New York's sex scandal candidates


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Demorats don't run on moral values so it's OK...


New York's sex scandal candidates

By Errol Louis, Special to CNN
Tue July 9, 2013

(CNN) -- The rest of the world is probably asking what's in the drinking water here in New York, where ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 when his hiring of hookers came to light, surprised everybody by announcing a bid for city comptroller.

Spitzer, dubbed the Love Guv by the city's tabloids, leaps back into the political arena less than two months after former Rep. Anthony Weiner (who'd resigned after texting obscene photos to strangers) announced a run for mayor.

Which raises the admittedly uncomfortable possibility that the city's top two elected officials will be two nationally-known, high-profile married politicians with less than honorable sex-related behavior on their resumes.


Opinion: New York's sex scandal candidates -


You gotta be kidding, right, check that mirror, another example of partisan retardation syndrome.

Republican Sex Scandals

Newt may top them all? Or maybe Vitter? Or Craig? Sanford? The list goes on. Can you spell hypocrite.
You gotta be kidding, right, check that mirror, another example of partisan retardation syndrome.

Republican Sex Scandals

Newt may top them all? Or maybe Vitter? Or Craig? Sanford? The list goes on. Can you spell hypocrite.

I think SickoSantorum's is the worst but many rw's won't even admit to his wrongdoing. Amazingly, with that willful forgetfulness the rw's are known for, some don't even know about it.

The big difference is that Ds won't put up with it from their own while, for Rs, its pretty much a part of who and what they are.

Right or left, for the most part, sexual escapades that do not influence the job they were hired for should be between the politician and his/her spouse. That's the way rw's feel about Rs, even if they break the law, as with Santorum's sex/money crimes. If the politician is D, they're never forgiven by rw's, even they do a good job.
Demorats don't run on moral values so it's OK...


New York's sex scandal candidates

By Errol Louis, Special to CNN
Tue July 9, 2013

(CNN) -- The rest of the world is probably asking what's in the drinking water here in New York, where ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 when his hiring of hookers came to light, surprised everybody by announcing a bid for city comptroller.

Spitzer, dubbed the Love Guv by the city's tabloids, leaps back into the political arena less than two months after former Rep. Anthony Weiner (who'd resigned after texting obscene photos to strangers) announced a run for mayor.

Which raises the admittedly uncomfortable possibility that the city's top two elected officials will be two nationally-known, high-profile married politicians with less than honorable sex-related behavior on their resumes.


Opinion: New York's sex scandal candidates -



They're just following Big Daddy, Bill Clinton's, role modeling.
I'm all for Eliot Spitzer coming back as Comptroller. He didn't get the moniker "Sheriff of Wall Street" for nothing.

Had he not resigned as Governor, the financial calamity of 2009 might not have happened..or might have been softened.
Demorats don't run on moral values so it's OK...


New York's sex scandal candidates

By Errol Louis, Special to CNN
Tue July 9, 2013

(CNN) -- The rest of the world is probably asking what's in the drinking water here in New York, where ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 when his hiring of hookers came to light, surprised everybody by announcing a bid for city comptroller.

Spitzer, dubbed the Love Guv by the city's tabloids, leaps back into the political arena less than two months after former Rep. Anthony Weiner (who'd resigned after texting obscene photos to strangers) announced a run for mayor.

Which raises the admittedly uncomfortable possibility that the city's top two elected officials will be two nationally-known, high-profile married politicians with less than honorable sex-related behavior on their resumes.


Opinion: New York's sex scandal candidates -



They're just following Big Daddy, Bill Clinton's, role modeling.

I certainly hope so.

Demorats don't run on moral values so it's OK...


New York's sex scandal candidates

By Errol Louis, Special to CNN
Tue July 9, 2013

(CNN) -- The rest of the world is probably asking what's in the drinking water here in New York, where ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 when his hiring of hookers came to light, surprised everybody by announcing a bid for city comptroller.

Spitzer, dubbed the Love Guv by the city's tabloids, leaps back into the political arena less than two months after former Rep. Anthony Weiner (who'd resigned after texting obscene photos to strangers) announced a run for mayor.

Which raises the admittedly uncomfortable possibility that the city's top two elected officials will be two nationally-known, high-profile married politicians with less than honorable sex-related behavior on their resumes.


Opinion: New York's sex scandal candidates -



I don't care about a Democrats sex life or a Republicans, Libertarians or anyone elses sex life. What is that to me? Does that change my future one iota if I were a New Yorker? Absolutely not!

What I care about is a Democrat whose sex life was exposed - Uma Abedin - Muslim Brotherhood connected by documentation from FBI - who is wife to Anthony Wiener ( she was Hilary Clintons assistant since 96' ) who is running for Mayor of NY.

Now that is the kind of man - Anthony Wiener - that must be kept out - we've seen MB in action in Egypt and also in Syria eating hearts and livers out of human beings on live video - we should forget about Wieners sex scandal and focus on his wife being Muslim Brotherhood as well as her family Muslim Brotherhood connected and her own mother is in charge of an organization identified as a terrorist front org. Those are the people to keep out of office in my opinion.

