New Syrian Prime Minister


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

American Muslim Brotherhood Member is New Syrian Prime Minister

March 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

America and Europe have served as safe havens for a generation of Islamists looking to take over their own countries. Iranian Islamists like Khomeini hung out in Paris. Arab Islamists hung out in the United States.

If you loved Morsi, meet Ghassan Hitto, the choice of the rebels to be the Prime Minister of an imaginary government. Hitto was no doubt chosen for his American background and his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Mohamed Elibiary is not exactly the guy you want to be defending your credibility, but at least some of the Brotherhood’s stooges are coming out of the closet now that it’s time for them to take power.

American Muslim Brotherhood Member is New Syrian Prime Minister

American Muslim Brotherhood Member is New Syrian Prime Minister

March 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

America and Europe have served as safe havens for a generation of Islamists looking to take over their own countries. Iranian Islamists like Khomeini hung out in Paris. Arab Islamists hung out in the United States.

If you loved Morsi, meet Ghassan Hitto, the choice of the rebels to be the Prime Minister of an imaginary government. Hitto was no doubt chosen for his American background and his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Mohamed Elibiary is not exactly the guy you want to be defending your credibility, but at least some of the Brotherhood’s stooges are coming out of the closet now that it’s time for them to take power.

American Muslim Brotherhood Member is New Syrian Prime Minister

So when Assad is dead muslim brotherhood takes over

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