New Tell-All Book Exposes Bombshells About Bernie Sanders

not surprised...this is the sort of thing leftist leaders do.

fan the flames of division and class warfare...push the narrative that everything is the “others” fault...demand their money...while they’ll live like kings ans their followers remain dependent and poor

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?
Bernie's a fake. He gets screwed over by Hillary and Sleepy-Joe and they bribe him by buying him a vacation home. He knows he'll never be allowed to be president because he's a known communist.
A socialist living an extravagant life. The irony :lol:
Are you not allowed to select bed size at the hotels you stay at?

Do they not allow you to touch the climate control??

You must really take some shitty vacations
Bernie wants to get rid of HVAC but he wants his rooms at 60 degrees?
He'll have to move to Siberia once his Green New Deal goes into effect.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?

Excuse me but almost every hotel room has a bathtub.

Also, king size beds are in hotel rooms. All you have to do is request one or stay in a room that automatically comes with one. I sleep in king size beds in hotels if it comes with the room.

A person who turns down upgrades isn't a bad person.

The person who wrote that book really is making a mountain out of nothing.
A socialist living an extravagant life. The irony :lol:

Having a bathtub, which is standard in rooms, is an extravagant life?

Sleeping in a king size bed is an extravagant life?

Turning down upgrades is an extravagant life.

Your post shows me that you haven't been in a hotel room.

Or you're a liar.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?

What a hoot!

These politicians (even Socialists!) who pretend to be just one of the people are often spoiled and pampered prima donnas.

Ms. Nancy has a fit if she doesn't get a private jet; Ms. Hillary demands the best food on her flights.

Public "servants"? I don't think so.
Do you understand why we are socialists? Us rich liberals?

It's because we see the masses aren't making enough. So we want to make their lives easier even if it means we have to pay more taxes. After all, we are rich.

Yes we still drive in private jets and we own 5 big houses. That doesn't change the fact that we care about the poor and middle class. That's why we want them to have universal healthcare, affordable college, good pay, unions, etc.

You capitalist pigs want the treat the poor like shit. It's how you maximize profits. We believe in capitalism too. Just well regulated capitalism. Socialism when necessary. Greedy insurance, oil companies gouging us, prisons, elections, public parks, social security, medicare. Some things need to be socialized and some things need to be better regulated.

No one is socialist for altruistic reasons.

the fact is yes the masses are maming enough and it is none of your fucking business. You are not qualified or intelligent enough to say otherwise.

Socialiszation always fails to improve things and succeeds only in establishing power and control over others which is really what all socialists lust after.
Nonsense. Socialists came up with public schools and that improved the situation for the masses. We came up with social security and medicare and that improved the situation for most seniors. Sure the rich can do private schools and 401K's but the masses need public schools and social security to improve their quality of life.

What is maming?

And then why am I for socialism if not for altruistic reasons?

P.S. This is like you guys saying Al Gore can't own 5 big homes and be a champion against man made climate change. You guys are idiot.
No they did not. Public schools predated sociialism and schools are a massive exercise in faiuilure now because of socialist influence.

No they do not need those things and in fact can do better without them. If they were really so great they would be strirctly voluntary rather than forced through coercion.

Because socialism is NEVER about altruism it is always and strictly about force and theft.

You are NOT altruistic when you demand force be used to take from others to give to others. That is what socialism is all about and it is never compassionate or empathetic or altruistic. You get no generosity points and no respect as a person when you take from one to give to another. You only get judged as a cowardly fucking thief who cannot even do his own dirty work and demands government do it.

That is correct he cannot he is a massive liar and elitist hypocrite just like that socialist PIG Sanders.
Your side is trying to make cuts to public schools and move more towards private schools. To help the rich no doubt. You attack public schools because you want to break them. Same way you did unions in the 2000's before you sent all our best jobs overseas. You're brainwashed by the rich.

You don't get to decide where your taxes go or how much taxes you pay. You elect politicians and they decide. So elect politicians who agree with your libertarianistic approach. Good luck with that. Theft? HA! Pay your fucking taxes bitch.
Libertarians are more delusional than Trump voters.....

Their whole political and economic policy is all based on a fiction book.