Making Anthony Wiener the mayor is the equivalent of making the Muslim Brotherhood the Mayor of NY. Don't want that? Protest in the streets because that is what it will take. I'm told the fix is in and Obama is making him Mayor whether he wins or not. Wait and see. I'm right. - J.
It's hard to believe that someone would actually compare Larry Craig's tapping his foot to Spitzer's criminal activity. Spitzer wasn't caught in a gotcha moment. He was uncovered during the investigation of Mark Brener. Spitzer didn't have a wide stance, or send an e-mail, he violated the Mann Act.
Demorats don't run on moral values so it's OK...


New York's sex scandal candidates

By Errol Louis, Special to CNN
Tue July 9, 2013

(CNN) -- The rest of the world is probably asking what's in the drinking water here in New York, where ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 when his hiring of hookers came to light, surprised everybody by announcing a bid for city comptroller.

Spitzer, dubbed the Love Guv by the city's tabloids, leaps back into the political arena less than two months after former Rep. Anthony Weiner (who'd resigned after texting obscene photos to strangers) announced a run for mayor.

Which raises the admittedly uncomfortable possibility that the city's top two elected officials will be two nationally-known, high-profile married politicians with less than honorable sex-related behavior on their resumes.


Opinion: New York's sex scandal candidates -



I don't care about a Democrats sex life or a Republicans, Libertarians or anyone elses sex life. What is that to me? Does that change my future one iota if I were a New Yorker? Absolutely not!

What I care about is a Democrat whose sex life was exposed - Uma Abedin - Muslim Brotherhood connected by documentation from FBI - who is wife to Anthony Wiener ( she was Hilary Clintons assistant since 96' ) who is running for Mayor of NY.

Now that is the kind of man - Anthony Wiener - that must be kept out - we've seen MB in action in Egypt and also in Syria eating hearts and livers out of human beings on live video - we should forget about Wieners sex scandal and focus on his wife being Muslim Brotherhood as well as her family Muslim Brotherhood connected and her own mother is in charge of an organization identified as a terrorist front org. Those are the people to keep out of office in my opinion.

Making Anthony Wiener the mayor is the equivalent of making the Muslim Brotherhood the Mayor of NY. Don't want that? Protest in the streets because that is what it will take. I'm told the fix is in and Obama is making him Mayor whether he wins or not. Wait and see. I'm right. - J.

Huma Abedin, the photogenic aide to Hillary Clinton with strong family connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, married to New York City mayoral candidate and sexting devotee Anthony Weiner, is back in the news.

Dan Friedman of the New York Daily News writes:

Read more: Blog: Huma stonewalls Senator's inquiry
I'm all for Eliot Spitzer coming back as Comptroller. He didn't get the moniker "Sheriff of Wall Street" for nothing.

Had he not resigned as Governor, the financial calamity of 2009 might not have happened..or might have been softened.

I think a guy who pays $10,000 for a hooker isn't the kind of guy I want writing the checks.
when in the history of the US was sex scandals not part of human existence? If you read about the Founding Fathers you'd find it there also.
I'm all for Eliot Spitzer coming back as Comptroller. He didn't get the moniker "Sheriff of Wall Street" for nothing.

Had he not resigned as Governor, the financial calamity of 2009 might not have happened..or might have been softened.

I think a guy who pays $10,000 for a hooker isn't the kind of guy I want writing the checks.

Then don't vote for him.
New Yorkers have a choice Anthont Weiner or the dyke. Weiner will be mayor. Then he will be in an ideal position to help the muslim brotherhood increase their own power in the city.
I'm all for Eliot Spitzer coming back as Comptroller. He didn't get the moniker "Sheriff of Wall Street" for nothing.

Had he not resigned as Governor, the financial calamity of 2009 might not have happened..or might have been softened.

I think a guy who pays $10,000 for a hooker isn't the kind of guy I want writing the checks.

Then don't vote for him.

I don't live in that town.

Also, it sounds like his opponent is just as bad in the corruption department.

But seriously, the guy paid 10K to a hooker. She was a hot hooker, but I couldn't imagine what she could possibly do for 10K.
Why don't you partisan hacks get over yourselves?

Sex scandals are nothing new to politics or positions of political power, Republican OR Democrat. But I guess that doesn't stop us from our partisan posturing about how depraved or immoral the opposing party is, does it?

We're talking about people who wield coercive political power. Sexuality and power are inextricably linked. Are you really surprised that there are some skeletons rattling around some of these closets?

Grow up.
You could have predicted it. A news feed from Reuters today claimed that "sex scandals don't matter anymore". Will the left wing media ever become honest again?
You could have predicted it. A news feed from Reuters today claimed that "sex scandals don't matter anymore". Will the left wing media ever become honest again?

Of course sex scandals won't matter any more. The people, the voters, are becoming degenerate. A man that doesn't cheat on his wife, doesn't molest children, isn't gay, pick your perversion, he's not like "them". There is something wrong with someone that isn't a pervert. He's not NORMAL. He's crazy, be careful of someone who isn't a degenerate, they can't be trusted. They are obviously hiding something.
You could have predicted it. A news feed from Reuters today claimed that "sex scandals don't matter anymore". Will the left wing media ever become honest again?

Of course sex scandals won't matter any more. The people, the voters, are becoming degenerate. A man that doesn't cheat on his wife, doesn't molest children, isn't gay, pick your perversion, he's not like "them". There is something wrong with someone that isn't a pervert. He's not NORMAL. He's crazy, be careful of someone who isn't a degenerate, they can't be trusted. They are obviously hiding something.

Only republicans.

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