Newly Elected Congresswoman Who Grew Up in Soviet Ukraine Gives Stark Warning About Socialism

No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
It should be less than what you are paying now. Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. Implementing more market friendly economics policies must reduce your tax burden.
No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
It should be less than what you are paying now. Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. Implementing more market friendly economics policies must reduce your tax burden.
I want a concrete answer. Something you cannot give.
Only the general warfare is good for the right wing not the general welfare.
What's with all the idiot-babble you're posting today?
It is every day. Ask him how much of your hard earned monies someone else is entitled to and watch him run away. He cannot answer that question. Doesn't compute.
If the rich can't do it with private charity it must be an obligation of Government. And, you merely have nothing but special pleading. Why not create an investment fund to help fund the general welfare under our form of Capitalism?

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing every time it comes up.
An investment fund wouldn't be nearly big enough to even touch the welfare you want. There's just not enough money to give everyone a guaranteed $5/hr subsidy for smoking pot in Mom's basement. I've given you the numbers on this, it's not my problem you don't know how numbers work.
I agree to disagree. Solving simple poverty means more people circulating capital and paying more taxes. The Poor should have the opportunity to pay their share of the tax burden.
If you disagree, show me the numbers.
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
It should be less than what you are paying now. Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. Implementing more market friendly economics policies must reduce your tax burden.
I want a concrete answer. Something you cannot give.
Full employment seemed to be beneficial when accomplished in our economy by Government during WWII. Purchasing power was much better back then.
Only the general warfare is good for the right wing not the general welfare.
What's with all the idiot-babble you're posting today?
It is every day. Ask him how much of your hard earned monies someone else is entitled to and watch him run away. He cannot answer that question. Doesn't compute.
If the rich can't do it with private charity it must be an obligation of Government. And, you merely have nothing but special pleading. Why not create an investment fund to help fund the general welfare under our form of Capitalism?

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing every time it comes up.
An investment fund wouldn't be nearly big enough to even touch the welfare you want. There's just not enough money to give everyone a guaranteed $5/hr subsidy for smoking pot in Mom's basement. I've given you the numbers on this, it's not my problem you don't know how numbers work.
I agree to disagree. Solving simple poverty means more people circulating capital and paying more taxes. The Poor should have the opportunity to pay their share of the tax burden.
If you disagree, show me the numbers.
Solving simple poverty means more people paying more taxes. Why do you believe your taxes would go up and not down with more people paying more taxes?
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
Only the general warfare is good for the right wing not the general welfare.
What's with all the idiot-babble you're posting today?
It is every day. Ask him how much of your hard earned monies someone else is entitled to and watch him run away. He cannot answer that question. Doesn't compute.
If the rich can't do it with private charity it must be an obligation of Government. And, you merely have nothing but special pleading. Why not create an investment fund to help fund the general welfare under our form of Capitalism?

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing every time it comes up.
An investment fund wouldn't be nearly big enough to even touch the welfare you want. There's just not enough money to give everyone a guaranteed $5/hr subsidy for smoking pot in Mom's basement. I've given you the numbers on this, it's not my problem you don't know how numbers work.
I agree to disagree. Solving simple poverty means more people circulating capital and paying more taxes. The Poor should have the opportunity to pay their share of the tax burden.
If you disagree, show me the numbers.
Solving simple poverty means more people paying more taxes. Why do you believe your taxes would go up and not down with more people paying more taxes?
No, you're not off the hook that easy. You said an investment fund would help fund welfare. I challenge you to find out how much money we would need to pay everyone who does not work $15/hr. That's your tax, and it has nothing to do with whether my taxes would go up or down. Show me the numbers.
No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
It should be less than what you are paying now. Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. Implementing more market friendly economics policies must reduce your tax burden.
I want a concrete answer. Something you cannot give.
Full employment seemed to be beneficial when accomplished in our economy by Government during WWII. Purchasing power was much better back then.
Still waiting for a concrete answer.
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
How much of what I earn are you entitled to take? It's a simple question. If someone is holding a gun to my head and demanding my wallet, it hardly matters whether there's $5 or $500 in it, does it?
She has no clue what she is talking about. Republicans pulled a even bigger con than Trump did on Americans. The Democrats are not pushing socialism.
Holy crap! What a massive amazing lie!

