New Socialists: Entitled, Ignorant, Virtue-Signaling Turds Make Destruction En Vogue

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018


Ever since the 2016 election, the worship of an old, white, messy-haired man has become en vogue among the young, hip socialists. No, they aren’t genuflecting at the altar of Karl Marx, although my educated guess would be that half of them have a shrine to the worthless, freeloading, adulterous pud in their parents’ basements. Bernie Sanders is their socialist of choice, although if you want to be technical, they worship the almighty state, with Bernie just the crazy-looking personification thereof.

And then came the rise of the 29 year-old bartender with no economic sense, no experience in public policy, and an ego far surpasses her actual skills and knowledge and who got elected by blathering, wide-eyed, self-aggrandizing, snotty cognoscenti, who consider themselves much more educated and worldly than the rest of us blue-collar types who think that working for a living and increasing your own value – whether to your employer or to your customer – is the only moral way to advance in life.

How bourgeois and uncouth!

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