There is a reason why it's a work of fiction.

When it's put into practice it destroys economies and nations.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?

Excuse me but almost every hotel room has a bathtub.

Also, king size beds are in hotel rooms. All you have to do is request one or stay in a room that automatically comes with one. I sleep in king size beds in hotels if it comes with the room.

A person who turns down upgrades isn't a bad person.

The person who wrote that book really is making a mountain out of nothing.
Not in my world. I havent owned nor seen a tub since the eighties. Ripped a bunch of the filthy fuckers out and put'em in the landfill where they belong....with carpet, linoleum and wallpaper. And fucking dishwashers...OOneekley amerrykin nonsense.
Jacuzzis maybe.If it's a big enough one you can get that turbo jet to spray just right while going at it dogg....nevermind

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?

What a hoot!

These politicians (even Socialists!) who pretend to be just one of the people are often spoiled and pampered prima donnas.

Ms. Nancy has a fit if she doesn't get a private jet; Ms. Hillary demands the best food on her flights.

Public "servants"? I don't think so.
Do you understand why we are socialists? Us rich liberals?

It's because we see the masses aren't making enough. So we want to make their lives easier even if it means we have to pay more taxes. After all, we are rich.

Yes we still drive in private jets and we own 5 big houses. That doesn't change the fact that we care about the poor and middle class. That's why we want them to have universal healthcare, affordable college, good pay, unions, etc.

You capitalist pigs want the treat the poor like shit. It's how you maximize profits. We believe in capitalism too. Just well regulated capitalism. Socialism when necessary. Greedy insurance, oil companies gouging us, prisons, elections, public parks, social security, medicare. Some things need to be socialized and some things need to be better regulated.

No one is socialist for altruistic reasons.

the fact is yes the masses are maming enough and it is none of your fucking business. You are not qualified or intelligent enough to say otherwise.

Socialiszation always fails to improve things and succeeds only in establishing power and control over others which is really what all socialists lust after.
Nonsense. Socialists came up with public schools and that improved the situation for the masses. We came up with social security and medicare and that improved the situation for most seniors. Sure the rich can do private schools and 401K's but the masses need public schools and social security to improve their quality of life.

What is maming?

And then why am I for socialism if not for altruistic reasons?

P.S. This is like you guys saying Al Gore can't own 5 big homes and be a champion against man made climate change. You guys are idiot.
No they did not. Public schools predated sociialism and schools are a massive exercise in faiuilure now because of socialist influence.

No they do not need those things and in fact can do better without them. If they were really so great they would be strirctly voluntary rather than forced through coercion.

Because socialism is NEVER about altruism it is always and strictly about force and theft.

You are NOT altruistic when you demand force be used to take from others to give to others. That is what socialism is all about and it is never compassionate or empathetic or altruistic. You get no generosity points and no respect as a person when you take from one to give to another. You only get judged as a cowardly fucking thief who cannot even do his own dirty work and demands government do it.

That is correct he cannot he is a massive liar and elitist hypocrite just like that socialist PIG Sanders.
Your side is trying to make cuts to public schools and move more towards private schools. To help the rich no doubt. You attack public schools because you want to break them. Same way you did unions in the 2000's before you sent all our best jobs overseas. You're brainwashed by the rich.

You don't get to decide where your taxes go or how much taxes you pay. You elect politicians and they decide. So elect politicians who agree with your libertarianistic approach. Good luck with that. Theft? HA! Pay your fucking taxes bitch.
Libertarians are more delusional than Trump voters.....

Their whole political and economic policy is all based on a fiction book.

There is a reason why it's a work of fiction.

When it's put into practice it destroys economies and nations.
It is based on logic and reason and no such nation has been destroyed.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?
You must b bored.

You do know trump lives in a gold apartment right?
President Trump earned his rooms with gold. It’s called working a lifetime in the private sector.
Actually if he would have put the money his daddy left him in a safe/conservative investment he would be much richer today than he is. He's got what he's got because he's shady. Doesn't pay taxes.

And he lies about how much he has. Won't show taxes. You've been conned.

Oh, and he hired illegal even well into his ONE term.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?

What a hoot!

