NewGuy - The Bible is Invalid

-=d=- said:
I think it's funny when ppl are faced with overwhelming evidence contrary to their precious opinions, they simply repeat their questions as if they were never answered.

For Example:

I believe apples are made out of cheese.

- Uh - no, they are made out of apples. duh?

Well, I'm tired of debate, since NOBODY has contradicted my beliefs, I'll conclude I'm right.


I'm almost envious of people like that. It would be so cool to be the smartest guy in my whole world!
Seriously, I go to write something profound, and I see this. :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies:
hehe. There can be no greater smily.
JohnGalt said:
Seriously, I go to write something profound, and I see this. :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies:
hehe. There can be no greater smily.

No greater smily huh? ah to be young. wait...i am young. shake it girls!
JohnGalt said:
Seriously, I go to write something profound, and I see this. :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies:
hehe. There can be no greater smily.

Great hoog-ely boog-ely.....I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE!!!!
NewGuy said:
We are told the antichrist will be. Imagine how disciplined he will have to be to bring peace treaties and conquer the world.

You are a good guy NewGuy, but don't you ever get so fed up with other Christains that you hope God doesn't exist just so their belief would be in vain?
Looking at what I just said, I don't know why I quoted NewGuy, and I also sound really desperate to see people fail. Wow, self therapy.
JohnGalt said:
You are a good guy NewGuy, but don't you ever get so fed up with other Christains that you hope God doesn't exist just so their belief would be in vain?

Actually, I gain strength from it.

The reasoning is simple:

If I am as bad as I know I am, and those other guys are worse, at least by human standards I am a lot better than I could be.

By Godly standards, I am way short of where I SHOULD be.

We are not commanded to be side by side with the ones who are hypocritical. In fact, if it comes down to false teaching, we are to reject them.

If people like that get to you, I would suggest delving deep into the Bible on your own for hours per week. Pretty soon, you will understand more about yourself, and the others as well.

In my case, a chat with He-who-holds-the-cards also is quite helpful.

Ain't nothing like a Holy 2x4 of truth upside the head once in a while.

I have read the bible, and served god ALL over the world for my entire life (my missions trips took me everywhere- France, Germany, North Island of the Philapense, UK, Even the checkered republic [pun definetely intented]) even though I don't even have my license, I have scene God at work every where.

But the fact that if, and this is just kind of a brain storm. If our father's were models of god, what does that tell you about god? Maybe he really does hate us, and my prayers are truly as unanswered as they seem.
JohnGalt said:
But the fact that if, and this is just kind of a brain storm. If our father's were models of god, what does that tell you about god? Maybe he really does hate us, and my prayers are truly as unanswered as they seem.

Who said anyone was a model of God?

I would expect to be struck by lighning for making such a claim.

NOBODY could EVER approach a fraction of a model of God.

Pick a Commandment. -Just one.

Tell me there is someone on the planet who has never broken that ONE in his heart or in action.

You cant.

NOBODY should ever be placed on that pedistal. They fall immediately. You may have read the Bible, but I think you miss one important point:

We ran from God by CHOOSING to. HE held out His hand to reach US. -Not the other way around. If we are to wish eternal damnation on others for not following God, we are taking God's place in being judge. It is merely our job to accept His gift and try to restore some semblance of proper behavior in a sin-filled world we have created for ourselves by our running from Him in the first place.

We created this mess. Don't blame God. It is OUR fault. Let's do what we are supposed to do and follow Him instead of looking at the other guy and trying to be God by being judge.
Well NewGuy, I at least know that there is one man that can be counted on to give his life to God. I will spend some serious time evaluating my beliefs. Good conversation.

Oh Yeah, Matts, did you attend some seminar that gave you a nice little book with those verses? I can guarantee that if you read the bible, you wouldn't be questioning it's validity.
Oh well, I am hitting the sack. I have to wake up at five thirty to work out with my dad before he goes to work, so I will try to get a good three hours of sleep in.
NewGuy said:
Pick a Commandment. -Just one.

