New trend has teens dumping out milk in grocery stores

But then they'll sue!!!!!
Well, since they are ONLY doing this for weak-ass social validation, they will ALWAYS be putting evidence on the web of the fact that they did it to themselves. They're not intelligent enough to figure out how they're screwing themselves.
The fact is, cow's milk can be easily substituted with some other product that is environmentally friendly.

Kudos to these kids for bringing it into the environmental spotlight.

And the fact is, it can be eliminated without causing much pain, or at least less pain than the necessary elimination of petroleum products.

(note the positive impact as compared to petroleum products! )

Not to even mention the pleasure of hearing the extreme rightists tearing their hair out!
What? What? Does Turdeau know that you are advocating for the end of the Canadian dairy industry? Seems that was one of his major sticking points in the USMCA agreement that he negotiated with Trump, duck. Better look out, Turdeau will be coming after your bank account--if you have one that you don't owe to a consumer credit org. like most Canadians.
What? What? Does Turdeau know that you are advocating for the end of the Canadian dairy industry? Seems that was one of his major sticking points in the USMCA agreement that he negotiated with Trump, duck. Better look out, Turdeau will be coming after your bank account--if you have one that you don't owe to a consumer credit org. like most Canadians.

Donald constantly steps in his own pile
So criminal destruction of private property is now to be lauded as "protest"?

What fucking repulsive scum you leftist asswagons are.
This is small potatoes compared to the commie Covid plot and the food waste it's generated!

But there's no denying that both are leading the charge to eliminate the biggest causes of climate change.
What? What? Does Turdeau know that you are advocating for the end of the Canadian dairy industry? Seems that was one of his major sticking points in the USMCA agreement that he negotiated with Trump, duck. Better look out, Turdeau will be coming after your bank account--if you have one that you don't owe to a consumer credit org. like most Canadians.

Donald is busy typing out an apologetic email to Trudeau. Roflmao
This is small potatoes compared to the commie Covid plot and the food waste it's generated!

But there's no denying that both are leading the charge to eliminate the biggest causes of climate change.

Climate change is a hoax you silly Canadian loon... and I don't mean those beautiful birds
This is small potatoes compared to the commie Covid plot and the food waste it's generated!

But there's no denying that both are leading the charge to eliminate the biggest causes of climate change.
Only someone with the IQ of a jug of milk could equate the two.
Now that I have the forum's members taking this discussion to another level, I'll bow out and just listen and watch the fur fly.

That is, unless some grown up asks me for my personal opinion?
Now that I have the forum's members taking this discussion to another level, I'll bow out and just listen and watch the fur fly.

That is, unless some grown up asks me for my personal opinion?
No grown up wants the opinion of someone who has the mind of an autistic 5-year old.....Your exit is more welcome than you know.
The fact is, cow's milk can be easily substituted with some other product that is environmentally friendly.

Kudos to these kids for bringing it into the environmental spotlight.

And the fact is, it can be eliminated without causing much pain, or at least less pain than the necessary elimination of petroleum products.

(note the positive impact as compared to petroleum products! )

Not to even mention the pleasure of hearing the extreme rightists tearing their hair out!

Liberal dumbassery.
I see some idiot kid doing that shit they won't like my response....and they need to be prosecuted, it's basically theft
These are the types that sabotage distribution centers and food processing plants.
They're everywhere......and this is the only REAL form of
White Domestic Terrorism.

At least they stopped cruising the boulevard and stopped tearing up stores and restaurants like they used to thirty + years ago.
Sure it isn't in the past two and continuing?
Considering the way that I have seen cereal boxes look at the grocery store, I am not surprised to learn that milk has become a target too.

God bless you always!!!


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