These politicians (even Socialists!) who pretend to be just one of the people are often spoiled and pampered prima donnas.

Ms. Nancy has a fit if she doesn't get a private jet; Ms. Hillary demands the best food on her flights.

Public "servants"? I don't think so.
Do you understand why we are socialists? Us rich liberals?

It's because we see the masses aren't making enough. So we want to make their lives easier even if it means we have to pay more taxes. After all, we are rich.

Yes we still drive in private jets and we own 5 big houses. That doesn't change the fact that we care about the poor and middle class. That's why we want them to have universal healthcare, affordable college, good pay, unions, etc.

You capitalist pigs want the treat the poor like shit. It's how you maximize profits. We believe in capitalism too. Just well regulated capitalism. Socialism when necessary. Greedy insurance, oil companies gouging us, prisons, elections, public parks, social security, medicare. Some things need to be socialized and some things need to be better regulated.

No one is socialist for altruistic reasons.

the fact is yes the masses are maming enough and it is none of your fucking business. You are not qualified or intelligent enough to say otherwise.

Socialiszation always fails to improve things and succeeds only in establishing power and control over others which is really what all socialists lust after.
Nonsense. Socialists came up with public schools and that improved the situation for the masses. We came up with social security and medicare and that improved the situation for most seniors. Sure the rich can do private schools and 401K's but the masses need public schools and social security to improve their quality of life.

What is maming?

And then why am I for socialism if not for altruistic reasons?

P.S. This is like you guys saying Al Gore can't own 5 big homes and be a champion against man made climate change. You guys are idiot.
No they did not. Public schools predated sociialism and schools are a massive exercise in faiuilure now because of socialist influence.

No they do not need those things and in fact can do better without them. If they were really so great they would be strirctly voluntary rather than forced through coercion.

Because socialism is NEVER about altruism it is always and strictly about force and theft.

You are NOT altruistic when you demand force be used to take from others to give to others. That is what socialism is all about and it is never compassionate or empathetic or altruistic. You get no generosity points and no respect as a person when you take from one to give to another. You only get judged as a cowardly fucking thief who cannot even do his own dirty work and demands government do it.

That is correct he cannot he is a massive liar and elitist hypocrite just like that socialist PIG Sanders.
Your side is trying to make cuts to public schools and move more towards private schools. To help the rich no doubt. You attack public schools because you want to break them. Same way you did unions in the 2000's before you sent all our best jobs overseas. You're brainwashed by the rich.

You don't get to decide where your taxes go or how much taxes you pay. You elect politicians and they decide. So elect politicians who agree with your libertarianistic approach. Good luck with that. Theft? HA! Pay your fucking taxes bitch.
Libertarians are more delusional than Trump voters.....

Their whole political and economic policy is all based on a fiction book.

There is a reason why it's a work of fiction.

When it's put into practice it destroys economies and nations.
It is based on logic and reason and no such nation has been destroyed.
No nation has ever tried libertarianism. If it's so good name some countries that have tried it and been successful.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?
This is the best you can do?

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is a demanding hotel guest whose requirements would make even the most pampered celebrity blush, according to a new book detailing Democratic Party politics. Author Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that following Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, the democratic socialist’s staffers put together a “Senator Comfort Memo” detailing his specifications for each hotel stay on his travels. According to Dovere, Sanders preferred suites with bathtubs and a king-size bed “which had to have a down comforter or another blanket in the closet."

Sanders, 79, required that his room be kept at 60 degrees even if it meant opening a window in winter or manually overriding the hotel’s climate control system. The book adds that Sanders would preserve his man-of-the-people bona fides by turning down room upgrades, occasionally swapping with aides and telling them,
"if there’s a bomb in there, it’s yours tonight.”

Is this guy serious?? He actually books rooms at hotels and demands they give him a King-size bed?? And not only does he want to seize the controls of production, he actually believes he can seize the controls of climate and turn the AC down to 60?? Outrageous!

And to make matters worse; this guy turns down room upgrades and gives them to his staffers; knowingly putting them in danger?? In fact, he makes jokes about them being blown up by bombs?? How is this not being talked about more?
This is the best you can do?
I found some countries who have tried and succeeded at Libertarianism



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