Tell me there is someone on the planet who has never broken that ONE in his heart or in action.

You cant.

Im just going to be a brat right now and prove you wrong. I can name someone on the planet who never broke one commandment in his heart. Jesus the Christ.

We ran from God by CHOOSING to. HE held out His hand to reach US. -Not the other way around. If we are to wish eternal damnation on others for not following God, we are taking God's place in being judge. It is merely our job to accept His gift and try to restore some semblance of proper behavior in a sin-filled world we have created for ourselves by our running from Him in the first place.

Did we really choose to, or are we in our sinful state because of our first parents? We were born in a corrupt world. Because of our Father Adam, we will all physically die. Thankfully Christ has overcome physical death through the Resurrection so that Body and Spirit can be reconnected forever despite the actions of our father.

We are however, responsible for our own sins. and you are right. We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God. I dont believe however that we dont have a choice in whether to accept the Lords give of Salvation. God's hand may be the one reaching towards us, but He will not destroy our free will. We can accept His gift or reject it. The Covenant between man and God is quite like the marriage covenant. one partner cannot force the covenant on each other. Nor can the covenant be entered into if one party doesnt choose the partner. This is why the Lord told Israel in the OT that He would choose them as His people and they would choose Him as their God. and used alot of language like that. The Prophet Joshua invited the people to "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Obviously we have to reach back if the Lord holding His hand out is to do anything. We do this through exercising faith unto repentence and witnessing to God through baptism that we will enter into a covenant with Him, and if we do this we shall recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands like the Saints in the New Testament. This is the doctrine of Christ.

Needless to say that it is God who is the author of the Covenant, Without Him the covenant would be impossible. It is Him offering it to us. It is upon his conditions that we can enter it. Therefore, what cause do we have to boast? Because we have done nothing to deserve the Lord offering us forgiveness for our sins. But yet He offers it because He loves us. Isnt it amazing what He has done for us?
Avatar4321 said:
Im just going to be a brat right now and prove you wrong. I can name someone on the planet who never broke one commandment in his heart. Jesus the Christ.

Ah, yes. -But we were talking about HUMANITY. God in the flesh doesn't count.


Did we really choose to, or are we in our sinful state because of our first parents? We were born in a corrupt world.

Exactly my point. They first chose to disobey and that action gave us our sinful world. We cannot blame the actions on anyone but ourselves collectively.

We are however, responsible for our own sins. and you are right. We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God. I dont believe however that we dont have a choice in whether to accept the Lords give of Salvation. God's hand may be the one reaching towards us, but He will not destroy our free will. We can accept His gift or reject it. The Covenant between man and God is quite like the marriage covenant. one partner cannot force the covenant on each other. Nor can the covenant be entered into if one party doesnt choose the partner. This is why the Lord told Israel in the OT that He would choose them as His people and they would choose Him as their God. and used alot of language like that. The Prophet Joshua invited the people to "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Obviously we have to reach back if the Lord holding His hand out is to do anything. We do this through exercising faith unto repentence and witnessing to God through baptism that we will enter into a covenant with Him, and if we do this we shall recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands like the Saints in the New Testament. This is the doctrine of Christ.

Except for the role of baptism, we are in complete agreement. I think something got lost in my original statement that may make you think that I would believe we do not have free will. I was talking about our duty to God. We always have the choice.

Needless to say that it is God who is the author of the Covenant, Without Him the covenant would be impossible. It is Him offering it to us. It is upon his conditions that we can enter it. Therefore, what cause do we have to boast? Because we have done nothing to deserve the Lord offering us forgiveness for our sins. But yet He offers it because He loves us. Isnt it amazing what He has done for us?

OCA said:
You just said volumes about yourself Matts, absolute volumes. I am absolutely thrilled that me or any member of my family has no personal contact with you, you're a pervert and a psycho.

