New York City to name a street in each borough ‘Black Lives Matter’

Its a good thing, really. Now we KNOW what complete and utter assholes they are. Pandering to fleeting and ephemeral causes like BLM, the politicians did that with the KKK back in 20s and that didn't work well ether.
Its a good thing, really. Now we KNOW what complete and utter assholes they are. Pandering to fleeting and ephemeral causes like BLM, the politicians did that with the KKK back in 20s and that didn't work well ether.
Well, there's a whole lotta streets now I know I'll never buy a house on! Tsk. Tsk. They should have named a street after every fallen black thug killed while resisting arrest! They could name a whole city! Maybe Chicago or Baltimore?
The spineless a-holes simply can't pander and prostrate themselves enough to BLM.
And yet they are still despised the more they beg to be accepted. Ironic.
Lets rename Baltimore "Back lives mater" city. And then I get this unfortunate mental spasm about the huutus and the tuttis and the unfortunate fact way more black kids are slain at each others hand than a few white cops...Why isn't the media focusing on THAT? Do blacks lives mater? Blacks lives worth seem inversely proportional to how many whites are involved.
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what could possibly go wrong?

The cross streets to the BLM names streets, should be named after the proud achievements of their martyrs: Murder Avenue, Rape Lane, Burglary Loop, Mugging Street, Extortion Boulevard, Gang Court...oh wait, the word court might be offensive to them. Drive By Place, Crack Parkway and the ever popular, Fugitive Row.
Watch. The most black on black crime will occur on these streets.

Every major city has an MLK Blvd and that's where all the crime is.
It is utterly amazing how a group that claims everybody and everything else is racist...continually gets away with literal racist things.

" the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another"

So we have to name streets after Black Lives Matter? I guess there lives matter more? What other explanation for why there isn't a "White Lives Matter" street or "Hispanic Lives Matter" street? That is RACISM.
Watch. The most black on black crime will occur on these streets.

Every major city has an MLK Blvd and that's where all the crime is.
Another interesting tidbit....for some reason, cities with streets named, "Church Street," always seem to have prostitution and drugs.

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