been a part of life in the M.E, it is a religious command in the koran if you look.
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?
Where is this
It seems you choose to excuse criminal behavior on the part of your precious Pal'istanians. It's apparent the only lives you care for are the lives of the rock throwers.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?

Where exactly is this epidemic of death from IDF weaponry™.

I just don't see it.
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
What I do see is an epidemic of hate and promotion of violence from the Pal'istanian arabs when rock throwing and incitement to islamic terrorism is promoted by the PA and by the Hamas terroists.

I can understand your're embarassed for having posed some silly challenge about finding three deaths attributed to Pal'istanian rock throwing - which you were presented with and then had to quickly backstroke from.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300?
We know that Pal'istanian incitement to violence has consequences; one of those consequences can be the deaths of Israelis. Your lack of concern for criminal behavior on the part of Pal'istanian terrorists is a concern for Israelis living under the institutionalized promotion of hatred and violence by Pal'istanian arabs. What is also a concern is your unwilingness to assign responsibility for that promotion of hatred and violence that is used by Pal'istanian arab "leadership" which puts the rock chuckers in the line of fire.

There's never a shortage of stupidity and cowardice when it comes to arabs-moslems creating the conditions which serves their own worst interests.
you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

I see. Can you explain why, or offer some explanation for the cause of those 2,300 Pal'istanians losing their lives? Could it have something to do with Pal'istanians committing acts of war such as attacking Israel?
there is no excuse for that level of death.

There was no excuse for the mass murder of 10 million people by your fellow Nazi's in the 1940's, or the mass murder of 20 million Indian's shortly after was there. They had done nothing to harm their murderers, unlike the Palestinians that instigated attacks on Jewish children and fired illegal rockets indiscriminately at Israel. Those people died as a result of the attacks by themselves and so should not be cried over, specially by a hypocrite like you
Where is this
Where exactly is this epidemic of death from IDF weaponry™.

I just don't see it.
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
What I do see is an epidemic of hate and promotion of violence from the Pal'istanian arabs when rock throwing and incitement to islamic terrorism is promoted by the PA and by the Hamas terroists.

I can understand your're embarassed for having posed some silly challenge about finding three deaths attributed to Pal'istanian rock throwing - which you were presented with and then had to quickly backstroke from.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300?
We know that Pal'istanian incitement to violence has consequences; one of those consequences can be the deaths of Israelis. Your lack of concern for criminal behavior on the part of Pal'istanian terrorists is a concern for Israelis living under the institutionalized promotion of hatred and violence by Pal'istanian arabs. What is also a concern is your unwilingness to assign responsibility for that promotion of hatred and violence that is used by Pal'istanian arab "leadership" which puts the rock chuckers in the line of fire.

There's never a shortage of stupidity and cowardice when it comes to arabs-moslems creating the conditions which serves their own worst interests.
you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

I see. Can you explain why, or offer some explanation for the cause of those 2,300 Pal'istanians losing their lives? Could it have something to do with Pal'istanians committing acts of war such as attacking Israel?
there is no excuse for that level of death.

I agree, the level should have been higher.
That's what your terror buddies want.
Bunch of pussies, hiding behind civilians.
bunch of pussies, shooting people for throwing rocks. bunch of pussies, bulldozing houses. bunch of pussies, using cluster bombs on civilians. bunch of pussies, dropping bombs from aircraft without caring who they hit. bunch of pussies, hiding behind a uniform and pretending that what they do doesn't make them every bit the terrorists they claim to fight.

Sounds just like your hero's the NAZI's in the 1930's and 1940's. And what you advocate should be done to the muslims migrating to Europe. HYPOCRISY MUCH?
do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?
So, if a brick hits our honorable ogibillm in the head, he/she will appreciate it as something non-lethal, well, if he/she is able to, of course.
gee, now all you have to do is say the magic words "he threw a rock" and you can kill whomever you like. isn't that nice.
Criminal behavior carries with it the expectation of consequences.

That is nice.
don't you believe in proving guilt before carrying out justice? do you believe death is an appropriate response for a non-lethal attack?

