New York Times and Fox News correspondent: No evidence $6 billion to Iran was used on attacks on Israel

Money not spent is being blamed falsely by Republicans (including Trump and Desantis) for the Hamas attacks on Israel.
The money has not even been spent on anything.
The fact-checks are multiple:

"But that $6 billion is not U.S. taxpayer money, as Mr. Trump and others, including Vivek Ramaswamy, another of the Republican presidential candidates, falsely stated. Nor is there evidence that the money, which officials have said is subject to Treasury Department oversight, was used to finance the attacks."


This money was money that Iran was going to spend anyway and now that they don't have to spend it anymore, they were free to use it in their war against Israel. You guys sure are stupid. It's a shell game and you aren't smart enough to keep your eye on the shell.
What does Fox have to do with it? Is it supposed to make Biden's statement look rational? Is it a coincidence that Iran attacked Israel a week after Biden authorized a payment of a billion dollars each for five Americans held hostage? What the hell is he going to do about Iran's ally Hamas holding a hundred Americans, pay another billion for each? How many Hamas terrorists have already crossed the Mexican border to the U.S. ?
Money not spent is being blamed falsely by Republicans (including Trump and Desantis) for the Hamas attacks on Israel.
The money has not even been spent on anything.
The fact-checks are multiple:

"But that $6 billion is not U.S. taxpayer money, as Mr. Trump and others, including Vivek Ramaswamy, another of the Republican presidential candidates, falsely stated. Nor is there evidence that the money, which officials have said is subject to Treasury Department oversight, was used to finance the attacks."


If I was waiting for an inheritance that is in probate, but guaranteed to be mine when all is settled, and I wanted to buy a new car, without knowing that money wasn't coming, I wouldn't buy a new car. But knowing that money is in the wings, I will buy the new car.

Not rocket science.
Money not spent is being blamed falsely by Republicans (including Trump and Desantis) for the Hamas attacks on Israel.
The money has not even been spent on anything.
The fact-checks are multiple:

"But that $6 billion is not U.S. taxpayer money, as Mr. Trump and others, including Vivek Ramaswamy, another of the Republican presidential candidates, falsely stated. Nor is there evidence that the money, which officials have said is subject to Treasury Department oversight, was used to finance the attacks."


...and Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation

...and the vaxx is safe and effective

...and covid came from the wet market and NOT the Coronavirus Research Institute located immediately next door

It's odd that the democrat Pravda came up with this and not the Biden Administration
Yes, yes….”coincidence“….Do you ever tire of defending the bonehead in office?

When he really does something I will be one of the first to condemn that one single action. Not some made up crap that is the first sick thought that pops into a MAGAts head.
When he really does something I will be one of the first to condemn that one single action. Not some made up crap that is the first sick thought that pops into a MAGAts head.
You’ve had those opportunities, yet surprisingly you didn’t…So, color me jaded if I don’t believe you do that now?
When he really does something I will be one of the first to condemn that one single action. Not some made up crap that is the first sick thought that pops into a MAGAts head.
Sure, anyone believes that! You already know the Biden's are dirty. Anyone with a functioning brain knows they're guilty of influence peddling on a massive scale but you've chosen to pretend it's some "MAGA" conspiracy!
Iran has been selling drones etc. to Russia for a while now.

That is more than likely where the money to fund this attack came from
LOL...yeah...cause the 100 Billion that Barry Obama gave them they spent on "other stuff", right Lesh? It's not all that complicated...when you give the world's number one sponsor of terrorism billions of dollars...THEY WILL SPEND THAT MONEY ON TERROR!!! DUH?
LOL...yeah...cause the 100 Billion that Barry Obama gave them they spent on "other stuff", right Lesh? It's not all that complicated...when you give the world's number one sponsor of terrorism billions of dollars...THEY WILL SPEND THAT MONEY ON TERROR!!! DUH?
You just made a great case that the six billion in question had nothing to do with the Hamas attack
You’ve had those opportunities, yet surprisingly you didn’t…So, color me jaded if I don’t believe you do that now?

You know that for a fact since you know me so well. I guess I need to check for listening devices around here. Try a hard dose of Reality and you might fair better.
You just made a great case that the six billion in question had nothing to do with the Hamas attack
This attack was funded by the LAST time an idiot liberal gave Iran billions of dollars...the money that Biden just gave Iran will fund the NEXT terror attack! Why would anyone give the mullahs billions of dollars? How stupid do you have to be to realize that's NOT a good thing?
Total bullshit. It can only be used for humanitarian measures.
Don't be a naive idiot, Fort! Of course Iran will use that money to fund terrorism! It's what they do! Barack Obama was an idiot to give them billions when he was in office. Joe Biden is an idiot to repeat that mistake.

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