New York Times reporter was a member of an illegal underage porn site claims he was only posing as..


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New York Times reporter was a member of an illegal underage porn site, claims he was only "posing as online predator"
A New York Times reporter not only gave money to a child pornographer, but did business with him and even signed on to an illegal porn website as a member and administrator, documents unsealed yesterday in a federal criminal proceeding in Nashville reveal. He claims in one court document, he only “posed” as a pedophile.

Haven't you noticed sheep all those you wanted in office are attached to these NETWORKS, Haven't you noticed those sites you use as your TRUTH BIBLES are all CONNECTED to the very POS losers you VOTED IN ( OBAMA), and then CLINTON/ Sander . WAKE THE HELL UP...... That's why you see them trashing and blaming REPUBLICANS all the time, M. Waters the leftist bitch has her hands in the money making media too.

These MSM push TRUMP HATE and you all fall for it..LMFAO

Ate you connecting the dots yet ....................Leftist probably not. Big Money, Big Government the very bastards you admire and kiss their asses are the very enemies you fear. As they brain wash the morons into believing everything wrong is right you fall victim to all their evil and don't even know it as you attack those who understand what is going on. That's why you don't even know what you don't know.
This NYT reporter Kurt Eichenwald went on to become known as "Clinton's Journalist." I'm finding story after story of this reporter Kurt Eichenwald writing and covering for Clinton and John Podesta. Wow. What a coincidence, eh?

Clinton Journalist Has Meltdown After His Russian Conspiracy Theory Is Debunked
Clinton Journalist Has Meltdown After His Russian Conspiracy Theory Is Debunked
Pro-Clinton mainstream media remains convinced there must be nefarious, pro-Kremlin incentives for anyone opposing her
By Michael Sainato • 10/21/16 7:00am


Hillary Clinton. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

In August 2016, Politico reported top Democrats held a conference call discussing damage control surrounding future releases from WikiLeaks, apparently deciding to collectively allege the leaks will include fabricated content. In a desperate and sloppy attempt to create a link between Russia and Donald Trump, Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald wrote an article titled “Dear Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, I am not Sidney Blumenthal.” The article claimed the publication Sputnik and Trump coordinated an attack on Hillary Clinton.

In reality, Sputnik news editor and Georgetown graduate Bill Moran rushed to publish a story about a WikiLeaks email in which Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal copy and pasted an Eichenwald article about Benghazi and sent it to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. Moran misidentified the writer of the piece as Blumenthal, and quickly wrote and published a story about it. Trump tweeted the article, and cited it during a speech at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Once Sputnik became aware the article had misinterpreted the email, they removed it. Eichenwald, without researching what had happened, claimed Trump citing the article was proof of a conspiracy between Trump and Russia. Eichenwald’s article was used by Clinton partisans as evidence WikiLeaks had released fake documents.

Moran attempted to reach out to Eichenwald to correct his story. Eichenwald blocked him on Twitter, and the two engaged in bizarre correspondence via email, which was later published by Paste Magazine and confirmed as legitimate by Eichenwald.

According to the email thread, Eichenwald offered to help Moran find new work at The New Republic, in between threatening Moran if he went public that Eichenwald’s article is completely baseless. “Go public, and you’ll regret it,” Eichenwald wrote, according to Paste, which discusses whether Eichenwald’s correspondence equates to bribery and threats towards Moran.

“I guarantee you one thing: there is already a file on you in one of the security intelligence divisions of the FBI. You have been playing in a sandbox surrounded by very large, and mostly unseen, players, engaged in games you don’t recognize.” Eichenwald added, ““There are some things I know but I can’t tell you, but what I will say is that, as far as American intelligence agencies are concerned, the event involving this manipulated document is far from over,” he continued. “America is in the middle of a large-scale cyberwar with Russia; if you don’t know this, you need to read the coverage of what is going on, including the statements from the White House.


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