Throwing rocks is seen as attempted murder in all civilised nations, so it is hardly non-lethal. What next firing an Automatic weapon is non-lethal ?
When a pali does it, using an AK-47 is considered non lethal. Of course, the aiming is so pathetic
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300? you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

I see. Can you explain why, or offer some explanation for the cause of those 2,300 Pal'istanians losing their lives? Could it have something to do with Pal'istanians committing acts of war such as attacking Israel?
there is no excuse for that level of death.

I agree, the level should have been higher.
That's what your terror buddies want.
Bunch of pussies, hiding behind civilians.
bunch of pussies, shooting people for throwing rocks. bunch of pussies, bulldozing houses. bunch of pussies, using cluster bombs on civilians. bunch of pussies, dropping bombs from aircraft without caring who they hit. bunch of pussies, hiding behind a uniform and pretending that what they do doesn't make them every bit the terrorists they claim to fight.

Sounds just like your hero's the NAZI's in the 1930's and 1940's. And what you advocate should be done to the muslims migrating to Europe. HYPOCRISY MUCH?
what the fuck are you talking about? i really think you have me confused with someone else. i expect an apology - or a post of mine that makes you think i either believe that the nazis were heroes or that i advocate anything but aid and shelter for the refugees heading to europe.
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?
Where is this
quite the opposite. i care about all lives.
you do not. see, i challenged you to give me three in five years, and daniyel did it. but if i had asked for 5 in the last ten years he would have failed.
there is not an epidemic of deaths from rock throwing. there is an epidemic of death from idf weaponry and you're cheering on what will obviously lead to more.
what is wrong with you that you care so little about human life?

Where exactly is this epidemic of death from IDF weaponry™.

I just don't see it.
then you are blind. israel killed more than 2300 people in 2014.
What I do see is an epidemic of hate and promotion of violence from the Pal'istanian arabs when rock throwing and incitement to islamic terrorism is promoted by the PA and by the Hamas terroists.

I can understand your're embarassed for having posed some silly challenge about finding three deaths attributed to Pal'istanian rock throwing - which you were presented with and then had to quickly backstroke from.
i did. but again, if i would have asked for 5 in the last 10 years, i would have been right. now help me out, which is more, 4 or 2300?
We know that Pal'istanian incitement to violence has consequences; one of those consequences can be the deaths of Israelis. Your lack of concern for criminal behavior on the part of Pal'istanian terrorists is a concern for Israelis living under the institutionalized promotion of hatred and violence by Pal'istanian arabs. What is also a concern is your unwilingness to assign responsibility for that promotion of hatred and violence that is used by Pal'istanian arab "leadership" which puts the rock chuckers in the line of fire.

There's never a shortage of stupidity and cowardice when it comes to arabs-moslems creating the conditions which serves their own worst interests.
you'll forgive anything so long as it results in dead palestinians. but if you don't want to talk about the conflict in 2014 let's talk about the 40 a week that idf forces are injuring or killing. maybe we'll talk about the detentions without trial.
how can you excuse these actions?

but let me finally just ask - can you look at the change of rules to allow soldiers to fire on people they claim threw rocks as something that will lead to peace and not death?

I see. Can you explain why, or offer some explanation for the cause of those 2,300 Pal'istanians losing their lives? Could it have something to do with Pal'istanians committing acts of war such as attacking Israel?
there is no excuse for that level of death.

There was no excuse for the mass murder of 10 million people by your fellow Nazi's in the 1940's, or the mass murder of 20 million Indian's shortly after was there. They had done nothing to harm their murderers, unlike the Palestinians that instigated attacks on Jewish children and fired illegal rockets indiscriminately at Israel. Those people died as a result of the attacks by themselves and so should not be cried over, specially by a hypocrite like you
most of the people killed by the idf in 2014 were not combatants. they were not terrorists. they were civilians. how do you find that acceptable?
gee, now all you have to do is say the magic words "he threw a rock" and you can kill whomever you like. isn't that nice.

Because stoning people to death is way cooler.

Fuck off, Anti-Zionists. We see a stone, we target. We're tired of our graveyards being so overcrowded.
you have to be kidding. the graveyards that are crowded are not israeli graveyards - the crowded ones contain the palestinians killed by israel - and the numbers aren't even close.

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