New SurveyUSA poll shows Walker falling fast.

But nothing about Warnock abusing his wife? Amazing.
Police noted that despite the fact that she was hesitant to have her foot examined, medical personnell were called, and they found no sign of redness, swelling, brusing, or broken bones that would have been present if her foot had actually been run over by a 4000 lb car.
Police noted that despite the fact that she was hesitant to have her foot examined, medical personnell were called, and they found no sign of redness, swelling, brusing, or broken bones that would have been present if her foot had actually been run over by a 4000 lb car.
Does the bastard pay child support?
If you have any evidence that he actually did that, I'm sure his ex-wife would love to hear it. The police said she didn't present any evidence and was reticent to be examined,
Reluctance to be examined is a classic sign of abuse. I didn't even know about that, but based on your statement, Warnock sounds guilty as sin.
but immediately called medical personnel anyway. Medical examination showed there was no sign of swelling, redness, brusing, or broken bones.
Sound like you're saying nothing happened. So why did she call medical personnel?

I'll take your word for whatever you say. So far you're like a lawyer making his own client look guilty.
Reluctance to be examined is a classic sign of abuse. I didn't even know about that, but based on your statement, Warnock sounds guilty as sin.

Sound like you're saying nothing happened. So why did she call medical personnel?

I'll take your word for whatever you say. So far you're like a lawyer making his own client look guilty.
Reluctance to be examined is also a sign of someone lying too. Who knows why crazy people make crazy accusations? She didn't call medical personelle. The cops did over her objections. A medical examination showed no sign of any injury. A 4000 pound car running over your foot would have caused injury.
Reluctance to be examined is also a sign of someone lying too. Who knows why crazy people make crazy accusations? She didn't call medical personelle. The cops did over her objections. A medical examination showed no sign of any injury. A 4000 pound car running over your foot would have caused injury.
So "believe the women," isn't a thing anymore?
Well start a thread on Sen Warnock abusing his wife, might last 2 mins.
Probably less. Democrats don't care about that.

They don't mind boys being castrated and girls having their breasts removed, they sure aren't going to care about some "n-word" running over his African wife's foot.

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