New York k-12 spends $36,000 per student per year! Kids still do terrible

The AI will expose the waist and the theft.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near
How much does each state spend per pupil?
If Americans were given 30k a year per kid to educate them, imagine the schools America would have.

School choice and vouchers needs to happen.

Get democrats out of schools and away from children.
I know a black neurosurgeon who's one of the smartest guys i ever met. I've known him for a very long time, I already knew him when he was in high school. He got interested in biology because he wasn't running around the hood with his bling buddies, so he had extra time on his hands. You gotta be hella smart to be a neurosurgeon, patience, manual dexterity, book study, 12 years of school after college...
Of course there are smart blacks just like there are people 7 feet tall. Every human trait is on a spectrum. With blacks the spectrum is very very low. THINK
Most blacks are simply not interested in physics. They don't get excited that way. Except on the basketball court, where it's intuition rather than book study.
Blacks aren't interested in physics or math or engineering or IT or anything that requires intelligence because they know they are too dumb for those things. They excel at sports and entertainment - careers of no social value. THINK

Let blacks and Hispanics do what they're good at! Why force them into something they're not interested in?
Because we don't need more entertainers and athletes. Those are useless careers. A country needs engineers, businessmen, physicists, inventors, plumbers, farmers, electricians, auto repairmen. Technical skills. Very few blacks have the intelligence for those things. Some hispanics do - those descended from the spanish. But native south and central american hispanics are the same as blacks.

Money does not lead to black scholastic achievement. It was proved in Kansas City
It's been proved everywhere. People with IQs of 65 can never learn how to read.

Could we teach dogs how to read if we just spent billions on the project?
The problem is the black, brown, and illegal kids. They don't even care about education since their goal is to live off welfare. To them school is just free food and free daycare.

Look at how much fred spent on Heil Shitler! and he still turned out an idiot.
Because we don't need more entertainers and athletes. Those are useless careers. A country needs engineers, businessmen, physicists, inventors, plumbers, farmers, electricians, auto repairmen. Technical skills. Very few blacks have the intelligence for those things. Some hispanics do - those descended from the spanish. But native south and central american hispanics are the same as blacks.


Stuuuupid racist.
Basketball was so much better played below the rim.

Music was so much better when we only had classical for centuries.

Breakfast was so much better with just oatmeal, white bread and unpasteurized milk.

Food was so much better plain when it consisted of only a potato, boiled veggies and burnt cow.

Sex is so much better when you just thinking about making a child.

Cars were so much better when they were just one color.

Every fire department needs a white guy in charge.

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