And there's the .44 mag, coup de grau, right between the eyes. This fucker turns my frick'n stomach. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He's a sick, vile, pervert, straight from the halls of hell. Which is also where he will be returning.
mattskramer said:
The USA may not BE the world, but it sure as hell changed the world, and, more than once, has been called upon to SAVE the world. Nobody's saying they weren't human beings, and, as such, imperfect. That's what makes the good America has done so miraculous. Will you admit that America is a special idea - a unique experiment in human history - and, overwhelmingly, a force for the good in this world?

Yes. Yes. It did good things too.

The founding fathers should have allowed women to vote from the beginning? What the hell - while we're flogging our ancestors, why weren't they working on a cleaner-running internal combustion engine? Heartless bastards!

It did not have the modern technology and know how, at that time, to create such a thing. Yet it does not take a big stretch of the imagination and of reasoning to understand that Indians, Blacks, and women are human being too and, as such, should be allowed the same rights as White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Men (male WASPS).

When you spoke of egocentric biases finding their way into the Constitution, were you, by chance, referring to the three-fifths rule?

Yes. That is one such example.

Matts, I know that you've officially 'retired" from this thread, but, I do need to tie up a few loose ends. I got so busy, explaining the three-fifths rule to a grown man who should have already understood it, I didn't get a chance to address the other glaring discrepancies in your post.

"Yes. Yes. It did good things, too." My God - was saying something good about America THAT painful for you? You sound like you're giving birth!

"It did not have the modern technology and know-how, at that time, to create such a thing." And it makes about as much sense to condemn the founding fathers for failing to improve the internal combustion engine as it does to blame them for not giving women the vote from the very beginning. Neither took place because such was not the way of the eighteenth-century world. In the case of the former, a dramatic series of events known, in their entirety, as the Industrial Revolution, had to take place. As to the latter - an equally earth-shaking series of events had to transpire - these adding up to the survival, and then predominance, of a strong, moral nation.

It's really not all that hard to grasp, man. Just take off your "blame America first" glasses for half a minute, and try pondering American history with wonder and gratitude.
-=d=- said:

I can't marry the hot 14 year old chick from down the street - even if I LOVE her. I can't marry my SISTER, even if I love her. I can't marry my Brother - All of those rules apply to whichever gender I enjoy having sex with. I can't mary my dog, even if I love her either.

Your analogies fail. There are valid reasons for prohibiting the behaviors mentioned above, especially cruelty to animals in your case. There is no rational, objectively valid reason for the prohibition of same gender marriages.
Bullypulpit said:
Your analogies fail. There are valid reasons for prohibiting the behaviors mentioned above, especially cruelty to animals in your case. There is no rational, objectively valid reason for the prohibition of same gender marriages.

I disagree, what is the purpose of marriage to a society? It's not just procreation, though that is part.
Bullypulpit said:
Your analogies fail. There are valid reasons for prohibiting the behaviors mentioned above, especially cruelty to animals in your case. There is no rational, objectively valid reason for the prohibition of same gender marriages.

Come on, Bully. Just from a practical, nuts-and-bolts, survival point of view, can you see any future in abandoning any and all restraints on human behavior in the name of some misguided notion of "tolerance"?
Bullypulpit said:
Your analogies fail. There are valid reasons for prohibiting the behaviors mentioned above, especially cruelty to animals in your case. There is no rational, objectively valid reason for the prohibition of same gender marriages.

here's you:

-=d=- said:
I think it's funny when ppl are faced with overwhelming evidence contrary to their precious opinions, they simply repeat their questions as if they were never answered.

For Example:

I believe apples are made out of cheese.

- Uh - no, they are made out of apples. duh?

Well, I'm tired of debate, since NOBODY has contradicted my beliefs, I'll conclude I'm right.

Pale Rider said:
And there's the .44 mag, coup de grau, right between the eyes. This fucker turns my frick'n stomach. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He's a sick, vile, pervert, straight from the halls of hell. Which is also where he will be returning.

Pale Rider has been banned for 24 hours, after being advised to check DK's message #66.

fairness and objectivity will be applied across the board to everyone. Question another mods decision or air a grievance in the public forum again and disciplinary measures will be enacted.


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