Why should a young person have to go deep into debt for a college education?
Blame the colleges for consistently jacking up their tuition costs. Cars cost something. Houses cost something.
Food costs, etc. Why should college be free?
Well, it will only be free to little Betty who wants her worthless college degree in liberal arts. Everyone else is being asked to make her education cost nothing!

Should peopole die because they can't afford the hospital bills?
NO ONE is denied medical
services due to income. Stop lying.

Helping people is not socialism. It is common decency. For this bitch, if you are muiddle class or poor, her message is "drop dead."
You start this post by lying about democrats and socialism and by the end you make an appeal
for it. You are a pathetic dope.

The Democrats are not pushing socialism. That is a fact. You are rthe one who is the massive liar.

Public colleges have seen a steady erosion in the level of support they get from states. Many years ago college was either free or inexpensive. Today you can go tens of thousands of dollars in debt. That will have a affect on the economy. It will slow the economy down as they are unable to start families or buy houses.

We can't have free healthcare. The fact is that Obamacare is a reasonable step. Biden wants to offer a medicare for all option. It also allows insurance companies to compete.

The fact is that liberals are right in terms of the issues facing this country. We need to start compromising or this country is in big trouble. Look at what happened in Florida. A initiative to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour got more votes than either Biden or Trump.
I believe the words of someone who has suffered the state policies of a socialist nation more than any utopian minded American liberal. Liberals here are too stupid to believe what these people say about how socialism turns out for the common man.
She has no clue what she is talking about. Republicans pulled a even bigger con than Trump did on Americans. The Democrats are not pushing socialism.
Holy crap! What a massive amazing lie!

Why should a young person have to go deep into debt for a college education?
Blame the colleges for consistently jacking up their tuition costs. Cars cost something. Houses cost something.
Food costs, etc. Why should college be free?
Well, it will only be free to little Betty who wants her worthless college degree in liberal arts. Everyone else is being asked to make her education cost nothing!

Should peopole die because they can't afford the hospital bills?
NO ONE is denied medical
services due to income. Stop lying.

Helping people is not socialism. It is common decency. For this bitch, if you are muiddle class or poor, her message is "drop dead."
You start this post by lying about democrats and socialism and by the end you make an appeal
for it. You are a pathetic dope.

The Democrats are not pushing socialism. That is a fact. You are rthe one who is the massive liar.

Public colleges have seen a steady erosion in the level of support they get from states. Many years ago college was either free or inexpensive. Today you can go tens of thousands of dollars in debt. That will have a affect on the economy. It will slow the economy down as they are unable to start families or buy houses.

We can't have free healthcare. The fact is that Obamacare is a reasonable step. Biden wants to offer a medicare for all option. It also allows insurance companies to compete.

The fact is that liberals are right in terms of the issues facing this country. We need to start compromising or this country is in big trouble. Look at what happened in Florida. A initiative to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour got more votes than either Biden or Trump.
You need to read something outside MSNBC and CNN. Good grief you are naïve.
She has no clue what she is talking about. Republicans pulled a even bigger con than Trump did on Americans. The Democrats are not pushing socialism.
Holy crap! What a massive amazing lie!

Why should a young person have to go deep into debt for a college education?
Blame the colleges for consistently jacking up their tuition costs. Cars cost something. Houses cost something.
Food costs, etc. Why should college be free?
Well, it will only be free to little Betty who wants her worthless college degree in liberal arts. Everyone else is being asked to make her education cost nothing!

Should peopole die because they can't afford the hospital bills?
NO ONE is denied medical
services due to income. Stop lying.

