New Texas voter ID law discriminates, federal judge rules

4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

What would one need in order to obtain the free ID that you have suggested?
I'm sure they are already on the dole in some way
Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

That the rubes have yet to catch on to this fact is simply hilarious.

This Voter ID thing is a stupid gimmick to keep the Tard Herd mesmerized and beholden to their puppeteers.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.
New Texas voter ID law discriminates, federal judge rules - CNNPolitics

This shit is HILARIOUS.

They claim 4% of people in Texas have NO FORM OF ID OF ANY KIND....SO THEY ARE DISENFRANCHISED.

Instead of giving these people free IDs, they want to REMOVE VOTER ID anyone can vote without proving who they are.


Well...the 2nd ammendment is also RIGHT.....these people would also be advocates of NOT SHOWING ID TO OBTAIN A GUN.....CORRECT?
It's VERY simple why these idiots are trying to remove VOTER ID LAWS in Texas....THEY WANT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO BE ABLE TO VOTE.

It would be MUCH more simple to just hand out FREE STATE IDS.

Progs, just pretend they are condoms or you love giving them away for free.

Fifth Circuit Says Texas Can Keep Voter ID Rules — For Now

It is a fact that more people are disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws than there is fraud prevented by these same ID laws. Once those statistics are reversed I've got no problem with restrictive ID laws.
no that isn't fact, that's made up. thanks for trying though. you wish to debate, post something. right now, if any adult needs to eat, they must have an ID. now you wish to challenge that?

It is a fact. Studies show anywhere from 2-11% of the populace does not have the required ID for some of the most restrictive laws. Statistics for voter fraud, and that's all voter fraud not just fraud that would be stopped by having an identification presented at the polls, fall below 1%.

How do those 2-11% function in our society without ID.? They don't!

That means they should not be voting!

It isn't they don't have any form of ID. It is that they don't have the restrictive form of ID required in some states. Many people get along fine without ID.

Did you know homeless people can vote?

They probably do, and in more than one precinct because they have no ID tying them to a specific place.
Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

That the rubes have yet to catch on to this fact is simply hilarious.

This Voter ID thing is a stupid gimmick to keep the Tard Herd mesmerized and beholden to their puppeteers.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.

The ID was required to open the account. FAIL!
How do the 4% of people function with no ID?

With no ID, you cannot:

Open a bank account
File a tax return

How the FUCK are these 1.2 million in Texas functioning day to day with no ID and no means by which to get ID? (4% of 28 million)

It's BULLSHIT. These people do not exist.

Where is the proof that 1.2 million legal residents of Texas cannot afford ID and have no means by which to obtain ID?

Yeah, where are the 1.2 million pieces of proof huh? HUH?
4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

Actually, to get just an ID that shows who you are in TX costs 16 bucks for people under the age of 59, and it expires 6 years after your birthday, or, if you are over 60, it's only 6 dollars and has no expiration date.
what id do you need to get the Govt you have to pay to get your birth certificate too?
4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

Actually, to get just an ID that shows who you are in TX costs 16 bucks for people under the age of 59, and it expires 6 years after your birthday, or, if you are over 60, it's only 6 dollars and has no expiration date.
what id do you need to get the Govt you have to pay to get your birth certificate too?

Were you not born? I have my original birth certificate and I am 57 years old.
4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

Actually, to get just an ID that shows who you are in TX costs 16 bucks for people under the age of 59, and it expires 6 years after your birthday, or, if you are over 60, it's only 6 dollars and has no expiration date.
what id do you need to get the Govt you have to pay to get your birth certificate too?

Were you not born? I have my original birth certificate and I am 57 years old.
Heck no, I don't have my original birth certificate....I lost that a good 25 years ago, and have lost a couple of short form certificates of birth replacements since then as well! :eek:
Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

That the rubes have yet to catch on to this fact is simply hilarious.

This Voter ID thing is a stupid gimmick to keep the Tard Herd mesmerized and beholden to their puppeteers.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
Then you'd have no problem with them buying a gun without an id right.
4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

Actually, to get just an ID that shows who you are in TX costs 16 bucks for people under the age of 59, and it expires 6 years after your birthday, or, if you are over 60, it's only 6 dollars and has no expiration date.
what id do you need to get the Govt you have to pay to get your birth certificate too?

