new york protestors block bus of illegals coming in

liberals are hypocrites make thme take family of these illegans in everyone one of them. they wanhtes thisd let them take care of it.
I don’t support forcing anyone to house someone else against their will. However the city should be using its resources to provide for the people they wanted to come. If that means NY city residents are required to give up more of their paychecks to support that, well they should do so graciously as they voted for it.
I don’t support forcing anyone to house someone else against their will. However the city should be using its resources to provide for the people they wanted to come. If that means NY city residents are required to give up more of their paychecks to support that, well they should do so graciously as they voted for it.
they wanted them here. other wise deport them and close the boarder. but libs are forcing am,erica to do the same agains there will by voting it in. just deport them and close the boarder.
Staten Island was always the most conservative borough, so it doesn't surprise me they are the ones rallying against this insanity. Too bad the other 4 boroughs are all composed of liberal idiots. The best thing they could do is protest in front of Gracie Mansion until the Adams buffoon decides to declare that NYC is no longer a sanctuary city. That would be a start.
they wanted them here. other wise deport them and close the boarder. but libs are forcing am,erica to do the same agains there will by voting it in. just deport them and close the boarder.
When you say close the boarder what do you mean? I see it tossed around a lot.
They aren't illegals, dipshit.

They are legally here as asylum seekers.

Get your facts straight.
What they are leaving and what they are seeking does not qualify as asylum
More to it than just declaring it.
Get some facts, drop your emotions and stop trying to inflict your wishes upon others.
Rightwing protestors are arrested while left wing shoplifters brazenly walk out with their swag unmolested. What's wrong with this picture?
Staten Island was always the most conservative borough, so it doesn't surprise me they are the ones rallying against this insanity. Too bad the other 4 boroughs are all composed of liberal idiots. The best thing they could do is protest in front of Gracie Mansion until the Adams buffoon decides to declare that NYC is no longer a sanctuary city. That would be a start.
its not political its just ignorant prudish parents they have gone after book since it was published.

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