Helping people is not socialism. It is common decency. For this bitch, if you are muiddle class or poor, her message is "drop dead."
You start this post by lying about democrats and socialism and by the end you make an appeal
for it. You are a pathetic dope.

The Democrats are not pushing socialism. That is a fact. You are rthe one who is the massive liar.

Public colleges have seen a steady erosion in the level of support they get from states. Many years ago college was either free or inexpensive. Today you can go tens of thousands of dollars in debt. That will have a affect on the economy. It will slow the economy down as they are unable to start families or buy houses.

We can't have free healthcare. The fact is that Obamacare is a reasonable step. Biden wants to offer a medicare for all option. It also allows insurance companies to compete.

The fact is that liberals are right in terms of the issues facing this country. We need to start compromising or this country is in big trouble. Look at what happened in Florida. A initiative to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour got more votes than either Biden or Trump.
"Many years ago college was either free or inexpensive."

When, Oldtimer?
Democrats are the party that believes in Social Security.

Republicans want you to believe that Social Security is Soviet Authoritarianism.
Only the general warfare is good for the right wing not the general welfare.
What's with all the idiot-babble you're posting today?
It is every day. Ask him how much of your hard earned monies someone else is entitled to and watch him run away. He cannot answer that question. Doesn't compute.
If the rich can't do it with private charity it must be an obligation of Government. And, you merely have nothing but special pleading. Why not create an investment fund to help fund the general welfare under our form of Capitalism?

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing every time it comes up.
An investment fund wouldn't be nearly big enough to even touch the welfare you want. There's just not enough money to give everyone a guaranteed $5/hr subsidy for smoking pot in Mom's basement. I've given you the numbers on this, it's not my problem you don't know how numbers work.
I agree to disagree. Solving simple poverty means more people circulating capital and paying more taxes. The Poor should have the opportunity to pay their share of the tax burden.
If you disagree, show me the numbers.
Solving simple poverty means more people paying more taxes. Why do you believe your taxes would go up and not down with more people paying more taxes?
No, you're not off the hook that easy. You said an investment fund would help fund welfare. I challenge you to find out how much money we would need to pay everyone who does not work $15/hr. That's your tax, and it has nothing to do with whether my taxes would go up or down. Show me the numbers.
Last time I went over this with some math guys, it was around three trillion dollars to solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And, raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour generates over nine times more in federal income tax revenue from that one individual than someone earning the current federal minimum wage.
No you didn't.

How much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to? I ask again.
Yes, I did. You must have missed it.

In an at-will employment State? Just quit and stop paying taxes if you are not moral enough to help the less fortunate.
Nope. You're dancing around it. Tell me how much. 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%?

morality is subjective
The rich pay more than you. Why do you bother to complain, just get a better job where you won't mind.
I am not complaining. I am asking you a question that you refuse to answer.
Let's ask the right wing. They seem to think we have a general warfare clause yet insist on tax cut economics. How important are our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Until you answer me we have nothing to discuss. Troll.
Raising the minimum wage means people paying more taxes; your individual tax rate would not need to be as high as it is now. Solving simple poverty also means more people paying taxes. I expect our individual taxes to go down.
You again didn't answer me. Go away, loser.
It should be less than what you are paying now. Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. Implementing more market friendly economics policies must reduce your tax burden.
I want a concrete answer. Something you cannot give.
Full employment seemed to be beneficial when accomplished in our economy by Government during WWII. Purchasing power was much better back then.
Still waiting for a concrete answer.
With full employment wages should go up so you don't feel the tax burden as much due to greater purchasing power.
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
How much of what I earn are you entitled to take? It's a simple question. If someone is holding a gun to my head and demanding my wallet, it hardly matters whether there's $5 or $500 in it, does it?
How about what it costs to run our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Abolish those, since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them, and it could cover actually promoting the general welfare by solving simple poverty in our at-will employment States.

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