Were you not born? I have my original birth certificate and I am 57 years old.
Heck no, I don't have my original birth certificate....I lost that a good 25 years ago, and have lost a couple of short form certificates of birth replacements since then as well! :eek:

Then you should have to pay for your carelessness.

Suck it up buttercup!

Life is tough. It's tougher when you are stupid!
Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

That the rubes have yet to catch on to this fact is simply hilarious.

This Voter ID thing is a stupid gimmick to keep the Tard Herd mesmerized and beholden to their puppeteers.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.

The ID was required to open the account. FAIL!
OPEN - not maintain. Accounts do not expire - IDs do.

I have had the same account for a decade.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.

The ID was required to open the account. FAIL!
OPEN - not maintain. Accounts do not expire - IDs do.

I have had the same account for a decade.

Why do you repeat the same old lies and excuses? They had one at one time so they should be able to maintain it and get another.

My God people, listen to the whining that is going on! You people are pathetic!

If you are so concerned, you should be out there helping these people get their IDs, not whining about the requirements.
4%? I guess they dont drink, smoke, drive, get free shit form the government, have electricity etc etc
A fucking ID costs 5 bucks. The government could give them away at cost and not miss out on much. That would be worth the voting integrity anyways IMO

Actually, to get just an ID that shows who you are in TX costs 16 bucks for people under the age of 59, and it expires 6 years after your birthday, or, if you are over 60, it's only 6 dollars and has no expiration date.
what id do you need to get the Govt you have to pay to get your birth certificate too?

Were you not born? I have my original birth certificate and I am 57 years old.
Heck no, I don't have my original birth certificate....I lost that a good 25 years ago, and have lost a couple of short form certificates of birth replacements since then as well! :eek:

What...are you a homeless American citizen living on the street that only has the clothes on your back (and a harmonica in your pocket) that just wants to exercise your God given right to vote?
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.

The ID was required to open the account. FAIL!
OPEN - not maintain. Accounts do not expire - IDs do.

I have had the same account for a decade.

Why do you repeat the same old lies and excuses? They had one at one time so they should be able to maintain it and get another.

My God people, listen to the whining that is going on! You people are pathetic!

If you are so concerned, you should be out there helping these people get their IDs, not whining about the requirements.
Never stated that I was against voter ID laws - just pointing out that your supposition is flat out incorrect. Interesting that you take it as such an affront (while ignoring what you stated in the first place and how it relates to the conversation).
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.

The ID was required to open the account. FAIL!
OPEN - not maintain. Accounts do not expire - IDs do.

I have had the same account for a decade.

Why do you repeat the same old lies and excuses? They had one at one time so they should be able to maintain it and get another.

My God people, listen to the whining that is going on! You people are pathetic!

If you are so concerned, you should be out there helping these people get their IDs, not whining about the requirements.
Never stated that I was against voter ID laws - just pointing out that your supposition is flat out incorrect. Interesting that you take it as such an affront (while ignoring what you stated in the first place and how it relates to the conversation).

I'm sorry! It just came across as another liberal asshat making excuses for voter fraud.
Obama and the Democrats are racist bigots who want to oppress poor minorities because they require an ID to sign-up for Obamacare
Obama and the Dirty Democrats are forcing people to buy Obamacare or pay a fine.....and then the Democratic Party claims that poor minority Democrat Voters can't afford an ID to go vote…... the dumb Liberal Logic is freaking amazing LOL
Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

That the rubes have yet to catch on to this fact is simply hilarious.

This Voter ID thing is a stupid gimmick to keep the Tard Herd mesmerized and beholden to their puppeteers.
it's just not true. everyone who is of age to vote needs an ID to exist in this country. Period. to say 4% don't have ID's is just a lie. They would never get healthcare, welfare, or drivers license. you have to have an ID to get a job. you have to have an ID to do almost anything in the country to exist. bullshit!!!!! can you say Bullshit louder? BULLSHIT
You are talking out of your ass. There are quite a few elderly who do not have a current ID. Once the social security checks start coming in, there is no reason to get a new ID. Once you give up driving, there is no reason to get a new driver's license.

Those old people you see being shuttled about in buses by their assisted living facilities? They don't have current IDs.
dude, they have to have an ID to get their checks cashed. D'oh come on man grow the fk up.
That is not wholly true actually - you can deposit a check without an ID into an account that is under the same name that is on the check.

Most government programs no longer send out checks either - direct deposit is much cheaper and easier.
The are no banks that will allow you to open a bank account without an ID

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